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May We Have Primed Chamber Now?


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I just wiki it. Braton Vandal isn't better than Braton. Just a different version. They both have same damage, Same Clip Size, Same base Critical Damage and that is where the similarity ends. Braton has larger ammo size. Vandal has 0.07 faster reload speed, twice as much base Crit change at 5% which isn't a lot, higher accuracy and less recoil.


I was taking a cheap shot at that poster, because I disagree with him on the Brandal. I really shouldn't have. 


Exclusive items in general ruffle my feathers in a big way. I'm a completionist. Games with exclusive items are super stressful for me. They're a gaping, irreparable hole in your collection. It's like talking to someone who's missing a front tooth, and oh my god you can't stop staring because there ought to be something there and there isn't

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I was taking a cheap shot at that poster, because I disagree with him on the Brandal. I really shouldn't have. 


Exclusive items in general ruffle my feathers in a big way. I'm a completionist. Games with exclusive items are super stressful for me. They're a gaping, irreparable hole in your collection. It's like talking to someone who's missing a front tooth, and oh my god you can't stop staring because there ought to be something there and there isn't

I know that feel. However there will always be people who are complaining and b*tching. So far from the DE pov the best way to shut them up is give them something exclusive like Vandal.

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 Prime Chamber is a trophy card - probably the first of a few.


 If you want it - win it. If you can't win it you can't have it.


 Eventually events will be a little more common and Trophy cards make a good prize for that time.



 The Charged Chamber mod has an identical function and can be obtained by anyone. Go snag that.

Charged chamber is a lot weaker.


I've been spending money, and still have platinum left; I'm fine with having to spend money on this game from time to time. But now to keep up I have to spend my entire weekend on the game, and worse, even then only have a chance at winning something gameplay-affecting?


Look, I know DE like their game. That's understandable. But thinking that, even for short periods, it should be the only focal point of ones life, or you're going to miss out - that's insane.

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I had a conversation about Primed Chamber with someone from DE, and the statement was: "I can't give out Primed Chamber, that is event-exclusive." We get Charged Chamber. Maybe Primed Chamber comes in other events, again.


Would be nice if someone of them actually had the balls to post it themselves

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Charged chamber is a lot weaker.


I've been spending money, and still have platinum left; I'm fine with having to spend money on this game from time to time. But now to keep up I have to spend my entire weekend on the game, and worse, even then only have a chance at winning something gameplay-affecting?


Look, I know DE like their game. That's understandable. But thinking that, even for short periods, it should be the only focal point of ones life, or you're going to miss out - that's insane.


 Yeah. I understand this. I've mentioned this fact and how I agree already to DERebecca. This is all I can do however. I'm just relaying this information, after all. 

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 Yeah. I understand this. I've mentioned this fact and how I agree already to DERebecca. This is all I can do however. I'm just relaying this information, after all. 

I know, I'm just trying to explain how I feel and why.


I'd be much happer if a future event went like this instead:

- Kill 20 Informants to get Snipetron Vandal

- Kill 100 Informants to get Primed Chamber

- Top 100 Players will receive cosmetic item (warframe skin, weapon skin etc. etc.)

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DE- Says Frost Prime is an exclusive reward, lets everyone get it


Doesn't say any of the rewards from balloon event are exclusive, they all are.

I don't think they ever stated it was lined to be exclusive. They just gave out the blueprint for an event and said it'd be useful when the frame releases. 


It was community conjecture that assumed it was an exclusive reward. 

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I don't think they ever stated it was lined to be exclusive. They just gave out the blueprint for an event and said it'd be useful when the frame releases. 


It was community conjecture that assumed it was an exclusive reward. 


Really???? Look at minute 25...Try agaIn

Edited by DoMe_22_
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>People farm the entire weekend, some people with no rest,

>You expect it to get it in the drop table because you didn't want to farm kills.

Please keep this exclusive DE, it wouldn't be an "exclusive" mod if you made it available for everyone before a month pasts.

Edit: I wanted this mod too, but when I realized I had to get into the top 100 I said to myself, eh F*** it, that's too hard. I never expect it to be available for everyone nor do I want it to be. 

You make it sound like every person who farmed that weekend without rest got the mod. Why don't you actually look at all the old threads complaining about farming all weekend, only to barely miss the top 100? Plenty of people deserve it. Heck, one guy was like 1 kill behind the guy who got 100th place.

