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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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Then once you get to Lv20, Burston Burston Burston, Buffed Burstons Everywhere and every grineer has shields in addition to his health. Before, Grineer would just spray Grakata bullets, some would hit some not. Now, they have hitscan Burstons that hit 1-2 bullets per burst and do a lot more damage.

Even the grineer realized the grakata is worthless. The biggest issue is why are level 20-30 grineer so much harder than any other faction? I am wondering if they are going to show lore later the grineer dominance is real.

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Having a think about it, let's address the real big problems with solo play since U9.


Nightmare mode isn't optional which makes it harder for new players to repeat missions to get experience.

Defense missions became near impossible to solo and certain defenses block off progress. This is the big issue with solo play, when you hit a defense mission you pretty much have to go online. No arguments from me, this is a problem.


But what made things easier?


Nightmare mods give bonuses that you wouldn't otherwise have early game. Nightmare missions are also less worrying for new players than experienced players because they're scaled to an appropriate level.

Finding an artifact, any artifact is a quick power boost that can help your progression through the game.

Pressure Point, which is more common early on, got buffed.

You can get to level 14 enemies without seeing any specialists besides commanders and seekers.


Anything else is not an update 9 issue, Enemies spawned in droves pre 8.3, I remember because I was fighting 300-500 corpus each level. Enemies spawning too close to the players is an issue that's been around for a while, spawning them more than 1 room away and making them move in would fix that.

Well, part of the problem having them spawn further away is the potential wall of them at the extraction point.

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Even the grineer realized the grakata is worthless. The biggest issue is why are level 20-30 grineer so much harder than any other faction? I am wondering if they are going to show lore later the grineer dominance is real.


Well, the in-game reason as to why is because of these elite grunts everywhere with burstons and shields....


It is simply ridiculous.


The only thing Corpus has that I hate are Techs and their ridiculous guns (let's not forget the crewman XP for killing one too), and Infested... only the ancients are things you really fear and even then it is only the Disruptors and maybe a Toxic if it manages to sneak up on you somehow.


But the Grineer? My God... some of them are overpowered.


Well, part of the problem having them spawn further away is the potential wall of them at the extraction point.


Nothing a slide jump won't fix.


It'd be better than having something spawn 5 feet away from you when you're taking cover from the Burston Spam....

Edited by Xylia
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Well, the in-game reason as to why is because of these elite grunts everywhere with burstons and shields....


It is simply ridiculous.


The only thing Corpus has that I hate are Techs and their ridiculous guns (let's not forget the crewman XP for killing one too), and Infested... only the ancients are things you really fear and even then it is only the Disruptors and maybe a Toxic if it manages to sneak up on you somehow.


But the Grineer? My God... some of them are overpowered.




Nothing a slide jump won't fix.


It'd be better than having something spawn 5 feet away from you when you're taking cover from the Burston Spam....

The REAL reason for the elite grineer: Elitist players. ;)

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The REAL reason for the elite grineer: Elitist players. ;)


Yeah, like Elitist players hang around in level 20-40 areas...


Last I checked, they were the "Xini Xini Xini Xini" crowd or the "WTF You're not soloing Pluto? That's where its all at!"

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Yeah, like Elitist players hang around in level 20-40 areas...


Last I checked, they were the "Xini Xini Xini Xini" crowd or the "WTF You're not soloing Pluto? That's where its all at!"

I normally go solo T3 Tower ..enemies last longer there, more fun shooting them. Xini is only for semi-afk key farming.


P.s.: Why is this thread still open and not closed and deleted?

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Watch this with this music in the background. I dare everyone. 


It's still open because everyone who's unhappy with the nerf to solo play is still posting their results and experiences. Some are even taking the time to start from scratch. 


Anyone still keeping tabs on this thread for so long is still supporting the OP.


And I dare say that as long as the difficulty problems are not addressed by DE, this thread will live.


The OP's post already has 70+. That's 70 unhappy players right there, not counting those who aren't active on the forums or are simply leaving warframe for other more satisfying games.

Edited by Destro6677
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I do agree that the game is getting 'Too Hard" at the moment. 


I'm not all that game to do mid to high level area's on my own and try and get my friends on to do them.


what I don't agree with the OP is the overall 'tone' of the post. 


to be honest I like the masses of enemies, makes you feel overwhelmed and you need to strive harder to succeed, having said that if I play a frame with no real CC abilities, I need specific weapons or else I have no hope in completing the mission on my own. 

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Today was actually the first time I died 6 times (now my revives have replenished, but I don't feel like playing anymore)...


I think they overdid it with the difficulty adjustment quite a tad.

When a T3 Void Capture/Raid run is EASIER than trying to farm Hyena, you realize that SOMETHING WENT WRONG. I don't even want to try going to an actually high-level mission area now.

Infected are okay'ish, but holy hell, did they overbuff Corpus and Grineer.


Also, if you increase the number of foes, atleast consider revamping the ranged enemies' accuracy. 20+ guys firing with godlike aim at Rush-Volt with maxed speed is VERY UNLIKELY.

