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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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Again all this issue would be "fixed" if DE simply shifted Hornet Strike, Serration and Point Blank to the same tier as Pressure Point (lolwut)


This is all what you really needed for most endgame content.

Before I had a Barrel Diffusion, I used a maxed out trick mag, my Despair still served me well.

The 90% extra ammo compensated in a way.


Multi-shot mods are only really needed if you are farming out extremely high end missions or bosses at record speed.

But not that much necessary.



But again, making flat damage mods drop more commonly will help newbies significantly especially from Earth onward because of how base damage affects elemental damage. And it is not like they are going to buff their damage super high in a week or so, most people (hint long time players) I know usually give up on Serration around 120% to 135% after all :p

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Gonna pop in here again and suggest something.
Make every player always have atleast 1 of every core damage module (Like with frames powers or Sentinel Precepts, aslong as you own it you have those and can't furse them)

And remake the Mod system (Not remake as in a complete overhaul, but the values). I really think this is the biggest problem right now we are getting way to much bang for our buck. Upgrading any mod once is a 100% increase to the starting value it had. It's outrageous to balance versus that. 

The difficulty isn't #*($%%@, it's the lack of mods and that mods scales out of control way to quickly, that is why people are having their "lolwut i can solo lvl 150 mobs with my tatered, formad hek with max multishot, point blank, blaze and accelerated blast. lolwut). While the newer player doesn't either have these mods so freakishly scaled or even available yet. A friend of mine did a mission on my nova to test her out, he had played once or twice before but still completed 2 ceres missions. 

While I had to waste revives when rerunning in a 0 level Excal with 0 level braton, skana and lato, with only mods i found while playing with this set-up. After 9 missions i was out of revives. I had a pretty bad day and I know i could've performed better. But with hours into the game and revives being plat only, it doesn't feel good to be a new player.

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Gonna pop in here again and suggest something.


Make every player always have atleast 1 of every core damage module (Like with frames powers or Sentinel Precepts, aslong as you own it you have those and can't furse them)

And remake the Mod system (Not remake as in a complete overhaul, but the values). I really think this is the biggest problem right now we are getting way to much bang for our buck. Upgrading any mod once is a 100% increase to the starting value it had. It's outrageous to balance versus that. 

The difficulty isn't #*($%%@, it's the lack of mods and that mods scales out of control way to quickly, that is why people are having their "lolwut i can solo lvl 150 mobs with my tatered, formad hek with max multishot, point blank, blaze and accelerated blast. lolwut). While the newer player doesn't either have these mods so freakishly scaled or even available yet. A friend of mine did a mission on my nova to test her out, he had played once or twice before but still completed 2 ceres missions. 

While I had to waste revives when rerunning in a 0 level Excal with 0 level braton, skana and lato, with only mods i found while playing with this set-up. After 9 missions i was out of revives. I had a pretty bad day and I know i could've performed better. But with hours into the game and revives being plat only, it doesn't feel good to be a new player.

Or just do the weapons like what they did to warframes. Innate strength increase just by levelling them. But eh that's gonna create another huge wave (forma).

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I think the weapons and frame should be coherent in if they are stated up when levelled or not. I don't care whatever way this goes to be honest, because that is the games foundation for balance. But even if they do that, the mods will still need to be tweaked, simply because a max player can in theory by (440% -500) efficient health or there about higher then a starter frame.


Or have a weapons damage increased by 150-165%, that is further increased by 330% because elements and further increased by Crit/Damage, to top it of all this is increased by another 90-120% due to multishot. While a new player has... 0% damage increase. This is atleast 1200% increased damage, atleast.


If we want a game that is fun and challenging for all tiers of players, the game need to follow a curve that is coherent and got a entry point that isn't non-existent due to high level players having to much stats. Removing stats is "painful" to the players, but if they removed it from everyone (Including enemies), they can finally make a difficulty curve. Which is what this game needs because right now it's not a difficulty curve, it's a single line, that is never increased, maybe with a bump or two, that suddenly crashes into oblivion as soon as you get the rare mods into your arsenal.


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I am a little bit confused, because I solo'd the Orokin Reactor alert recently - 15 waves of Corpus, starting at ~40, ending at ~60.


Frost Prime 30 (no tater/forma), Hek 30 (tater), Seer 21 (no tater/forma), Prova 25 (no tater/forma). 665 kills.

