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does anyone else find the loyalty mechanic for kubrows a bit annoying


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4 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Yes, I've had my kubrows lose loyalty in those situations. 


85% integrity 100% loyalty.  If its happening to you, its a bug or you are misremembering it dying in missions.

4 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

Also, kavats don't lose loyalty, genius.

That's because cats are and will always be better than pathetic mutts.  Yes, knowing this does make me a genius.  Thank you for such a grand compliment.

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1 hour ago, Xekrin said:

 If its happening to you, its a bug or you are misremembering it dying in missions.

Reminder that sometimes the dog loses 20% loyalty if you didn't pet it the day before even if it didn't die.

It's hard to know what is and isn't a bug when they won't speak about them beyond, "maybe we'll give them a loot vacuum."

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1 minute ago, Chipputer said:

It's hard to know what is and isn't a bug when they won't speak about them

Yeah, one of the reasons I do not bother with pets very often, there is no extensive guide on them (in the game itself), and very little info is displayed, even in the codex.  I only have like 8 kubrows and 4 kavats and its an absolute pain to get any real info on them prior to removing them from stasis, which takes forever doing it one by one to decide which pet to use or which pet has low loyalty/integrity or which pet needs a potato or which pet was already ranked to 30 once or which .... you get the idea.

There is just far too much in this game and they create something then leave it to its own devices without ever going back to flesh it out more.  Companions are one such instance where they said "Hey, these are cool, try em out!"  After which they leave it up to players to figure out and delve into without bothering to make the system worthwhile.

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1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

they leave it up to players to figure out and delve into without bothering to make the system worthwhile.

Well the cats are perfectly fine and worthwhile to use and I'd argue that Sahasas, Helminth Chargers, and Huras Kubrows are also relatively balanced and okay to use, as well. The issue is just the sheer amount of love they've thrown at Sentinels and the ignoring of the pets.

Better instructions, while helpful, won't change the fact that very few dog breeds are even worth using outside of very specific builds. It won't change that it's almost required to stick 6 to 8 forma into an animal companion for them to be able to survive at top tier levels. It won't change that we have no way to control them. It won't change that there are bugs that reduce their usefulness so much that some people have foregone them entirely. It won't change the clear bias toward the cats over dogs (say what you will about your real life preference, in the aspect of game balance this is inexcusable).

It also won't change the fact that my Sentinel has so much more utility that I'd be a fool to give it up just for whatever niche buff they're giving me unless my party composition specifically is calling for me to bring, say, an Adarza Kavat.

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1 hour ago, Chipputer said:

Better instructions, while helpful, won't change the fact that very few dog breeds are even worth using outside of very specific builds.

All also true, which is what I meant by we have too much going on in the game.  Too many different systems that they give us the bare bones and don't go back to improve upon it.  Kavats were more fleshed out than kubrows were but they still have their problems, some shared with kubrows.

They need to do a Companions 3.0 (or whatever x.0 version it'd be) instead of giving us more and new other stuff that leaves the old stuff to collect dust.

Companions should be a wholely different unique system instead of basically tailgating off warframes, instead of 'lets give them mods and forma and so on' there should be a more unique approach to how we interact and build them rather than merely being replicas of what we do for ourselves already.

At the very least they need to comb through the entire system and refine and retune things to make them more up to date rather than tossing us a new incubator as a band-aid to fix the things that need fixing.

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it's just your average f2p system, they want you playing the game everyday, what better way to do it then force you to use dna bollocks and interaction bollocks with the companion, frankly I don't use companions and never will unless they get rid of the tamagotchi aspect of companions, I'm here to be a bad &#! space ninja, not a dog sitter

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Honestly as much as i prefer pets over sentinels the dna integrity loss and kubrow loyalty loss just always bother me i usually don't free up any pets cause i know they're always losing hp or damage and it sucks and eats my creds i'm using to finally upgrade primed mods.


If they stopped those 2 things i'd always use a pet over a sentinel F*** vacuum i have animal instinct.

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It is annoying, but I guess if I was a Kubrow I would have constant loyalty issues with a teenager who keeps ejecting my fellow canines out of the nearest airlock for 25k.

Edited by Valiant
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As with any relationship -- there are trials and tribulations.

Don't like the current system with your kubrow/kavat? Don't use 'em. You might want to avoid attempting relationships with more complex living things seeing that you cannot compromise on something as simple as a coded relationship like this game has, that you're choosing to 'play'.

Don't like how they lose integrity over time? Stasis them just before the flip of the 'day' or your multiple week long trip away from the ship. Farm credits from a few endless defense missions to stock up on the 'fix' from the Market.

The loss of loyalty from dying, yeah, that sucks. Keep an eye on Kujo while you're out and about slaughtering things. Like you do your squad mates when you're teamed up.

As for the game breaking 'bugs' (them falling through cracks, or Operator related stuff) -- use the bug forums/support tickets, get the issue attention. Be a part of the solution, rather than pointing at the fire and continuing the diffusion of responsibility.

Complaining about what comes with having a furry (or feathered?) friend, makes the original post more about impatience and lack of accepting the price of relationship. Don't own pets in real life, you might dislike having to take them outside so they can poop, pee and all that stuff. Use a Sentinel, or be the ubermensch of Tenno society and avoid any 'pet' use, giving you bragging rights!

There, I've offered you alternative views to your complaints. Not dismissing your original thoughts or wants, just telling you -- there are other ways.

Ultimately, you can use the power of your 'wallet' with this free to play game, and stop playing. No more reason to complain/suffer that way.

We recognize your 'complaints', dismiss various of them as fellow users of the game, and offer suggestions on how to move along.

Happy Hunting.

Edited by Raaksa
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