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Thoughts on a Revisited Hydroid


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When thinking about Hydroid, he is essentially the water frame. Using that as inspiration, here are some ideas for a possible rework. 

Passive: Rather than tentacles erupting from the ground from slam attacks, while bullet jumping hydroid becomes a wave knocking enemies down that he passes through. with no energy cost of course. a simple, effective tweak

1) Tempest Barrage: Just needs a little tweaking so that it's a more reliable source of crowd control

2) Undertow: Really a good skill, with the knockdowns and ability to drown anyone standing in the puddle. My only suggestion for this skill; allow him to move. Similar to Wukong's cloud ability, but of course he's water so he won't be able to fly, but he can move. Making him more effective at spy missions. 

3) Tentacle Swarm: Good skill, just not worthy of an ultimate attack.

4) Liquify: Hydroid embodies his true nature and turns himself into a body of water, putting him into an invulnerable state. Similar to Valkyr's Hysteria. A channeling ability of course. With this ability you could give him an exhaulted weapon like a special dual cutlas, with its own combo attacks, or not, but this liquify form would make Hydroid a true end game warframe. 


These are my thoughts on what I believe to be a simple yet very effective rework. I think this would harness the true nature of the water frame. Allowing all of his ability augments currently in game to still be useful and effective, but also allowing hydroid to break free of being the niche farming frame. I love the idea behind hydroid and I believe that this could make him very effective. Even as an added idea for an augment for Liquify, Hydroid reflects x% of the damage dealt to him. 

Feedback and thoughts are welcome. Thanks!

Edited by oogityboogity
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Honestly, I feel that Undertow should be removed entirely.... It is a useless ability that people just use to go AFK. Instead we should be able send a tidal wave at the enemies and knock them down, and acts as a shield that bullets can't penetrate, and since tempest barrage would then need changed, they could make it so it procs corrosive automatically and just change the augment.

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Well with the passive I thought of you wouldnt need to waste an ability on tidal wave..as bullet jumping would already do that for you. Also with the added Liquify form you wouldnt need a shield as you wouldnt take damage. I think undertow could be useful, if they allowed you to move. Also the knockdown comes in handy if overwhelmed by hoards of enemies right now. I just turn it on and turn it off quickly. I think it's viable. Just not in it's current state


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3 minutes ago, oogityboogity said:

Well with the passive I thought of you wouldnt need to waste an ability on tidal wave..as bullet jumping would already do that for you. Also with the added Liquify form you wouldnt need a shield as you wouldnt take damage. I think undertow could be useful, if they allowed you to move. Also the knockdown comes in handy if overwhelmed by hoards of enemies right now. I just turn it on and turn it off quickly. I think it's viable. Just not in it's current state


If Undertow could get decent damage then it might be ok, but as it sits right now you pull them all under and they don't die, so when you come back up your right back where you started.

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Just now, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

If Undertow could get decent damage then it might be ok, but as it sits right now you pull them all under and they don't die, so when you come back up your right back where you started.

Except all the enemies are now knocked down. Then you could bullet jump out keeping them down. Or as it is right now, after i use the knockdown from undertow, I use tidal wave to escape.

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Is it just me being confused on why everything is being revisited? Plenty of warframes work just fine without the need for total reworks. I think Hydroid is just fine and as cool as it would be we don't need Excalibur's 4th being cookie cutter into every other warframe somewhere down. That would just get boring and seems to still be a trend to suggest.

If we are really going to revisit things how about we go after abilities that are hardly used or do not synergies one bit. Novas first ability would be one that demands that kind of treatment by now.

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Because hydroid is completely useless at endgame when none of his powers do enough damage to be worth bringing him to team and his 4th ability makes it harder to kill things when other frame CC's actually might keep them in place for easy headshots and such.  I have never seen a hydroid in sortie before and don't think I ever will.  He does have some use in farming for resources, but it is harder to kill things being flung around.