Though keep in mind frost is THE defence character vs corpus, and the weapons you had are fairly good too.  A warframe in its best element with strong weapons, against a faction that you can force into their weakest element, should be able to win.  Anything outside the snowglobe may as well not be there, becuse it's not realy even a threat to the core, and force the corpus into their weakest position (close range) to actually be any risk of loosing.



being a solo player really is not that hard just max out your mods weapons and warframes and your good to go being a decent or good player also helps iv been soloing the game since closed beta began so don't march in here and tell people like me that its impossible when its not and no i am not a hardcore player with no life i am just a veteran player who knows how to play the game

Allot has changed in that time and the difficulity curve has increased dramatically.


The problem is you have been through the easy stages and the boons; the triplicate mod drops, the rare as common mod drop, the rank 10 fusion core boon (not a huge factor all in all, but still a bonus), the orokin reactor/catalyst explosion, the ability to buy allot of weapons for credits and a number of other factors that have now made the difficulity higher.   You are already at the highend of the power curve, so of cource it will be easier than if you are at the bottom of the power curve.


Even previously the impact of not being able to buy allot of the weapons for credits pushed the need for resources higher, are rare mods are actually rare.  Some areas have doubled the enemie's level.  Some planets have moved from mid tier to top tier difficulity. Earth is now the central 'hub' instead of venus and has defence missions along the progression path.


Some rare materials are now only in missions with enemies over level 30. Take control modules for example that are needed to make all warframes and orokin catalysts, meaning to even get a weapon above 30 mod points you need to do missions against level 35+ enemies, or spend platinum.


What was previously available had a good staging for newer to mid-power players, unfortunatly it didnt cater for the existing high-power players. 


What was needed wasnt an overhaul of what was there that worked, but some additional difficulity for those players specifically (untill DE gets endgame out).  A stage two of all planets would have been all that was needed (say the current planets with enemies of +30-50 or so levels), that way new players stay on the old staging and more advanced players can move onto the higher staging.


The new setup has now, that for the same mission that slaughter mid power soloers yet in a 3-4 player squad (again mid power players) are laughably easy, just like it was peviously.  In essence breaking the solo aspesct for no real gain anywhere else (accept for maybe high-power soloers).

Edited by Loswaith
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What was needed wasnt an overhaul of what was there that worked, but some additional difficulity for those players specifically (untill DE gets endgame out).  A stage two of all planets would have been all that was needed (say the current planets with enemies of +30-50 or so levels), that way new players stay on the old staging and more advanced players can move onto the higher staging.

^This. This is what is needed. Give the hardcore players Stage 2 planets, if not their own Solar System. Have the progression on this one fixed so that new players can actually get the higher level stuff before they have to play against enemies out of their league.


And most definitely, move the defence missions off the main path! Earth has a defence mission at the T so you can only progress beyond that with a squad. 

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Regarding the defense mission subtopic, I think it stems from just a terrible level design for a defense mission.


For example, the "corpus ship" tileset is decent: enemies actually need to rush the pod to shoot it (although I would make it so the long side walkway towards the pod won't give LoS on pod).

But the cave reactor defense is absolutely horrible: Grineer soldiers can take potshots at the reactor even as they pour out of their spawn-doors.


One unexpected example on a really GOOD defense design was back when the "artifact defense" event was up: the artifact on a "snow rocks and caves" tileset was placed in the center of a round "pad" that tops that map. It was great -- there was one "backdoor" way straight towards the pod that you have to watch carefully, but otherwise pod was hidden from sight nicely (all while leaving players mostly visible for enemy attacks).


So basically, instead of fiddling with damage values and pod health, DE should actually redesign their defense maps -- and do so with the specific enemy type in mind. I totally wouldn't mind playing the current cave reactor defense, BUT with Infested, not Grineer. And any defense map vs. shooting enemies should have the pod placed in such a point that don't give too much line of sight.

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Ok, people are arguing in a lot of conflicting directions right now.

Newbie content is borked right now, making hard to progress, I think we can agree this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Perhaps by making it so that the early level planets only scale up to the 25-35 range at Europa.

Endgame content getting harder just makes it so a wider range of difficulty is available, it isn't mandatory, if you start fighting level 50+ guys expecting it to be thes same as the old level 30-40 endgame, that's on your head.

These two above issues are being argued interchangably, y'all should specify what level of enemies you're fighting when you say it's too hard.

