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Supra Vandal gunshake makes me feel nauseous, please change


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You used the words " blackmailing players"  and " attacking players".  That is very much 100% implied malicious intent.

There are moments to use hyperboles, not every time. Otherwise your sentences will not emphasize anything and just look strange.

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1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

You should try Zenith primary fire without zooming in if you think there is somethin wrong with Supra.

Or Latron Wraith.it ain't automatic weapon and it's meant to be aimed which is far worse.

Edited by RistN
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3 hours ago, Ikusias said:

So we report the problems to DE and pray that someone there takes notice and solves the problem in a sensible way.

Prisma Supra shake is absolutely over the top and feels more like blackmailing players in wasting a slot on stabilizer just to avoid screenshake induced sickness.

i'd like to remind DE staff that visually attacking players with visually harmful effects is potential basis for legal action.

Are you serious? DE isn't the Umbrella Corporation. They are not 'blackmailing' you into doing anything. They are most certainly not visually assaulting (my my, big words, much wow) anyone.

And legal action? Please. If you really think anyone is going to take you seriously on suing a company over screenshake, then you're massively deluded.

1 hour ago, Ikusias said:

nowere I imply malicious intent

Quite untrue. By using words like 'blackmail,' and 'visually attacking,' you imply that DE is out to slave your mind to their databases. Which is as stupid as it sounds.

1 hour ago, Ikusias said:

About DE I've had it with their behaviour towards their customers and their policy of ignoring porblems until people stops complaining, they have responsabilities and it's time that realize it! Last active mebers of my clan left the game after this last gem.

At this point, you're throwing out hyperbole without anything to back it up. If every problem here was ignored until we just gave up, I doubt we'd have a Warframe anymore. Also, obligatory:

"Ah yes, the 'clan members are leaving after X' argument."

Image result for ah yes reapers gif

"We have dismissed these claims."


To the OP's issue, I think it is worth looking into, because I personally agree that screenshake is annoying (nauseous, no, in my case, but annoying nonetheless). I understand some people like it for the feeling, but at least looking into it would be helpful for those who really do suffer from nausea.

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Honestly english is not my mother language and at this point i couldn't care less, fact remains that this level of screen shake is inappropriate and potentially harmful, if DE doesn't solve the issue they open themselves to legal action. Societies have been sued for much less.

it's not ammissible that using that weapon ummodded for any extension of time leads to nausea and headaches, it's their mistake and they have the duty of fixing it.

You have your point of view I have mine, nothing forbids us to respect each other unlike you did with most your post.

Edited by Ikusias
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4 minutes ago, Ikusias said:

Honestly english is not my mother language and at this point i couldn't care less, fact remains that this level of screen shake is inappropriate and potentially harmful, if DE doesn't solve the issue they open themselves to legal action. Societies have been sued for much less.

No, you can't. You can't sue someone for something like that. Causing nausea is bad, and I agree that it needs to be looked into, because it can be detrimental, but unless you can pull out a quote from the appropriate source stating that there are legal repercussions to this, there is no harm of legal action. Post proof, or concede.

7 minutes ago, Ikusias said:

it's not ammissible that using that weapon ummodded for any extension of time leads to nausea and headaches, it's their mistake and they have the duty of fixing it.

There is no mistake, though. A few people have complained. The rest have not. This does not imply a mistake, it implies that a few people have an issue that must be taken into account. It's basically 'you did what you did, and some people just happened to be negatively affected.' This isn't right or wrong; it just is.


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On 5/16/2017 at 5:19 PM, Evanescent said:

Thank you.

If a feature is causing problems, it needs to be looked at. Forcing me to gimp my build just to make a weapon usable is just dodging around the issue.


That's why it's called downside, you are more or less forced to use mods to compensate for it. If it affects you so much, there is no need to hesitate. 1 mod out of 8 won't weaken your build enough to actually matter. Alternatively, you can grab a riven with -% recoil. Those can have other powerful bonuses as well to make it worth using the slot.

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4 minutes ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

That's why it's called downside, you are more or less forced to use mods to compensate for it. If it affects you so much, there is no need to hesitate. 1 mod out of 8 won't weaken your build enough to actually matter. Alternatively, you can grab a riven with -% recoil. Those can have other powerful bonuses as well to make it worth using the slot.

No, a downside has gameplay consequences. A downside does not affect you physically in a debilitating way.


I like my recoil. One of the reasons I really like the grogon series, makes the gun feel powerful. But this is ridiculous.

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