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Can Warframe Beat What Destiny Has?


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The one reason I know that most of you guys have never even touched Destiny (at least not in it's current form) is that you think the two games are remotely similar. I have more time in both games than is probably healthy so I feel like I could clear up some confusion here.

1. Destiny is a game about picking one class/character and refining and building that character up to be the best it can be. Warframe is a game about using a variety of characters and skill sets.

2. Destiny is largely more focused on player skill. There's a higher emphasis on precision kills and using all of the gear and abilities at your disposal as effectively as possible. Destiny is almost never a horde shooter like Warframe often is (only exception is Prison of Elders and even then, not really).

3. Destiny is an RPG. Warframe is not. You have to manage your stats in Destiny and armor comes with perks and stat alterations and isn't purely cosmetic.

4. Acquiring items is entirely different. Most weapons and armor drops from enemies/activities so you're encouraged to farm for the item you want rather than for the materials and credits to make that item.

The only similar thing about either game is that they're looter shooters. That's it. Aside from that they're as different as can be.

I'm putting this in a similar paragraph to get it through to people - Destiny is not a copy of Warframe. They are similar in genre and literally nothing else. Is Warframe a copy of Borderlands because they're both looter-shooters? No, because that would be a stupid thing to think.

Also, for everyone saying that almost no one plays Destiny, it has the same amount of people, probably more, playing it than Warframe. As mentioned before, most of the people in this thread criticizing Destiny have probably never touched the game.

Edited by Gsterman
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On June 18, 2017 at 10:48 PM, Kaotyke said:

Just this: Remember the Original Destiny and its RNG, Crucible and, must pay, DLC.

And now... "All the progress you made in the first game are null and void."

Lmfao, that was already the case early into Destiny 1, every DLC the gear you spent hundreds of hours grinding for were made null and void, Anyone who actually thought their D1 characters were getting brought to D2 with everything they had was wishful thinking.. That's just not how this Bungie-Actvision demon works, they WANT you to "start over" every DLC, play everyday, every week, spend lots of money, and leave you in the dust if you aren't a constant player, If you leave Destiny too long you will not only have to knock down a paywall, but also you really kinda come back empty handed, Least on Warframe you can come back to plat that'll always be there.. The money/time you spent never becomes irrelevant on Warframe.

Edited by (PS4)Poloboyzz93
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Warframe has been at a sort of grindwall deadend in its development for a while, I guess it reached that point before I even started playing it 1 year ago. There's not much to do in this game except a handful of quests and a ton of grinding for stuff like that perfect riven roll. I doubt Destiny 2 will be much better, but I'm at least hoping it will have a lot more interesting content to discover and explore than this game. 

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Destiny 1: You have to go on the forums to find a clan, if you have no friends who introduced you to the game. You also have to pay a monthly (or yearly) subscription to an unaffiliated company just to play online. Cayde-6.

Warframe: Mobility. In-game text-based chat (with everyone ever). Endless goals to achieve (you can never have enough forma, but 1000 strange coins and 200 exotic shards have no use late game)

Both: microtransactions. social space. emotes. voice chat. occasional "drink bleach and die" players. Friendly devs with periodic game updates. guns.

Destiny 2: Pretty graphics. Cayde-6(?). No more random weapon rolls.

Warframe 2017: Pretty graphics that will warrant me buying a new PC. FISHING


3 months and still haven't picked up Destiny 1 again. The longest I went without playing Warframe was 20-something days.

Edited by KettleTicket
final note
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