Do we like the enemies flanking us and flushing us out of cover or are we sick of enemies surrounding us and using "cheap tactics"? I'm on the side of letting them continue surrounding us but making it so that they have to spawn 2 rooms away at least. I admit it's getting ridiculous to have to fight 3-5 rooms of enemies without leaving the one room.

The multilayered parkour room without the stairs needs a way for newbies to progress through, seriously.

Skill is a factor in this game but progression is too. It isn't all skill, it isn't all mods. A moderately skilled player with good mods can solo Pluto. A good player with decent mods can solo Pluto. You're going to need both to play.


Your issue is the fact that they changed what is now "endgame". Planets with level 50 enemies like europa ARE endgame planets. which you should NOT be on. They simply changed which planets are endgame. really anything with level 40+ enemies is endgame or pretty close as thats what was endgame before. just because they pushed pluto to 70, added more t3 void doesnt mean stuff like europa isnt engame. if its anywhere close to the levels of the stuff that was considered endgame before U9, it should be considered endgame now. just because they changed it from level 25 enemies to level 50 enemies doesnt mean  you should still be able to do europa as easily. it means its now considered endgame content. Thats why the new boss is there.

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Regarding the defense mission subtopic, I think it stems from just a terrible level design for a defense mission.


For example, the "corpus ship" tileset is decent: enemies actually need to rush the pod to shoot it (although I would make it so the long side walkway towards the pod won't give LoS on pod).

But the cave reactor defense is absolutely horrible: Grineer soldiers can take potshots at the reactor even as they pour out of their spawn-doors.


One unexpected example on a really GOOD defense design was back when the "artifact defense" event was up: the artifact on a "snow rocks and caves" tileset was placed in the center of a round "pad" that tops that map. It was great -- there was one "backdoor" way straight towards the pod that you have to watch carefully, but otherwise pod was hidden from sight nicely (all while leaving players mostly visible for enemy attacks).


So basically, instead of fiddling with damage values and pod health, DE should actually redesign their defense maps -- and do so with the specific enemy type in mind. I totally wouldn't mind playing the current cave reactor defense, BUT with Infested, not Grineer. And any defense map vs. shooting enemies should have the pod placed in such a point that don't give too much line of sight.

I didn't see the GOOD map for myself, but +1 for this. I think that relocating the pod on the Corpus defence map from that big open area to the walkway was a good starting step.

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Your issue is the fact that they changed what is now "endgame". Planets with level 50 enemies like europa ARE endgame planets. which you should NOT be on. They simply changed which planets are endgame. really anything with level 40+ enemies is endgame or pretty close as thats what was endgame before. just because they pushed pluto to 70, added more t3 void doesnt mean stuff like europa isnt engame. if its anywhere close to the levels of the stuff that was considered endgame before U9, it should be considered endgame now. just because they changed it from level 25 enemies to level 50 enemies doesnt mean  you should still be able to do europa as easily. it means its now considered endgame content. Thats why the new boss is there.

Actually, I've been arguing that kind of angle for most of this thread, but when Xylia isn't running around biting everyone's heads off they make a good point about the resource pickups and what is required to progress in the game. I don't agree with the nano spore/plastids thing because the things that require them are mastery locked, so you have to be high level to get them anyway. Europa however, is the earliest point you have access to control modules which are required to make sentinels or new 'frames and if that ends up being locked at the difficulty of old Pluto, that's going to out new players out in the cold. As it is I got pretty frustrated by how difficult it is to make a new 'frame when I started up, now I'd be expected to take on what was considered the most challenging level of enemy in the game in U7.

Spreading out the difficulty is fine but there needs to be a gentler learning curve in this game. You shouldn't be forced to take on endgame content or pay money just to play a different "class".

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after reading the whole thing, it seems you lack the "get up and go" aspect to counter the nerfed spawn rates in solo.

sure, there are lots of enemies, but it only turns into a S#&$storm when you SIT STILL AND TRY TO KILL EVERY ENEMY IN THE ROOM AND LOOT EVERY SINGLE CORNER.

its a known fact, the more you dink around, the more the S#&$storm piles up. there is a significant decrease in spawn rates when running solo, and if you keep moving they wont spawn in massive groups. i mean seriously, half an hour to get through a mission? did you go sit in a corner and leave for the bathroom? thats an insane ammount of time for most missions, even in solo.

its also worth noting that stealth gameplay is starting to break through. if youre being loud and obnoxious with no regards to the alarms, then youll suffer for it. most rooms only have 1 or 2 panic buttons, and it takes 3 seconds for them to arm it. its plenty of time to pick them off before you get caught, not to mention a good place to stay near till the crowds die off.

oh and you even said so yourself that you can only hit those higher levels if all your stuff gets maxed out. from a video games standpoint:


you SHOULD be maxed out by the time you reach the end. you SHOULD have to go back and work on your stuff in previous missions before youre done. thats PROGRESSION. essential to games.

everything ive read in this OP is "i hate playing with others, this game should cater to me and if anyone disagrees GTFO". DE is working on balances, and they are still punching numbers to get things at a respectable level of difficulty and fun. theres nothing wrong with criticisms, but damn dude, you can at least be polite about it.

