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New Mechanic Ideas For Console (Not a complaint trash bin)


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Okay, I was wondering if there could be a possibility of there being a few changes most players don't want to happen..... So I came by the thought of some new stuff that may be cool and better.


1. Gender Slider. Maybe I'm crazy but I what if I want to be Valkyr because of her POWERS, not her looks? Well, I would like to see a gender slider, an option to convert Rino into that big cheerleader you've always wanted, or to convert the Valkyr tiger princess into a Wolverine character. This could be a mechanic, like you make one of two skins for that Warframe you always wanted to claim from the 72 hour wait period- male or female.


2. Unique movement pattern. I know, there's already the animations for the Warframe stances,but that's just STANCES. I'm talking about real, immersive movement. Take Atlas for example. He's big and chunky, making him LOOK tanky. What if I told you he could keep the sprint speed, with a heavy rumble each step he takes? I've always wanted the skinniest characters to act more agile than the largest ones. Maybe there will come a day when Valkyr runs like a cat or Wukong like a gorilla?


3. New weapon combos. In one of the latest Dev streams, they mentioned (and showed) combos with melee weapons for PC users. Now, if I were to use this mechanic, I would involve using one-handed weapons with a bow due to the lack of strength a realistic person needs to swing a 7ft battleaxe to quickly switch to a bow without holstering. Where am I going with this? I am thinking that maybe a dagger is best for the bow, since it is small and easily sheathed in a pocket for a bow. Now, if this method comes to swords, I would suggest 'weapon-fusion'. What is better than hip firing a rifle with a sword to swing separately? Making another gunblade like the Redeemer, of course! Now, I may be wrong, assuming it's better to make a 'copy' of the Redeemer, but just imagine that this fused weapon can use the handle for both the sword and the rifle. The only difference from the Redeemer is to be able to flick the barrel upwards for a sepearate firing mode

Edited by (XB1)D0V4Hk1IN2015
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18 minutes ago, (Xbox One)D0V4Hk1IN2015 said:

Okay, I was wondering if there could be a possibility of there being a few changes most players don't want to happen..... So I came by the thought of some new stuff that may or may not be cool and better.


1. Gender Slider. Maybe I'm crazy but I what if I want to be Valkyr because of her POWERS, not her looks? Well, I would like to see a gender slider, an option to convert Rino into that big cheerleader you've always wanted, or to convert the Valkyr tiger princess into a Wolverine character. This could be a mechanic, like you make one of two skins for that Warframe you always wanted to claim from the 72 hour wait period- male or female.


2. Unique movement pattern. I know, there's already the animations for the Warframe stances,but that's just STANCES. I'm talking about real, immersive movement. Take Atlas for example. He's big and chunky, making him LOOK tanky. What if I told you he could keep the sprint speed, with a heavy rumble each step he takes? I've always wanted the skinniest characters to act more agile than the largest ones. Maybe there will come a day when Valkyr runs like a cat or Wukong like a gorrila?


The first you described is a gender swap option which is sadly in the earlier day of development cancelled and instead we have the current frame system. The nyx is the old female excallibur and some frame changed gender during it's developement like mag and ember. Ash were female in concept then developed into male frame etc.


The current mobility system and movement more or less but represent the frame differences like frost and rhino are tanky frames and these are slower than a banshee, nyx and Loki etc. Mostly agreed with this but that takes them an extra time to make this happen and may be they need to recreate the whole parkour system which is very unlikely now.


These two are good ideas btw and Likely but the developement left behind these ideas so we should adopt the current system. Maybe in a warframe2 or a warframe related game we could choose our genders and pick each frame as male or female with their representive models. That would be an another mmo game but currently they focus on warframe and hopefully the game will thrive so long. 

As rpg maker game or something similar I can imagine these two as happen like a mini 3d game or as a 2d platformer. A good 2d artists with fantasy and few good programmer could make a warframe game where there are these ideas but then they need to ask the DE to do that.


Edit_ After all with the introduction of the operators it is not impossible to add a gender swap but cost times and rescources but still okayish idea.

Edited by Sziklamester
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10 minutes ago, JSharpie said:

No Gender Swap. Ever. It's more tedious work for the devs, and removes the personality of frames.

I do think the mobility needs to be refined, however.

Absolutely not ruining the frames personality. That is like you asked to choose a hero but choose the gender. The extra work part is okay that's why they decided not going with that in the early days because there were little rescources to do it. 

The mobility part is okay that would be nice if they refine some old animation and finish some clunkly unfinished ones. 