Edited by Fliktor06
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14 hours ago, Monybags33 said:

Is it just me being confused on why everything is being revisited? Plenty of warframes work just fine without the need for total reworks. I think Hydroid is just fine and as cool as it would be we don't need Excalibur's 4th being cookie cutter into every other warframe somewhere down. That would just get boring and seems to still be a trend to suggest.

If we are really going to revisit things how about we go after abilities that are hardly used or do not synergies one bit. Novas first ability would be one that demands that kind of treatment by now.

The exalted weapon I don't think is really cookie cutter..a few war frames have it..each of those have their own unique combos..that doesn't make it cookie cutter..but as i said it didn't have to have the exalted weapon (although i think the trident weapon someone suggested would be cool) I think that liquify form would be enough for him..allowing you to be an effective member of a team and not worry about dying all the time..hydroid is ok as is, but it takes some real skill to play him effectively late game, which is why he definitely needs a rework. I think the whole tentacle theme was a bad idea imo. I just don't see how tentacles were focused so heavily on a water frame that, in theory has so much more potential. but the rework I suggested was making minimal changes, allowing two things:: the use of current in game augments with the exception of 1, and makes less work for DE. Small changes that would make the biggest impact.


14 hours ago, Fliktor06 said:

Because hydroid is completely useless at endgame when none of his powers do enough damage to be worth bringing him to team and his 4th ability makes it harder to kill things when other frame CC's actually might keep them in place for easy headshots and such.  I have never seen a hydroid in sortie before and don't think I ever will.  He does have some use in farming for resources, but it is harder to kill things being flung around.

i take hydroid to sorties..with curative undertow and quick thinking its manageable, but i agree with his 4..its ok but i just don't think it should be an ultimate..

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On 5/19/2017 at 8:03 AM, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

Honestly, I feel that Undertow should be removed entirely.... It is a useless ability that people just use to go AFK. Instead we should be able send a tidal wave at the enemies and knock them down, and acts as a shield that bullets can't penetrate, and since tempest barrage would then need changed, they could make it so it procs corrosive automatically and just change the augment.


Personally Hydroid really needs some synergy to get him going.  I like Undertow as a concept it is quite unique, but let's be honest here... Hydroid is a really low hanging fruit in terms of "AFK" frame. 


Some Synergy Idea I have would be...   Allowing Hydroid to use his 4 while in Undertow, his 4 fills the puddle with the typical Undertow tentacles that actively grab enemies and this grab range is effected by range mods.  His 2 Does damage his tidal surge does but to all enemies currently drowning in the Undertow.  His 1 Comically ejects them from the Puddle and ragdolls them.


Bam, undertow fixed and made better and we have a monstrosity that rivals Nidus.  :P





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What if undertow was turned into like a whirlpool where everything in range was sucked into it and applied constant DoT and still targetable?  Power Range would be important for it but Hydroid can't move while using it.  It would be very interesting to see at least.  His 1st ability could scale with enemy health like smite, but made much better with corrosive barrage upgrade at a cost of a slot.  His other 2 abilities could use bit of tuning as well like Swarm applying staggering effects and knocking enemies down at intervals.  Tidal surge could have about 4 seconds of duration increased by mods and allow player to control his movement by steering it.  I think these changes would not make him too op but more useful.  HIs last ability could also be used to just damage things with staggering intervals, but also summon an actual Kraken of some sorts that can tank hits.  Might be interesting if he could use any of his abilities while in the undertow state except tidal surge.

Edited by Fliktor06
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I like the idea of having his current 2 as his passive, as long as it doesn't detrimentally effect mobility and survivability the way Limbo's does. Or maybe have it so whenever he is in contact with water of any kind, including that generated by his abilities, a certain percentage of projectiles pass through him harmlessly.

His 1 with the augment is his best ability by far, and I'd like to see that remain, or be merged together.

Dropping his 4 to his 3 would make it decent.