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Europa however, is the earliest point you have access to control modules which are required to make sentinels or new 'frames and if that ends up being locked at the difficulty of old Pluto, that's going to out new players out in the cold. As it is I got pretty frustrated by how difficult it is to make a new 'frame when I started up, now I'd be expected to take on what was considered the most challenging level of enemy in the game in U7.

Spreading out the difficulty is fine but there needs to be a gentler learning curve in this game. You shouldn't be forced to take on endgame content or pay money just to play a different "class".


In total agreement. I struggle to see the Logic behind Europa being only End-game content. This basically means I have to keep playing my first frame untill I have gotten Mastery 3, and farm the first planets untill I can buy better weapons, and then max those weapons, and only then can I take on Europa. Is this accurate?



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@Satwo: I have a max tatered Mag, Braton, Orthos, Kunai, and Glaive and I still can't reliably solo high-end missions, no matter how careful I am. I could only do high-end def missions in a group where I would be only marginally helpful, and then hope that I might get a good, rare mod. Which only rarely is the case. If I get hellfire I can count that as a good run. Currently WF endgame is a valid soloing option only if you have the correct gear (frame, gun, pistol, melee, and their respective mods) maxed out and maybe even forma-ed. And even endgame group runs (which usually is def) mostly consist of Frosts, Novas, Vaubans, Nyxes, or Volts/Embers. Other frames are considerably rarer in these runs.

That doesn't seem too balanced for me. Ofcourse some frames are specifically made to roflstomp one faction, but against other factions (Volt vs. Grineer) they're near useless. A balanced game could still involve single-faction roflstomp frames, but all the other frames should be atleast as effective as any other frame.

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@Satwo: I have a max tatered Mag, Braton, Orthos, Kunai, and Glaive and I still can't reliably solo high-end missions, no matter how careful I am. I could only do high-end def missions in a group where I would be only marginally helpful, and then hope that I might get a good, rare mod. Which only rarely is the case. If I get hellfire I can count that as a good run. Currently WF endgame is a valid soloing option only if you have the correct gear (frame, gun, pistol, melee, and their respective mods) maxed out and maybe even forma-ed. And even endgame group runs (which usually is def) mostly consist of Frosts, Novas, Vaubans, Nyxes, or Volts/Embers. Other frames are considerably rarer in these runs.

That doesn't seem too balanced for me. Ofcourse some frames are specifically made to roflstomp one faction, but against other factions (Volt vs. Grineer) they're near useless. A balanced game could still involve single-faction roflstomp frames, but all the other frames should be atleast as effective as any other frame.



I still believe, mid-to-high end game wise, any Frame can solo ANY mission with maxed redirection & having focused on Kunai from the get go (I say kunai because it's just a sure thing: other weapons do wonders too. But Kunai are a easy to master weapon that's bound to go into your high-tier missions. Plus it's easier to name this from personal experience, they are very well rounded from beginner level to high-end.), as well as mods for it. I'm still in the process of getting Volt and Nyx to 30 (Volt is on his second forma though, Nyx is a first go no forma.) 


YET since I'm a 'Vet' so to speak, and have all the mods, I can't speak on 'beginner' runs so hence mid-to-high is stated here though I did a number of runs as Nyx with quite literally just a braton unranked and Lato unranked and went right after Vor and nearly beat him outright with sheerly unranked guns and gear with no mods or aura and died primarily to my own mishaps but unranked is a bit brutal so beginner ranks are a bit rough I suppose, don't know why anyone would be unranked going after him but you know, beginners don't know the game well enough to move or be as accurate in some cases so I think it's a fair judgement.


At any rate can't be 100% positive how easy or hard it is starting *fresh* but it doesn't seem impossible besides some potential grinding involved to level for future missions: but beside the point I'm actually going for with this quote.


Not to detail to much but here goes... 


