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Oberon primed trailer is here


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Greed and denial will seduce any destruction, even our own.
We are blind to future consequence, casting our debts on those to come.

But what if now the grey (?) mother sought revenge?

A brutal thorn, piercing the gushing ulcers of waste and industry.
A new green sown upon sanguine ground, fertilised with the blood and bone of its defilers

Transcript for those interested. The only thing I'm finding difficult to be sure of is the 'grey mother' line. I'm not entirely sure that makes sense, but there's nothing like a T sound in there for it to be 'great' which I'd argue makes some measure more sense.

I may also be unsure about 'sanguine ground', if only because of the direct redundancy it has with the following blood statement.

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24 minutes ago, Kethus said:

Too bad it didn't have any lore in it, just some random captain planet stuff. 

captain planet was the lore. Oberon was evidently made to do captain planet stuff but with out the horrible weakness to pollution.

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2 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

Transcript for those interested. The only thing I'm finding difficult to be sure of is the 'grey mother' line. I'm not entirely sure that makes sense, but there's nothing like a T sound in there for it to be 'great' which I'd argue makes some measure more sense.

I may also be unsure about 'sanguine ground', if only because of the direct redundancy it has with the following blood statement.

Hmm... youtube captions said grey mother, so I think that's what he said. But that leads me to wonder... who is the grey mother supposed to be? Margulis? Someone else? What is he referring to? 

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Am I the only one who was reminded of Leonidas' slow-mo killing spree from 300 when he started killing those Grineer? Oberon Prime was all like "madness? THIS! IS! WARFRAME!"... it was pretty badass honestly.

also, I want that Stug Rifle now. I just hope if we get it, it won't be as bad as the Stug is.

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

Hmm... youtube captions said grey mother, so I think that's what he said. But that leads me to wonder... who is the grey mother supposed to be? Margulis? Someone else? What is he referring to? 

Considering Earth was reduced to an Infested, wrecked wasteland, and humanity had settled upon Lua for the seat of the Empire somewhere down the line...one of the two, maybe?

I mean, I feel Earth makes the most sense as it is where Humanity is invariably from, but that then raises the question how Oberon was intended to fit into the reclamation process. Perhaps there was some level of progress on restoring Earth during the Orokin era, but the Collapse meant nothing was there to maintain matters properly.

If that's the case, then the implication so far seems to be that Saryn and Oberon were both designed for the function of restoring Earth and dealing with the threats to that project as necessary. Saryn for purging the Infested as they were the source of the problem, and I guess Oberon for rooting out and disposing of any dissident groups that were polluting Earth in addition to the Infestation; Sylvanna had managed to study and research Infested biology whilst on Earth, so evidently means to survive the Infested-wrecked Earth existed.

Before a concerted reclamation, nobody is going to care too much if you're dumping toxic waste in something essentially written off. But during a reclamation effort...I suppose Orokin policy would have been their usual binary; obey their will or die/face summary execution.

Alas, this is largely conjecture on my part for now, so take what I say with that in mind.

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1 minute ago, Blakrana said:

Considering Earth was reduced to an Infested, wrecked wasteland, and humanity had settled upon Lua for the seat of the Empire somewhere down the line...one of the two, maybe?

I mean, I feel Earth makes the most sense as it is where Humanity is invariably from, but that then raises the question how Oberon was intended to fit into the reclamation process. Perhaps there was some level of progress on restoring Earth during the Orokin era, but the Collapse meant nothing was there to maintain matters properly.

If that's the case, then the implication so far seems to be that Saryn and Oberon were both designed for the function of restoring Earth and dealing with the threats to that project as necessary. Saryn for purging the Infested as they were the source of the problem, and I guess Oberon for rooting out and disposing of any dissident groups that were polluting Earth in addition to the Infestation; Sylvanna had managed to study and research Infested biology whilst on Earth, so evidently means to survive the Infested-wrecked Earth existed.

Before a concerted reclamation, nobody is going to care too much if you're dumping toxic waste in something essentially written off. But during a reclamation effort...I suppose Orokin policy would have been their usual binary; obey their will or die/face summary execution.

Alas, this is largely conjecture on my part for now, so take what I say with that in mind.

It also fits Oberon knowing Titania. She was involved with the whole tree thing on earth, so him being an earth protector makes sense in that regard, as their lore would make sense as being intertwined. 

Could the grey mother simply be some way of referring to the earth itself (grey because the earth is polluted and no longer green?) To someone who had performed transference with a large part of the earth, similar to how we saw in Titania quest but on a larger scale perhaps, sort of becoming a living embodiment? 

I have also considered Margulis, but I'm not sure grey mother makes sense or not. There is just so much we don't know. I think Oberon is definitely meant to be protecting the earth, reclaiming it, I think a lot of that is right there. But that grey mother thing, very confusing. I wish we knew more. 

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Just now, Tesseract7777 said:

It also fits Oberon knowing Titania. She was involved with the whole tree thing on earth, so him being an earth protector makes sense in that regard, as their lore would make sense as being intertwined.

Titania's connection to Oberon is entirely on the community, really.

As for Titania, her function remains unclear for now as the only deployment we've seen of her was in the protection of Sylvanna's becoming the beginning of the Silver Grove via Transference systems. Anything else is speculative at this time.

3 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

Could the grey mother simply be some way of referring to the earth itself (grey because the earth is polluted and no longer green?)

Most likely. After all, a lack of natural elements compared to artifice tends to lead to a grey tone or such. And of course, grey just makes a good contrast to that as well, as it implies age, decay, withering...that sort of stuff.

5 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I have also considered Margulis, but I'm not sure grey mother makes sense or not.

I think we're better off keeping Margulis as no more than Deceased unless we have strong, name based evidence to imply she's not 'truly dead'. Far as I'm concerned, the fact Ballas' first Prime Trailer is him directly alluding to Margulis' "winter ashes"...suffice to say he'd be in a position to know her physiological state, having read her sentence and such.

I think...it just comes across as this interesting little metaphor, for now. After all, we know of Earth as this Verdant blue world...now picture a period in Origin's history where it stopped being that for so long, it became known as this 'grey mother', old, dead and lifeless.

Which in turn serves as perhaps the most devious agenda on Ballas' cards to ply the Warframe Project for; by arguing his Warframes can be used to begin the restoration of Earth, to make it "bathed in gold and solemn blue" again...the sheer reputation boost that would bring the Project would thus bolster whatever means he needs to facilitate production and utilisation.

I'm likely to be stepping beyond the line, somewhat...but I think it fits character...and it only shows how little the Tenno really mattered to the Orokin; if this scenario is the case...they're not so much as soldiers, but tools. Items to be employed and applied to whatever problem ails their Empire and resolve it through sheer force in some form or other. After all, the Karyst dagger highlights how there was even role as assassins...something exceptionally at odds with what we understand of the Sentient.

Odds are I'm alone in this suspicion, but I find myself growing ever less convinced the Warframes were ever intended to be used explicitly for combat against Sentients alone. Rather...Sentients became the point they had to admit they were using the Tenno at all to the wider populace. After all...how does a society develop stories about Tenno akin to being the contemporary boogey man, when they're not around?

Either way, apologies for going on, as always.

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