Btw I knew you will be the first anti replier :D 

Edited by Sziklamester
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Just now, Sziklamester said:

Absolutely not ruining the frames personality. That is like you asked to choose a hero but choose the gender. The extra work part is okay that's why they decided not going with that in the early days because there were little rescources to do it. 

The mobility part is okay that would be nice if they refine some old animation and finish some clunkly unfinished ones. 

Btw I knew you will be the first anti replier :D 

Ick. I don't like that I'm being called an anti-replier.

Back on topic, it would ruin the frame's personality. Do you think Lara Croft would be as badass as a dude? Do you think Snake would be as sick as a woman? Gender swapping just to gender swap is stupid. The only game to ever do it right that I've played is Prey, as it's mostly ambiguous, but Warframes are unique. Their gender reflects who they are. Atlas is not a woman. Titania is not a king. Oberon is not a queen. Even Ember who started as a male makes more sense as a female.

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29 minutes ago, (Xbox One)D0V4Hk1IN2015 said:

Gender Slider. Maybe I'm crazy but I what if I want to be Valkyr because of her POWERS, not her looks?

This thread is going to go nuts if it picks up traction so I'll just say this.  As my opinion, you are not playing some character generated humanoid that can be molded at your will.  Each frame has a specific backstory, design, and appearance for a reason.  Switching genders would completely undermine that.

I know the Lore isn't the greatest in this game, especially for certain frames, but I just could not see myself playing Ember if she were not female.  I know you are suggesting a slider so players can play how they choose, and choice is great, normally.  This, however, is like portraying an actual esbalished character.  If you play Luke Skywalker in starwars and toggle him on over to female, well its not luke skywalker anymore.

Just my opinion anyway.

The movement ideas sound interesting though. so +1 for that.

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1 hour ago, JSharpie said:

Ick. I don't like that I'm being called an anti-replier.

Back on topic, it would ruin the frame's personality. Do you think Lara Croft would be as badass as a dude? Do you think Snake would be as sick as a woman? Gender swapping just to gender swap is stupid. The only game to ever do it right that I've played is Prey, as it's mostly ambiguous, but Warframes are unique. Their gender reflects who they are. Atlas is not a woman. Titania is not a king. Oberon is not a queen. Even Ember who started as a male makes more sense as a female.

Sorry for the calling but you often replying to topics like this where you express how you not like an idea. The Lara Croft phrase is not fit here because that is a narrative game with a character which have identity in this case warframe differ and beyond the operator the frames have no identity they are just a "living" armors whom controlled by space teens. With this power they can controll the counter gender of these frames because no need to call them the same like ember would be used different name "Blaze" for example but the same theme and abilities but the looks is the opposite. 

The gender swapping in some games sounds weird but not stupid idea most of the mmo games offer to both gender with the same class rarely have games which class gender locked which is silly but in some theme this fits.

Warframe is unique but th gender spawn not lorewisely dropped simply because in that's time they had no the rescources to make it a full mmo game so they sticked with the peer to peer and one gendered frames. This is more profitable because they need time by time create one frame and they can sold much more of them. It is simple as it sounds.

Those games you mentionned above are a specific character games but if they actually changed gender now you could say the same but with different. Lady Snake, Lars Croft. 

So again that is not ruining the game lore because originally the frames were planned to be paired but they realised this way is easier to them to make and they stick with it. As developer I can understand the reasons behind but in that time (again) there werent lore in the game and the lore is after created when they decided to do it. 

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3 hours ago, Sziklamester said:

Those games you mentionned above are a specific character games but if they actually changed gender now you could say the same but with different. Lady Snake, Lars Croft. 

lmao, i can promise you, no one would watch Lars croft tomb raider, nor play the accompanying game.

In any case, this topic has been done to death, it just isn't going to happen.  Regardless of you believing it logical in the lore or that warframes are nothing but armor, DE's viewpoint is pretty clear and adamant.

At this point its just beating that poor dead horse.  Feel free to discuss the OP's mobility ideas though.

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Lore wise, the Frames don't have sexes.

They are simply remote control vessels, and the reason they are stylized male/female is simply because the Original Tenno that controlled it had an actual sex, so the Frame was made to follow the look of it because it is generally easier on a mind to control something that more closely reminds you of a "real" you.

Shape and design was also probably selected based on the psychology of the original Tenno, so more "aggressive" personalities were given more aggressive Frame looks, etc etc.

What we do now is cross-control Frames that we have copied from original designs, so we make perfect copies of those designs, and somehow don't have the technical know how to adapt them to new looks, so they are just that, identical copies of the Originals.

Yes I know that a lot of "skins" might break that idea of mine, but that's a marketing decision to make money and stay in business, so if we don't get "sex change" skins it could be as simple as DE thinking there's no return money in it based on the level of work involved.