Edit Note: "Any" mission excludes Defense & Mobile defense, as at present they are clearly designed for team play while also being possible to solo for advanced players. I still stand by the fact that Ash for instance should not attempt to solo either at high-tier because he just isn't suited for it at all and instead just screams 'shoot the point' with all but his 1 ability.




I'm currently blinking in bewilderment if your saying Volt vs Grineer is .. bad.. Volt is designed to take out all factions equally really, Volt can solo any mission in this game, 


(aside from defense.. but even defense I've shown he can do it, it just .. isn't easy.. takes luck.. is kinda BS based on which map he gets stuck on in outter terminus but if he nails enough energy for 5 rounds to do a shield 3 directions each time he should survive it. and that was just from the first 6 attempts, on the center of the snow map : or center of the two bridges map: he could push on solo for 15-20 rounds if fully max tiered, and managing the shields perfectly..) 


Anything else he can handle, hell, at level 6 I had him solo killing Phorid (Speed outrunning infested.) and soloing level 50 grineer missions (Shield is your friend, as is redirection, could only take maybe 2-3 hits before dying, but his shield is like Frost's bubble when used skillfully.) and Tier II Exterminate void keys. 


Frost can solo any mission in this game period. (First hand knowledge.) The luckier you are on energy drops (or mods)  the higher tier you can go, no matter the level of the frame itself: like Volt.


Nyx (looks) like she can solo any mission in this game. Will know more as I complete her.


Ash can solo any mission in this game, but has a much easier time with stealthiness rather than brute force. Still, he's probably my favorite warframe. Similar to Volt he's a jack of all many trades in a way.


Ember is Morganna's first choice in frames and could solo anything but defense, sometimes it can be a struggle if world of fire isn't doing it's usual wipe in a millisecond routine but even if it's just doing a good chunk of DPS - weapons can finish off the stragglers well enough.


Banshee is .. my second to last in warframe choices, Morganna used this frame for some time and it was rather bad-&#! overall it's just a very specialized warframe and I personally *imagine* would be difficult, but possible, to solo with. Stealthing the mission would be the best route with this frame. Hasn't been in use since U9 update.


Mag is.. the last frame in Warframe picked to solo. Her abilities just don't suit it well enough. (IMO) I haven't personally used her, but Morganna put her to the test for a month 1/2 in U8 and hated everything about her, she's not super terrible, but is a .. neh.. a supportive character.. that isn't supportive enough really. In essence she, like trinity - is a frame designed for helping a team: if you can make her do more - power to you - but that's all she's designed for just as Ash is designed for survival and when alone just screams "Shoot this cryopod while I disappear, or blade storm.. and if i needed teleport it's already game over.", not protecting a point.


This isn't being elitist about it either, just constructive and honest and the opinion of two not just myself : Mag is a terrible choice for Solo. I'm sure plenty do it, but it's just not a frame designed for it to begin with so much as being a team player. I'll also restate I'm not referring to beginners difficulty but to the quote about end-game which while I understand how you can hit brick-walls at times depending on your frame or weapons : it does boil down to still being rather easy once your prepared for it weapon wise, Banshee & Mag may never be suited to handling high-end Grineer/Corpus missions, but all others have abilities that better suit soloing. I'm not saying they can't, with a maxed redirection & fast deflection any frame can take a good enough punishment to dish it back out tenfold and survive most encounters, it's just not as easy as going as any of the other classes.

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Except I (or, well, newbies) don't have that option, because we need Nano Spores and Plastids from Saturn. There is literally no other place to get Nano Spores and Plastids (except from EVEN HIGHER level areas!).


Hardcores can easily never touch anything lower than Neptune because they already have their stuff, and most stuff drops from Neptune to Pluto. Hardcores get all of their endgame rewards from the High-Level Defense missions, and from Void 3.


There is NOTHING a Hardcore NEEDS from Earth, Venus, Mercury. The only exception is Jupiter, because Jupiter has Neural Sensors. But seriously? Making Jupiter too easy for Hardcores is worse than allowing Newbies to do Jupiter reasonably without requiring a group? Really?


There is, Neurodes, Alloy plates, etc



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Well, i won`t try and pretend to be a bad-&#! Volt player. my Volt is not even max ranked, but i somehow manage to suck against grineer. dk, maybe it`s just my own ineptitude. My main grudge is that, since i can`t get good mods for myself to level the S#&$ out of my equipment, i`m stuck in mostly mid-tier, and running on group missions with my clan, i just am a laughable addition to the team. a comparison would be, that my team mates are superman, and i`m little Jimmy, in a wheelchair... only equiping nyx actually helps me during those missions, but not by much...