Edited by ScorpDK
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The OP's post already has 70+. That's 70 unhappy players right there, not counting those who aren't active on the forums or are simply leaving warframe for other more satisfying games.


We as a community, do not need "jumpers" in here. Let them go I just don't kick them in the butt because I can not.

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Also, if you increase the number of foes, atleast consider revamping the ranged enemies' accuracy. 20+ guys firing with godlike aim at Rush-Volt with maxed speed is VERY UNLIKELY.


Yep. Then stop rushing through levels and actually play them, fight for your life. We're at war with the Grineer and Corpus.

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We as a community, do not need "jumpers" in here. Let them go I just don't kick them in the butt because I can not.

Why are you even returning to comment on this thread if you don't care about it?


Are you even concerned about the people who like warframe, but dislike the new difficulty and want to get it changed?


If you don't like what we're discussing here, just leave.


We as a community do not need toxic people in here. 

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Why are you even returning to comment on this thread if you don't care about it?


Are you even concerned about the people who like warframe, but dislike the new difficulty and want to get it changed?


If you don't like what we're discussing here, just leave.


We as a community do not need toxic people in here. 


uhhh make me leave then.

you're such a badass O: *irony*

No one cares. Learn it.

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It seems like Update 9 made a lot of this worse.


I remember seeing Napalms on Saturn, sure. But not one per room, you'd see maybe 4-5 in an entire mission.


Go do 5 or so E Primes right now, one of the lowest level Earth Missions, and tell me how many Napalms per mission average, because in my experiences, I was seeing 10-20 per mission, sometimes two in the same room.


I have NEVER seen two Napalms in the same room in Pre-U9. Never. Not a single time.


Flameblades? Again, 4-5 in a single mission. Now? Every other room has one.


They seemed to have really jacked up the number of specialists that spawn in a mission. Mobs are now spawning closer to you than they did in U8 and before; half of the time I can't even ATTEMPT a Stealth Mission, because mobs spawn right outside of the very first door and they see/hear me before I can even react. Again, I'll repeat the story of the time I spawned in a Galleon Level with the Fan Duct Drop-Down and a Napalm shot me through the floor before I even dropped down, AND there was a Shield Lancer and 1-2 regular lancers who proceeded to kill me before I could even react to them.


I've never seen enemies in that starting room in Pre-U9. Never.


Seems like Flameblades are doing more damage these days, I don't remember them shearing off 200-some shields and eating 50-100 into your health on the 2nd or 3rd swing before. I don't remember them doing that much stinking damage.


Then once you get to Lv20, Burston Burston Burston, Buffed Burstons Everywhere and every grineer has shields in addition to his health. Before, Grineer would just spray Grakata bullets, some would hit some not. Now, they have hitscan Burstons that hit 1-2 bullets per burst and do a lot more damage.

The spawn increases seem like they are if anything, a bug, not an intended feature. I won't miss it for a moment if they disappear. We're on the same page there.

As for the elite lancers, they take as much damage to kill as grineer troopers, the shotgun guys. The shield isn't really a big deal. Their damage on the other hand, doesn't seem like an issue. My reaction to finding out that they now use burstons was "oh hey, they nerfed lancers" because the old lancers had super accurate grakatas powered by space magic that would almost always hit after a short delay. Now lancers do consistent damage instead of none for 2 seconds then crazy shield rending damage afterwards until you break LoS for a few seconds. In case people weren't aware, the AI takes a second or two to lock on before becoming crazy accurate and the duration they could keep that accurate fire up for was based on their level. Now at the level where lancers would empty every bullet in the system into you with perfect accuracy they now shoot 3 shots with perfect accuracy and high damage then there's a delay. They didn't start doing more damage, they seem to do less in fact.

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I completely disagree with you.

I still solo almost everything (with the exception of Pluto and void key runs) far more often than I play in squads.
The only thing that stops me from soloing there is the armor scaling.

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Every arrogant elitist that posts 'go back to mercury until you're 1337' and 'l2p' in here is just helping to bump the thread further.


Good news for the rest of us who think the current difficulty is a bad thing.

Edited by Destro6677
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The spawn increases seem like they are if anything, a bug, not an intended feature. I won't miss it for a moment if they disappear. We're on the same page there.

As for the elite lancers, they take as much damage to kill as grineer troopers, the shotgun guys. The shield isn't really a big deal. Their damage on the other hand, doesn't seem like an issue. My reaction to finding out that they now use burstons was "oh hey, they nerfed lancers" because the old lancers had super accurate grakatas powered by space magic that would almost always hit after a short delay. Now lancers do consistent damage instead of none for 2 seconds then crazy shield rending damage afterwards until you break LoS for a few seconds. In case people weren't aware, the AI takes a second or two to lock on before becoming crazy accurate and the duration they could keep that accurate fire up for was based on their level. Now at the level where lancers would empty every bullet in the system into you with perfect accuracy they now shoot 3 shots with perfect accuracy and high damage then there's a delay. They didn't start doing more damage, they seem to do less in fact.


One or two Burstons will do "Shield Rending Damage" and then nothing for a few seconds...


