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Do you think we should have a vote to kick system? (screenshots included)


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7 minutes ago, TheGodofWiFi said:

Because PvE already has a system for dealing with AFK players.

Not giving them energy or rewards, which is pretty much useless and solve nothing

Edited by Myscho
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2 hours ago, Desvero said:

As a side note the probability of 3 random people ganging up on 1 player for "Meta" reasons is probably a less likely situation than 3 random players being annoyed at the 1 random toxic player. Just saying. 

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA....HA. All you need is one player that gets annoyed at one player and the other 2 will follow.

One m8 thought my name was racist in one of the games and in his "righteousness" he was so unpleasantly toxic that the situation was quite ironic. And ofc people are stupid and rarely listen, so me explaining to him that i'm not a racist didn't help. But he managed to convince other players to not revive me when i was down.

The other day i was carrying the team in Hieracon by protecting 2 excavs at the time but still got S#&$ from them.


So basically people are C***s, more power you give them the more chance there is for abuse. If someone is being toxic you have the report option.

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Did not read the all the replys so far, but


The thing that caught my eye was the fact that it was stated that Frost was somehow a bad choice for a Def mission? I don't really get that in either stationary/moving defence. For both I typically bring my Frost. For both type of Def I basically use the same Mod setup which is both for STR and EFF which lets me easily stack a Globe on stationary Def target and forget about it for a while and both target and other players are safe inside it. For moving Def missions the build lets me with full enegy move around with the def target and just spam the Globe inside the existing Globe which will both stack the current Globe and move/center it to my new location as long as I am inside it.


I have used the Globe augment mod very few times. I am not 100% sure but it seems my low DUR affects the augments freezing effects duration? At least it seems so? Considering that I have not felt it essential mod and I have just resorted to using the globe ability again if mobs get inside the Globe and push the back. (Since good EFF does not make it resource intensive + if needed I can naturally pop some of those energy gear items)


So I would be interested to know what I would exactly be doing wrong in those situation that would not make my Frost frame a good choice for the mission?


With regards to the actual subject of vote/kick system I completely agree that it would be used to grief players if something does not go their way or if the person has just decided to be a ****.  Some additional work would need to be done to make sure that legit people don't loose all the resources that they have gained so far. Just imagine a longer Survival/Excavation and getting kicked out and loosing all items etc.

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you attacked him at first, i do not agree with how he handled it, and the words he chose to use i 100% agree he needs at the least a temp ban, but at the end of the day you were being rude to him. just play and let people play how they like, if you REALLY wanna choose the frames you get in a mission recruit or play with friends, don't try to force random people to play how you want them to if they don't want to.

and finally, Frost in def sortie is fine, most of the time i do def if its sortie 3 i'm on limbo or frost, depending on the faction i'm against, and my sortie 3 frost build is a globe build too. i'm mr23, well over 2k hours, and never have an issue in sortie def, in the end, this is a game we are all playing, together, we have the same goal, we all want to finish the mission, we are allies, we should all be working together...
A vote kick system would let people who 3 queue to bully people, i've played enough CSGO to know that if you give a community a chance to kick someone a select few will abuse the *expletive deleted* out of it. 

and just think about loading into a relic mission when a new relic drops, and you get kicked by a 3 man because you didn't have a new relic equipped. it would be a hassle to police the system for DE

Edited by TheyreFood
Addressing the title.
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Vote kick system would break the game and cause so many problems.

1 for example a limbo joins the mission and everyone vote kicks him without even giving him a chance to see how he plays or whether he annoys people. Kicked for just being a limbo.

2 for example someone is getting all the kills because everyone else are scrubs. Vote kicked for just being good.

3 for example someone who isn't fluid in English. Vote kicked for not understanding "racism".

4 well the list goes on and on like a Duracell battery and I'm at work so use your imaginations.


Also if you're playing frost and using snow globe and it's getting in other people's way and they ask you to remove it be respectful and do so, if you need snow globe to survive as frost you're a scrub, frost has great CC potential. All that frost did was cause the problems.

Edited by GrimSoulis
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I would say no to a vote to kick system. As others have said, it can be abused. 

However, it's really annoying that there is no way to deal with griefers, toxic or leeching players. It's you the one that has to leave the game, the only thing you can really do. Which is an inconvenience.

Interestingly, I also play Payday 2, and in that game, the host of the session has ALL the power. He can kick anyone, at any time. And most players are OK with that. As a matter of fact, when they though about introducing a vote to kick system, the great majority of the community went into an uproar.

So, one suggestion that can be considered, is that if a player is hosting a game where he invited the people in the session, for example, asking in the recruit chat, he could be given the power to kick the players in that session in case one of them ends up being a rotten apple.

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Hey Everyone,

I came across this post this morning and was quite alarmed. I want to remind everyone that it is never ok to post, quote, or repost any material that contains profanity, racial slurs, or other hateful language. I realize many of you who shared this content likely did not read the entire conversation and perhaps missed this. 

I would like to remind everyone here to read up on the forum guidelines if you do not understand why I had to remove the images from the initial post. Any attempts to share them elsewhere will be met with penalty from this point forward.

I am now going to lock this thread.

Thanks all,


Guidelines: https://forums.warframe.com/guidelines/

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