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My main grudge is that, since i can`t get good mods for myself to level the S#&$ out of my equipment, i`m stuck in mostly mid-tier


I think the Volt is geared heavily toward someone with both quick reflexes & a pre-built good mod setup for sure, hence the not remarking on beginners part so I can understand that frustration a bit more: as against Grineer and Corpus equally if he can't clear the room before the shield goes down - odds are the energy supply is going to fall short and then the frame isn't saving you anymore.


Still, though, I do think you should and yes I do say this with some uncertainty, be able to solo through any infested mission regardless of Volt's level so long as your weapons are up to par: using nothing but speed to out run and gun everything (and stand on boxes when things get a bit close.) 


At least enough for you to get a handle on levels and mods, not to mention Volt is never a hindrance to a team that desires to get through a map in quick succession, as much as some people hate Volt for the team speed now and it's distortion of FOV (which I agree should go out the window) you will at times find yourself a group with an Ember that's all for the speed-run to a boss and out to extraction all the while leveling gleefully (and completing missions at record pace) from start to finish with world on fire. Provided nobody trips up anyway, varies from group to group ;3

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Lv90 gunners are kinda nonsense too. *shrug*


But whatever, even rank3 would be nice.

You don't just accidentally wind up in a situation where there's a level 90 gunner.  Bring appropriate gear and they fall quickly.  Do I agree that they should have a better drop table than a level 1 charger? Yes, but be reasonable.  If we're even talking about the possibility of higher than rank 0 mods dropping, I'd rather just get a rank 5 rare mod.  They are an appropriate amount of fusion energy and can be used on anything.  Fusion cores > rank 1+ mods.

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I've been playing this game a lot, have almost every Warframe 60'ed. I've found that different mission types, and depending on whether or not I'm going in solo or not, means I have to bring a different loadout. I love my Loki, but in many missions he's useless. So, before this becomes TL:DR about how fun Loki or Ash are:


Defense/Mobile Defense


Frost: Use Frost's Snow Globe and stay inside the globe. Shoot out of it and get energy between waves. Avoid using the Ult which is power intensive. Watch out for Shockwave Moas, and give them target priority.

Nyx: Not as effective, but if you have a friend with you (Frost) it becomes a cakewalk. Use Chaos when there is a good amount of goons and let them destroy each other





Loki - Decoy. Use the Decoy to give the infested as much travel time across the map as possible, while still having the pod in your line of sight so you can kill anything that touches it.

Vauban. Bastille. You can usually kill waves 1-2 without it, but beyond that, the Crowd Control is essential. 



These are amazingly fun solo missions. Don't try running and gunning them though, especially on higher level missions, you will be annihilated.  The key here is SHADE.  Drop the Dethcube, max out Hide and use it to your advantage. Also, max level Rush, Marathon & Quick Rest are essential if you need to get away from a swarm. Let shade cloak you, let them cluster trying to find you and then ambush. Nyx's Chaos is amazing for this. Loki's Radial Disarm. Sneaking with Banshee is a lot of fun too. Silence is a great way to stealth through a level. Ash and Loki also have invisibility skills which can be heavily exploited solo. Saryn has molt, which can help with getting away from things, but I've never had an amazing time using this skill for that. 


If you've just picked a Warframe you think is cool and want to play through the same way you played through every other game, it's not going to work. If you're dying a lot, I recommend you grab a copy of Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield for a primer on tactical combat. Yes, the game is harder, especially in higher level areas. Adapt: be like water, my friend.

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@ Azraill

Infested missions are the only ones that i can solo with some ease... because in infested missions i mostly know where the enemy is - heading towards me. runing around like a frantic bunny, while swinging my Hate is rarely a hindrance, and if i did not see the jolly green giant coming for me, it`s my fault, not that there suddenly was a hail of bullets from 3 different angles behind my back. anyways, thx for the tips...

Edited by Psychotoxin
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Although I agree to the problem with generic enemies with no variation in their AI, it seems you're basing the whole thing around nightmare missions, which are supposed to be done in a group and which offer a challenge to the hardcore players who lacked difficulty before.


The overall difficulty is fine right now to be honest.

in what way is he basing it all around nightmare missions? he mentioned that very briefly in his post in comparison to the other very valid issues he brought to light.

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