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Will the old Primes get updated?


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I think this of feedback but I put it here. 

I think it would be cool if some of the old primes get an update to their appearance. 

Frost Prime looks very similar to his non-prime counterpart and his stats aren't much higher as far as I know. 

Seeing something more to Excalibur Prime would be nice aesthetics wise. 

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There've been many requests for visual updates for probably the last two years. DE pretty much has the unspoken stance that once an item makes it into the game, no changes occur to the model, aside from nigh invisible mesh fixes and such. Frost prime in particular has been requested a lot over time, but not a word has been uttered by DE on the topic.


In all honesty, quite a few models are in need of updating, DE just seems to turn a blind eye, is all. Mynki is essentially god in that department

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I wouldn't mind the 'warframe art team' going through and fixing all the clipping (and how the syandana's fall because of it) and bugs with skins (frost christmas skin doesn't fully 'colour' with things like the cold overlays for example or even just kneeling in navigation screen)

Edited by LSG501
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44 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

DE pretty much has the unspoken stance that once an item makes it into the game, no changes occur to the model, aside from nigh invisible mesh fixes and such. 

bo, braton, paris ect...

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