Maybe instead of giving him an exalted weapon for his 4th, do a water version of Atlas' Rumbler ability in conclave. It'd be pretty badass to be a huge water elemental and throw huge waves and water jets at everything, smashing them into terrain and causing finisher damage. Put some kind of duration/cooldown/channel limitation on it.


I solo'd 75 waves of lith defense with him the other day. His 1 was invaluable for stripping armor and controlling enemies, it's also a one handed ability so you can easily cast it whilst reloading and flipping. His 4 was useful to slow enemies down when they were becoming overwhelming. His 2 and 3 never saw use. None of his abilities dealt any meaningful damage.

I like playing with him. His 1 with its augment is one of the best first abilities in the game, but he could definitely use some touch-ups. 

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it's not bad, though his proposed 4 is another exalted melee, like we don't have enough of those already. the rest is decent though.

Hydroid 2.0 ideas:

Passive: 20% chance to negate damage from a melee attack by turning into water (he still keeps his form, but the attack goes through him as though he is made of water).

Barrage: increased damage and range, higher knockdown chance. enemies hit 3 times in a row are "drowned": drowned enemies will slip as though they are on a wet floor and fall over when they try to sprint, they will also take more damage from Hydroid's abilities. allies are cleansed of status Procs if hit with barrage

 Tidal Surge: increased damage, range and knockdown, has a chance to Drown enemies. enemies already Drowned take even more damage and are sent flying when hit. Tidal surging through allies washes off status Procs.

Undertow: changed to have Curative undertow as a passive. Hydroid creates a safe haven where allies can be cleansed, healed and regen energy slowly over time, enemies who walk into it fall into the water as normal, enemies who survive an undertow cast are drowned. drowned enemies within undertow take more damage when submerged.

Tentacle Swarm: same as normal with increased strength, but Hydroid can now mark enemies for the monster to prioritize. these enemies will then be picked up and swung around wildly, taking damage as well. cannot drown enemies, but enemies already drowned take more damage when hit with tentacles.

I feel this  rework gives hydroid a decent passive, plenty of CC and team support, and a synergy that weakens enemies to make higher level enemies easier, thus adding some scaling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think his fourth ability should act like Suigestu from Naruto's hydrification technique!

"The Hydrification Technique is a protean, whole-body technique whereby the user can liquefy their body at will. It is the signature technique of the Hōzuki clan. This technique makes it impossible to receive damage from physical attacks"

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you know..people seem to think the exaulted weapon is a bad idea like we have a bunch of those...in fact of all the frames we have now..there's not even a handful of frames that do have them..there is only ivara, Excalibur, wukong, valkyr and mesa...people seem to think we are over ran with frames that have an exaulted weapon when that is clearly not the case. I just find it funny when people say we have enough exaulted weapons and then suggest something that is essentially an exaulted weapon..to each is own I suppose..

Edited by oogityboogity
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Hydroid needs a CC or evasion that doesn't also control him, scaling damage, and for tentacles to be less annoying for teammates that are trying to target the enemies.  

Is DE reworking Hydroid?  If he really has a prime coming in three months they've been awfully quiet about it.  Once I finish my new Oberon Prime I will only have Zephyr and Hydroid to forma up and I'm wondering if it's even worth doing regular Hydroid.

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On 5/19/2017 at 9:59 PM, oogityboogity said:

Passive: Rather than tentacles erupting from the ground from slam attacks, while bullet jumping hydroid becomes a wave knocking enemies down that he passes through. with no energy cost of course. a simple, effective tweak

1) Tempest Barrage: Just needs a little tweaking so that it's a more reliable source of crowd control

2) Undertow: Really a good skill, with the knockdowns and ability to drown anyone standing in the puddle. My only suggestion for this skill; allow him to move. Similar to Wukong's cloud ability, but of course he's water so he won't be able to fly, but he can move. Making him more effective at spy missions. 