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4 hours ago, Xekrin said:

lmao, i can promise you, no one would watch Lars croft tomb raider, nor play the accompanying game.

In any case, this topic has been done to death, it just isn't going to happen.  Regardless of you believing it logical in the lore or that warframes are nothing but armor, DE's viewpoint is pretty clear and adamant.

At this point its just beating that poor dead horse.  Feel free to discuss the OP's mobility ideas though.

And who said it I am want that in all around? I let it go long ago when they decided to bring the operators. Sorry for it but I really don't care what they stated because of the video games created to fun them and if you have headcanons for it then not really mind you if there are different stories. Warframe for me is a full of potentials and canons and not following a stated path just because the Devs decided go for it. This called free mind and freedom of think on the way you wish.

Also why did you think noone played as Lars Croft if the Lara in that time not existed? The history made these characters and if they in that time declare to go with Lars instead of Lara then they create a well fit universe for that character and nowadays we could tak about Lars. It is just an example but I guess you missunderstood my point because I am just supposed these not stated. Characters made for personalise with them games like mech series, racer games, arcade etc are made mostly without characters because the goal there to have fun and finish an objective. Warframe is had a lot of potential and there are many peoples whom played long before you and there the game shape was different and it was open for free canon because there were nothing similar what we had now.

In other game or in a future these can be changed, the videogame industry is not mean never it mean - may be.

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Dont need a gender slider. U choose whether your tenno is male or female. Ur tenno mans the warframe... So if ur tenno is a girl in a male warframe... Ur still a girl

If ur boy tenno is in a female warframe your still a boy...

The warframes are husks... The male/female depends on the tenno weilding them.

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On 5/25/2017 at 4:39 AM, DSpite said:

Lore wise, the Frames don't have sexes.

They are simply remote control vessels, and the reason they are stylized male/female is simply because the Original Tenno that controlled it had an actual sex, so the Frame was made to follow the look of it because it is generally easier on a mind to control something that more closely reminds you of a "real" you.

Shape and design was also probably selected based on the psychology of the original Tenno, so more "aggressive" personalities were given more aggressive Frame looks, etc etc.

What we do now is cross-control Frames that we have copied from original designs, so we make perfect copies of those designs, and somehow don't have the technical know how to adapt them to new looks, so they are just that, identical copies of the Originals.

Yes I know that a lot of "skins" might break that idea of mine, but that's a marketing decision to make money and stay in business, so if we don't get "sex change" skins it could be as simple as DE thinking there's no return money in it based on the level of work involved.

If they are classified as "Sexless", then why does Saryn have breasts or Atlas has a male masculine body type?

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If there is any further comments about how it would be 'non-lore friendly' to change the characters' gender, I am merely pointing out that it would expand the idea of having a Ying and Yang to every Warframe so it could give players a new perspective on Excalibur as a female, thusly naming her after another famous blade.

I am not trying to make people frustrated, but I still insist on different genders per Warframe, since Equinox can do it. Of course, the other sex of a Warframe would have to be designed differently and named differently, but it will have the same abilities.

I'm just trying to appeal to a fanbase that the creators of almost every single game ignore, like being a male Mag or a female Wukong. Otherwise, just avoid this forum entirely to ignore said logic.:nerd:

Edited by (XB1)D0V4Hk1IN2015
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On 5/25/2017 at 4:39 AM, DSpite said:

Lore wise, the Frames don't have sexes.

They are simply remote control vessels, and the reason they are stylized male/female is simply because the Original Tenno that controlled it had an actual sex, so the Frame was made to follow the look of it because it is generally easier on a mind to control something that more closely reminds you of a "real" you.

Shape and design was also probably selected based on the psychology of the original Tenno, so more "aggressive" personalities were given more aggressive Frame looks, etc etc.

What we do now is cross-control Frames that we have copied from original designs, so we make perfect copies of those designs, and somehow don't have the technical know how to adapt them to new looks, so they are just that, identical copies of the Originals.

Yes I know that a lot of "skins" might break that idea of mine, but that's a marketing decision to make money and stay in business, so if we don't get "sex change" skins it could be as simple as DE thinking there's no return money in it based on the level of work involved.

Try looking past the whole sex issue and try expanding your mind, like "Why aren't there different patterns to choose for free", "Why can't we just earn colors through side quests?" and "Why aren't there battles with your ship instead of Archwings?".

Like I've said, I don't look forward to causing people to rage, but to let them see past certain borders of their mind, so they can bring their new ideas out of the ones they've already seen. 

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