But when levels replace all the Lancers with Elite Lancers and you find yourself in a room with 6 of them... which by the way, Burstons are QUITE accurate guns, a burst will rip into your health before you can duck behind a crate.


And again...


How many players in that other thread asked for less "Duck and Cover" and more "Run and Gun?"


These Burstons on the Elite Lancers make us hide behind crates MORE than we ever did before!


Warframe is supposed to be a game where you run and gun. You're not going to run into a room with 6 Elite Lancers and expect to run and gun. You'll get shot to death in seconds. The Grakatas miss frequently if you're running. You get hit with 1-2 shots out of a 5-6 shot burst that they fire and the Grakata Bullets do a lot less damage than a Burston's bullet.

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One or two Burstons will do "Shield Rending Damage" and then nothing for a few seconds...


But when levels replace all the Lancers with Elite Lancers and you find yourself in a room with 6 of them... which by the way, Burstons are QUITE accurate guns, a burst will rip into your health before you can duck behind a crate.


And again...


How many players in that other thread asked for less "Duck and Cover" and more "Run and Gun?"


These Burstons on the Elite Lancers make us hide behind crates MORE than we ever did before!


Warframe is supposed to be a game where you run and gun. You're not going to run into a room with 6 Elite Lancers and expect to run and gun. You'll get shot to death in seconds. The Grakatas miss frequently if you're running. You get hit with 1-2 shots out of a 5-6 shot burst that they fire and the Grakata Bullets do a lot less damage than a Burston's bullet.



A considerable amount of people wanted a more challenging game.

And here it is.

Now a bunch of you are going to cry again cause it's too hard?

can't solo? don't and join a team or get better gear.

I seriously don't get you noobies, Sobek is a guaranteed 20 kills per clip with a few mods on level 30+ mobs.


for F*** sake. grow up and get your priorities straight.

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If DE goes the same route as nexon the game will be as unprofitable as vindictus in a hurry. They NEED to keep new players happy and not induce rage quitting.

You know that DE sux at balancing, look at Rhino.....or anything else. I know levels are scaled pretty bad. Especially for the new players, but i find everything doable. Warframe needs new content badly ( U9 isnt new content, it is just old content refurbished ) and level scaling was a bad move. Bad move or not i dont see them changing it to previous level. Increasing levels was good idea that was implemented really sloppy.



I dont solo much so i might not be the best person for soloing problems.

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A considerable amount of people wanted a more challenging game.

And here it is.

Now a bunch of you are going to cry again cause it's too hard?

can't solo? don't and join a team or get better gear.

I seriously don't get you noobies, Sobek is a guaranteed 20 kills per clip with a few mods on level 30+ mobs.


for F*** sake. grow up and get your priorities straight.


*rolls eyes*


Just another Elitist who thinks everybody starts Warframe with a bunch of maxed mods and awesome weapons.




In case you didn't notice, Sobek requires....


5 Neurodes (have fun farming a week+ for those)

Salvage (Have fun with those Lv20-25 enemies if you're new to the game)


You're talking like any Newbie should have a Sobek "with the right mods". What right Mods? Hell's Chamber? People who have played 100+ hours don't even have a Hell's Chamber. Maxed out Elemental Damage mods? I don't think I even have a Shotgun Cold Damage mod. I Think I have an Electric one, not sure. I know I have like 1-2 Fire ones. They are fairly rare, Rifle seems to drop way more often and even they're rare. Point Blank? lol. Yeah, not exactly the most common thing either.


We're trying to discuss ways to make the game better for the people who have been playing <50 Hours, so that they don't say "F this" and stop playing (which is harmful to the game itself).


If you can't look past the end of your own nose to see that Warframe needs to keep newbies playing by NOT stringing them up on a rope and strangling them with ridiculously overpowered enemies/situations, then perhaps you need to just stop posting until you understand what the thread is actually about.


We, the Vets, aren't complaining that we can't solo things. At least myself and a lot of us aren't.


I can solo Lv30-40 just fine. But I'm sitting here going "How the hell is a newbie supposed to do this?" and that guy earlier said "omg this is Hell on a Newbie" when he took his Ember, MK1, Lato, and Kogake through Mercury.


That guy doing that? He was one of those "Come on it ain't that hard!" now he's going "eh yeah I bet newbies are going to get trashed regularly trying this..."


And what about ridiculous lag in random online games?


What about times when you look at your star chart and you see nobody in the mission you need (because you're a newbie and haven't unlocked your planets yet)? What do you do then? wait until someone else starts a mission there?

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You know that DE sux at balancing, look at Rhino.....or anything else. I know levels are scaled pretty bad. Especially for the new players, but i find everything doable. Warframe needs new content badly ( U9 isnt new content, it is just old content refurbished ) and level scaling was a bad move. Bad move or not i dont see them changing it to previous level. Increasing levels was good idea that was implemented really sloppy.



I dont solo much so i might not be the best person for soloing problems.

I still think the game is easy, I solo nightmare on any level range. The higher level mission level 50+ seem far better balanced right now than all under 30 and that is a real issue.

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