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Visual Update Plans!


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You want 'em, we need 'em!

Warframe is getting to be quite the game recently, but some of it hasn't aged well, or just feels, lacking, don't you think?

Below is a compiled list of things that could be potentially added and fixed in a visual update, including but not limited to:

  • Orbiter decor!
  • Known Visual Buggeroos!
  • Additional Tiles and Tile reworks!
  • Visual functionality!
  • And more!

Any suggestions below that pose WORTHY helpful towards the game's visuals and/or are a good idea for addition to the game will be added to the list with credit to the user.
I will also link other threads below in the respective categories of other users posts with notable additions with credit to the user.



Noggles - Addition of Prime Noggles!
Prime Noggles could be included in the Prime Accessories Pack during each Prime Access to give players who purchase the current Prime, a small Prime variant of the Warframe! (previously released Primes will have Prime Noggles included in future Vault bundles, i.e. Rhino Prime and Mag Prime Noggles included in the Brute Force Pack.)

Artwork - More display shapes!
This could include ovular shapes, triangles, octagons, you name it! This would also include the addition of whichever Fan artwork DE decides to include as well.

CEPHALON ORDIS - The murderer we all know and love, this poor Ceph is just getting duller by the year. Ordis has a handful of voice lines that play while in the Orbiter, but they all have been heard countless times, which is Why Ordis needs a bit of a spice up in his task-filled life aboard your Orbiter. Ordis can now respond to more actions, such as tweaking mods, deleting items from your inventory, crafting items, rushing items, purchasing weapons from the market/arsenal, and most importantly when you are in the Orbiter as your Operator.

Operator Jukebox - For when you get locked in the Operator Room.
I've noticed that the only instance of music (background at that) on the Orbiter is when entering the Operator room.
Similar to the Room Options panel in the Dojo's, Players could toggle a select choice of music to play throughout the Orbiter when returning from a mission, or to disable music overall.
Music tracks could be unlocked similar to Captura Scenes.

Sentinels - Because the Kubrow get too much freedom!
ROAMING SENTINELS! Thank you to @Doforcash for the Thread and Video.






Thumbnails - thats up there?
The Foundry Thumbnail and the Booster Thumbnail both display the timer and amount they apply to, but Platinum discounts are, just a shopping cart?
Slap a percentage on there!

Relics - Plat, or Ducat?
Everyone has to have gotten their hands on a vaulted relic at some point, but when youre in the heat of battle, who knows? Which is why there is now a Vaulted icon (Either a literal Safe, or an Asterisk, what have you) in the top right corner of each Vaulted Relic you own, both in the Orbiter and while choosing a relic for missions.

Arsenal - UI tweaks as much as I tweak my weapons!
 @BananaShampoo's edit, which adds quick loadout buttons to the side of each item to quickly change loadouts, would be a decent addition for the players who want to swap loadouts quickly. I personally would suggest having this as a toggle function, but its still something worth considering.




Mod Station - Modding mods with mod modding powder.
Similar to the Asterisk on Vaulted Void Relics, Mods could have the addition of a list on the righthand/lefhand side of the popup displaying the weapon or warframe (if on one) that the current mod is equipped onto.

Foundry - Crafting stuff to kill stuff.
While I browse the Foundry I notice a lot of BP's that drop frequently, like Gorgon, Harrow Chassis, Boar, etc, but I always have to exit, then check my profile, then check equipment, then double check if I've mastered that weapon or not.


@Haizom makes a good point here that when making things in the foundry, it would be helpful to know what has or has not been leveled previously, since there are 407 (currently) unique items to level, it can get confusing to remember what you've completed.



Mission Results - How am I doing?
Healing Done

for those who play support frames. Simple enough. If no healing is done through abilities or restores exclude this factor.


[Visual Bugs]


Arsenal - Fix my dang legs!


More so just a rendering issue, and very minor, I'm not sure that I'm standing properly here? (Sculptures for reference not practical in any way unless I wanna break them with my feet)

Another minor issue, but when your Warframe is packed full of dangly bits, they tend to not get along. Minimizing the hitboxes on the Models when paired together would streamline the flow and gravity of these danglies, and prevent some slightly disturbing outcomes with them.

Lighting - Are those doors meant to be discolored?

I mostly see this occur in Corpus tilesets, but the doors which transition tiles tend to get buggy and the lighting fails, causing the doors to be pitch black, or a portion of a door to be very well lit but the other portion to be darkened.


Comment List -  Teamwork!

4 hours ago, Serinexxa said:

Two visual bugs that have been around for ages, but are rarely noted, would be the Energy Lab crewman suit being pitch black, and the Cestra/Dual/Secura having a magazine inside the magazine when reloading, or the magazines rotating 90 degrees when in dojos and relays. -@Serinexxa







Ideas, Agreements, Disagreements? Drop 'em below!


Edited by Zedplex
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Two visual bugs that have been around for ages, but are rarely noted, would be the Energy Lab crewman suit being pitch black, and the Cestra/Dual/Secura having a magazine inside the magazine when reloading, or the magazines rotating 90 degrees when in dojos and relays.

I'm kind of surprised they fly under the radar, but I get not everyone spends a lot of time around those like I do.

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1 minute ago, Serinexxa said:

Two visual bugs that have been around for ages, but are rarely noted, would be the Energy Lab crewman suit being pitch black, and the Cestra/Dual/Secura having a magazine inside the magazine when reloading, or the magazines rotating 90 degrees when in dojos and relays.

I'm kind of surprised they fly under the radar, but I get not everyone spends a lot of time around those like I do.

If you can get photo's, I'll add it to the Visual bugs.

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Just now, Zedplex said:

If you can get photo's, I'll add it to the Visual bugs.


Also on the note of Orbiter decorations, regular/rare Corpus/Grineer/Orokin crates would be nice too. And possibly consoles to practice hacking on.


Edited by Serinexxa
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  • 1 month later...

Quality-Of-Life UI:

In the list that appears to the right when you select one of the relics in the relics enhancement window, we want to UI display on each of the items the number of items, that the player already has. Just like it's already displayed in the game, when the player chooses whose reward to pick after opening relics.
Furthermore, would be very convenient if, when you hover over one of these items, appear the pop-up list, that display the number of other items from this item whole set, that the player already has. Popping-up this window is necessary in two situations:
1. When the player is in the relics enhancement window.
2. When the player chooses whose reward to pick after opening relics.

Edited by keensight_JDS
clarification for greater understanding
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