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I agreed with most of that thread but I had a major beef with Namacyst. I remember him saying something like, "Brandal is supposed to be the better gun, period."

TBF, that's the vandals so far. LatoV? Better than the lato. Vandaltron? Better than every sniper right now. Brandal is the only one which doesn't, so either the other vandals need a nerf, to keep the "exclusives aren't better" thing, or the brandal needs to be buffed (maybe not to be the BEST assault rifle, but better than what it is now. another option would be to nerf the braton to like 18 damage I guess.)

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I really don't know what to do about the Vandals. They bother me more when they're strict upgrades, but honestly they'll always bother me a little no matter what. I could only live with Vandals if they didn't grant mastery, and if there were an armory for the dojo with display racks for everything except exclusives.


Primed Chamber is even harder to address as long as it's possible to stack it with Charged Chamber.


I don't know. Maybe this game just isn't for me. I mean, the gameplay is decent, but 100-percenting Warframe is not worth the stress.

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didn't get the prime chamber. killed about 25 infomer's. you know why? i've been working 50h last week. and i have a daughter. and a girlfriend. so many things that are consuming my time. i simply can't afford more than a few hours to this game.


it's so unfair, that people who don't have such things get the upperhand...





seriously: even if i had the time i wouldn't have tried to win. 


do i deserve to get that mod? i've got all of the other sweet things, such as retribution, thunderbolt or that knockback thing. just because i'm lucky (in some way, took me ages to get split chamber... :(). people who are crazy enough to do something like farming for 2 days straight, deserve to be somewhat exclusive (aside from the fact that i don't support such a lifestyle. 2days straight gaming? are you nuts?)


to those who got close:


everyday there are thounds of people that loosing to others just because one second, one point or one whatsoever is missing. some people fail their exams because of one point, some racers lose to others because of 1/10 seconds, yeah hell, there are even people dying, because theyre missing a bullet in their clip.


difference is: this is a game. it should be for entertainment. i don't get how people can get so upset about something like this, taking things to serious? cool down, get a break, it's just one lousy mod.

to me it seems like if that mod decides wether the game is fun or not


snipers sucking anyway :p

Edited by xXFlippyXx
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difference is: this is a game. it should be for entertainment. i don't get how people can get so upset about something like this, taking things to serious? cool down, get a break, it's just one lousy mod.

to me it seems like if that mod decides wether the game is fun or not


Wow, I never thought about it that way. I feel so much better now.


You know, you ought to turn your talents to solving bigger problems. Maybe tell a depressed person to cheer up, or tell an alcoholic that he just needs to practice moderation!

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Wow, I never thought about it that way. I feel so much better now.


You know, you ought to turn your talents to solving bigger problems. Maybe tell a depressed person to cheer up, or tell an alcoholic that he just needs to practice moderation!


yay, let's compare warframe to a heavy diseasy wich destroys families and lead to suicide. there is no problem in relativising something so trivial like warframe with something like an alcohol addiction. you act like a real grown up. congrats.


if warframe compares to anything like that for you, you should go and see a doctor.

i bet you won't prostitue to pay for plat. i bet you won't jump of a cliff because you didn't get that mod. i even bet, that in 2 months you don't care anymore




warframe is a game. in a game there are winners and loosers....


...well looser is the wrong word, let's call them who got the snipetron vandall (good weapon, still sucking sniper...) second. the whining about not getting that mod, won't help.


you didn't go top 100, you don't deserve it. nothing more or less to say. all people who are b*tching about not getting that mod are just sore losers

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So... your rational for less than 1% (.00333 repeating to be more specific) getting a mod... is that there are winners and losers? That's the dumbest argument ever for a F2P game. Cosmetics? Sure. Skins? Sure. Reskinned weapons that give mastery? Ehh... I could kinda see that I guess. But a mod that's better than the other 99.9966...7% get? No, that's just dumb.


The top 100 deserve something, but not an exclusive mod, that was NOT said to be exclusive. Some fancy color pack/sentinel bit/etc, sure, that's cool, and it's a GREAT reward. Who wouldn't want something "blingy" like (an example here) a golden snipetron, or a uniquely colored one, a prime skin for the snipetron, or something to just show off.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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