3) Tentacle Swarm: Good skill, just not worthy of an ultimate attack.

4) Liquify: Hydroid embodies his true nature and turns himself into a body of water, putting him into an invulnerable state. Similar to Valkyr's Hysteria. A channeling ability of course. With this ability you could give him an exhaulted weapon like a special dual cutlas, with its own combo attacks, or not, but this liquify form would make Hydroid a true end game warframe. 

Passive : you just took one of his abilities and made it  passive. I must admit that his passive is bit weird and, although I haven't really used him alot, I don't really see much utility in it. It's a meh passive but unique. 

1) If they can make it less reliant on rng it would be good. 

2) This sounds nice but the thing with undertow is that it is an afk ability, if they do things to limit the amount of enemies you can have in there (either by capping it or increasing the cost to keep them in the puddle) it might be better. But i'd rather that he could just put down a duration based puddle somewhere(1 at a time) so he can still be active in the field. 

3) uh.. no.. the ult is fine where it is, it's made for CC. what they need to do is make the ult less erratic to make it easier to aim at those enemies. 

4) No more exhaulted weapons please.  It's not the "I want this warframe to be end game viable" ability. Also what's the down side to this ability, it just makes him invulnerable forever why would i turn it off? How does it fit in his theme? Just coz he has a cutlas or coz it turns him into water? nope. 


6 hours ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

Hydroid needs a CC or evasion that doesn't also control him, scaling damage, and for tentacles to be less annoying for teammates that are trying to target the enemies.  

Is DE reworking Hydroid?  If he really has a prime coming in three months they've been awfully quiet about it.  Once I finish my new Oberon Prime I will only have Zephyr and Hydroid to forma up and I'm wondering if it's even worth doing regular Hydroid.

If you're not actually going to use them right now, i would suggest you wait for the primes. And they would definitely look into reworking hydroid to sell the prime access. Right now, the only reason to use hydroid is for the puddle. which I don't think anyone would buy the prime access for. 



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On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 1:21 AM, InDueTime-EN- said:

Passive : you just took one of his abilities and made it  passive. I must admit that his passive is bit weird and, although I haven't really used him alot, I don't really see much utility in it. It's a meh passive but unique. 

1) If they can make it less reliant on rng it would be good. 

2) This sounds nice but the thing with undertow is that it is an afk ability, if they do things to limit the amount of enemies you can have in there (either by capping it or increasing the cost to keep them in the puddle) it might be better. But i'd rather that he could just put down a duration based puddle somewhere(1 at a time) so he can still be active in the field. 

3) uh.. no.. the ult is fine where it is, it's made for CC. what they need to do is make the ult less erratic to make it easier to aim at those enemies. 

4) No more exhaulted weapons please.  It's not the "I want this warframe to be end game viable" ability. Also what's the down side to this ability, it just makes him invulnerable forever why would i turn it off? How does it fit in his theme? Just coz he has a cutlas or coz it turns him into water? nope. 


If you're not actually going to use them right now, i would suggest you wait for the primes. And they would definitely look into reworking hydroid to sell the prime access. Right now, the only reason to use hydroid is for the puddle. which I don't think anyone would buy the prime access for. 



His 4 is not fine where it is. That "CC" as you call it, is probably the worst form of CC in the game. How is it helpful to a team to sling enemies around randomly making it harder for them to kill them? Doesn't need to be an ultimate, and honestly the person who thought of that as an ultimate ability should've lost their job. Also, you would turn it off for the same reason you turn excal's blade off. The puddle, just needs movement. I think DE clearly stated they're trying to get rid of AFK abilities. I think that's obvious seeing how they have a report option for afk players. Puddle doesn't even do enough damage to kill enemies. What should be added is the ability to move with it. And him being invulnerable is no different than a valkyr. Except that hydroid is made of water, you should know this by the fact that he turns himself into a puddle. With that being said...how does one hurt water with bullets? Making that suggestion all the more relevant.

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