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Stalker help



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Team up with players that also have the mark and enter missions and wait 5 minutes, the more marks a squad have, a bit more chances of him to spawn.

After 5 minutes he will not appear. Use survival counter to have a better look at the time

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The most efficient way to get him to spawn is to buy Stalker Beacons from Baro when he sells them, guarantees a spawn when you use the item. Other than that, Death Marks stack with a squad, so if you can find 3 other people with death marks and run missions with them, you'll have a higher chance for him to show up.

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Just keep playing missions. I notice he tends to show up more often when it's a difficult mission like kuva farming missions as well as when I'm ranking anything up.

Also be aware that if say his transmission shows up for you then your mark is the one being engaged and if you go down after that then he will leave. This is applied to whoever's mark is engaged. If all of you are marked only 1 of you will be engaged. So this means you should be avoiding him at all costs and letting your team take him out, unless you feel 100% confident he won't take you down then by all means have at it.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

Bring low ranked gear as well. Never fails.


5 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

I hate to say it, but this is just so damn true.  LOL

Oh come on guys, you know it's just a myth.

**remembers the time he showed up 3 times in a row while using an un-potatoed lvl 0-10 soma**

but I do know why you would think that...

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8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

There's no truth to the myth.  We just think there is because we, humans, have tendencies to see patterns where none exist.

We all know this.  We were just having fun with the myth because it's funny. 

On the real side though, I will state that a good 90% of all the times I've faced Stalker it was with some gear being ranked up.  We all know it's just RNG.  But it's still humorous to speak on the "myth".  :D

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9 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

The thing about myths: there is an element of truth behind them. :wink:


stalker always know when your weak.

its not a myth but a fact.

i was rank 3 rhino prime just forma'd it and then bam stalker came

Edited by jopos15
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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

There's no truth to the myth.  We just think there is because we, humans, have tendencies to see patterns where none exist.

Coincidence fuels myths. Whether they be true or not.

Ever watch Mythbusters? That was a cool show.

Though, he was joking... mostly (it feels true)... R3d. There wasn't much to take out of it. It's like the whole RNGesus thing, it's just to poke fun.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:



1 hour ago, DatDarkOne said:

We all know this.  We were just having fun with the myth because it's funny. 

On the real side though, I will state that a good 90% of all the times I've faced Stalker it was with some gear being ranked up.  We all know it's just RNG.  But it's still humorous to speak on the "myth".  :D


11 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Coincidence fuels myths. Whether they be true or not.

Ever watch Mythbusters? That was a cool show.

Though, he was joking... mostly (it feels true)... R3d. There wasn't much to take out of it. It's like the whole RNGesus thing, it's just to poke fun.

I wasn't sure if Cephy was joking or not.  That, and I'm pretty sure that not everyone who makes the claim is joking, nor that everyone who reads the claim realizes it's a joke.  Given the way that bad rumors like this spread through the community (to the point where people will get toxic over it when you tell them it's not true) I don't think it's bad for me to point out that it's not true.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:



I wasn't sure if Cephy was joking or not.  That, and I'm pretty sure that not everyone who makes the claim is joking, nor that everyone who reads the claim realizes it's a joke.  Given the way that bad rumors like this spread through the community (to the point where people will get toxic over it when you tell them it's not true) I don't think it's bad for me to point out that it's not true.

I totally understand where you're coming from, but this is Ceph we're talking about. We're a very jokey bunch.

Some people just join in on the joke, some people think it's real, it depends on the person. 

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21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

I totally understand where you're coming from, but this is Ceph we're talking about. We're a very jokey bunch.

Some people just join in on the joke, some people think it's real, it depends on the person. 

OP likely doesn't know that "we're a very jokey bunch."  And, this is Players Helping Players after all.  Giving out false information, without clearly showing that it's a joke, leads to issues.

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6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

OP likely doesn't know that "we're a very jokey bunch."  And, this is Players Helping Players after all.  Giving out false information, without clearly showing that it's a joke, leads to issues.

I'm not gonna start with you on the first part.

As for false information, many replies in this subforum section are either misguided or misinformed, whether it be purposeful or not. 

Many people in here took note of the "Myth" That Shadow Stalker attacks you when you have low level gear. That's a rumor tossed around by many people. I'm sure plenty if people haven't heard it, but a lot have, so I'll focus on that for now. True or not, it happens more often than not, so whether it be a joke or otherwise, the same effect still applies.

As for issues, a little misinformation really wouldn't be the biggest issue being faced right now.

We're derailing the thread with this little conversation. Let's drop it and let the thread resume as it was intended. Okay?

Edited by (XB1)ALG Minuscule36
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Because this is getting a wee bit out of hand I'm going to be absolutely clear:

Could an argument be made that there might be a correlation between bringing unranked or low ranked gear to a mission and Stalker spawning? Sure. There is a significant amount of anecdotal evidence to support it.

Could an argument be made that there is a causation between bringing unranked or low ranked gear to a mission and Stalker spawning? Absolutely not. There is significant anecdotal evidence to the contrary.

The only way to guarantee a Stalker spawn is to acquire beacons from Baro, as has already been suggested. Apart from that, it boils down to luck. 

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15 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

We're derailing the thread with this little conversation. Let's drop it and let the thread resume as it was intended. Okay?

ARGH!  Fine, I'm dropping it, but you threw a lot of logs on the fire you know.

ETA:  Yes, I know I'm suffering from a bit of SIWOTI....

Edited by (XB1)R3d P01nt
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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

ARGH!  Fine, I'm dropping it, but you threw a lot of logs on the fire you know.

I read that in a Pirate voice and I'm unsure why.

If you need to discuss it with me further or get it our of your system, either PM here or on Discord. I can give you my discord if you choose to go that way. 

(It's very hard to tell if that was a joke or serious, I see your point, so that is just the reaction I saw as fit, if it was a joke, then just stick with the pirate part.)

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I recommend you just play normally. it will appear.

but i do find stalker love to come out in arrea that has doors to lock you away from ur team.

and i also find that stalker love it when i breing low level gear in placed with doors jsut to duel me.

unless you got the beacon, his apperance will purely random or so i believe.


But i do love getting love letter from him by killin gother boss. Cuz my inbox is so empty without hsi threats xd

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