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Ivara Navigator Is Useless with most projectiles


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my main gripes are:


1- speed control is AWFUL, u can either speed up, or slow down after speeding up, u cant actually make ur projectile go slow, speed on navigator should be universal and relatively slow unless we speed up, and our option to slow down should always be there so we can actually control the freaking things


2- the energy consumption is too high

Edited by TKDancer
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1 hour ago, phoenix1992 said:

People just want Navigator to work with Opticor.

PS: Let's see how many people know that you can Navigate an Arca Plasmor projectile and cause fast long ranged havoc.

Hehe, I've been using it lately with the Lenz to cause all kinds of hell in the Plains with Navigator.  Flying Dropships coming?  Oh you mean those explosions in the sky where the Dropships where.  Hehe.

I used the Arca Plasmor for a bit in PoE, but just having too much fun with the Lenz there instead.  Lenz while flying in AW and using Itzal's Cold Snap Cosmic Crush to get more ammo.  Mwuhahahahahaha

Edited by DatDarkOne
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Just now, DatDarkOne said:

Hehe, I've been using it lately with the Lenz to cause all kinds of hell in the Plains.  Flying Dropships coming?  Oh you mean that explosions in the sky where the Dropships where.  Hehe.

I used the Arca Plasmor for a bit in PoE, but just having too much fun with the Lenz there instead.  Lenz while flying in AW and using Itzal's Cold Snap Cosmic Crush to get more ammo.  Mwuhahahahahaha

Sorry to say, but Mag does PoE Lenz a lot better.

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Just now, (PS4)psycofang said:

Didnt quite shallow put up a video show casing mags 2 firing a lenz arrows back at her?

If I recall :

a) She used it in close quarters. This was always suicidal with Lenz.
b) She has a track record with explosion weapons.
c) The clip was removed :v

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6 hours ago, yles9056 said:

Arca Plasmor works very well with Navigator. But if you are using Arca Plasmor, you'll have to give up Artemis Bow because it doesn't use shotgun mods unlike Titania's Dex Pixia.:sad:

This is one of the reasons I switched to the Lenz.  I still have a very effective Artemis Bow with it.  I'm thinking that with just a little more tweaking of my Lenz build that I can get it to be as powerful with Artemis Bow as when using my Daikyu.  Which is quite interesting as the Daikyu seems to give my Artemis the most damage/power out of all of my bows.

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Update to on my Plains Stalker Ivara loadout using Lenz, Sicuris Prime, and Glaive Prime.  This build was made specifically for the Plains with high efficiency, energy, and enemy/loot radar.  The goal of this build is to use all of Ivara's skills including Navigator to their fullest while being a solo stealth killing machine in the Plains.  

I tried testing a few things that I thought would be interesting.  All tests were done using lvl 80 Tusk Grineer Heavy Gunners, Naplams, and Bombards as those are usually what I come across in T5 stage 5 Bounties.  

First test was for the Lenz

1. I learned that punchthru has no benefit at all for the Lenz with or without using Navigator.  It actually is a downside when using Navigator.  

2. I tried seeing if I could get multiple explosions in different locations with multishot and Navigator.  I would do the normal aim for the first shot and then use Navigator to take control of the extra multishot projectile for a different location.  Learned that I only get one Lenz explosion regardless and it's always at the one that I'm controlling.  

Next test was done with Glaive Prime and various builds.  

1.  Tried the whole Radiation build as most have been saying that it's the best for PoE.  This was good for Throwing Glaive only.  Doing melee combat with it was problematic due to enemy crossfire.  

2.  Changed it back to Gas build with Bloodrush and Relentless Combination mods so it would still be very effective in both melee and thrown. 


Please note: I'm posting this as helpful advice/guide for those interested in using Ivara in similar ways as it somewhat relates to the topic. It's meant to give ideas and not as must do type of thing.  That said, Happy Hunting, Tenno! :D

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On ‎11‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 2:15 PM, DatDarkOne said:

Update to on my Plains Stalker Ivara loadout using Lenz, Sicuris Prime, and Glaive Prime.  This build was made specifically for the Plains with high efficiency, energy, and enemy/loot radar.  The goal of this build is to use all of Ivara's skills including Navigator to their fullest while being a solo stealth killing machine in the Plains.  

I tried testing a few things that I thought would be interesting.  All tests were done using lvl 80 Tusk Grineer Heavy Gunners, Naplams, and Bombards as those are usually what I come across in T5 stage 5 Bounties.  

First test was for the Lenz

1. I learned that punchthru has no benefit at all for the Lenz with or without using Navigator.  It actually is a downside when using Navigator.  

2. I tried seeing if I could get multiple explosions in different locations with multishot and Navigator.  I would do the normal aim for the first shot and then use Navigator to take control of the extra multishot projectile for a different location.  Learned that I only get one Lenz explosion regardless and it's always at the one that I'm controlling.  

Next test was done with Glaive Prime and various builds.  

1.  Tried the whole Radiation build as most have been saying that it's the best for PoE.  This was good for Throwing Glaive only.  Doing melee combat with it was problematic due to enemy crossfire.  

2.  Changed it back to Gas build with Bloodrush and Relentless Combination mods so it would still be very effective in both melee and thrown. 


Please note: I'm posting this as helpful advice/guide for those interested in using Ivara in similar ways as it somewhat relates to the topic. It's meant to give ideas and not as must do type of thing.  That said, Happy Hunting, Tenno! :D

On point 2, with the lenz I ran the same test (with and without multishot) and from a reasonable distance it was obvious the initial hit had already arrived by the time the navigator caught up with it. A build without multishot didn't have that, as far as I could see. Could you post a video? 

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2 hours ago, ghandibots said:

On point 2, with the lenz I ran the same test (with and without multishot) and from a reasonable distance it was obvious the initial hit had already arrived by the time the navigator caught up with it. A build without multishot didn't have that, as far as I could see. Could you post a video? 

I noticed that last night also right before my internet crapped out on me.   Needless to say, I won't be gaming until I figure it out so I don't keep getting disconnected.  :D 

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4 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I noticed that last night also right before my internet crapped out on me.   Needless to say, I won't be gaming until I figure it out so I don't keep getting disconnected.  :D 

Isn't this by default though?

When you navigate an object it's speed is "medium", regardless of it's native variant.

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23 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Isn't this by default though?

When you navigate an object it's speed is "medium", regardless of it's native variant.

it's a modifier to the projectile's base speed. Reason I stopped trying to navigate with the Lanka - even "slow" on it is borderline uncontrollable.

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45 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

Isn't this by default though?

When you navigate an object it's speed is "medium", regardless of it's native variant.


20 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

it's a modifier to the projectile's base speed. Reason I stopped trying to navigate with the Lanka - even "slow" on it is borderline uncontrollable.

Basically the faster the projectiles default speed is the faster it is in Navigator.  This is why Glaives, Lenz, Arca Plasmor types are much easier to control with Navigator than arrows from Bows.  And you can almost forget about hoping to control arrows from the Daikyu.  LOL

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