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Infested faction... The unfun faction


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Infested units are just annoying knockdown trains with harpoons. It's not challenging. It's certainly not interesting. To make matters worse they spam the knockdown/harpoons. Nothing more annoying then simply seeing a stupid noodle flying at you to pull you in one direction to only be pulled yet again in another direction. The infested corpus ship tile set is also small tight hallways for the most part adding to the annoyance of the spammed harpoon.

How is this fun and interesting game play?


I know some people are going to post silly comments like, "Just roll!" Ok how often are you even rolling? I bet you love rolling through entire mission against infested somehow shooting them or never fighting. "Play Rhino!" If you only have one option to play to every infested mission.. that in itself, is a problem. I would also like to add that yes I can solo infested missions even at 100 for the sorties barring out Mutalist Alad V since I never tried soloing him. Mostly because not sure how the mind control works with one person.


So what is everyone's thoughts on this matter? Agree or disagree but at the very least post something that contributes.

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Rolling, blocking, some weapon animations, using powers, there's many ways to not get grappled. Rolling also nets you damage reduction, so many people roll all the time if things like Tar Moas are around, or the ones with the bees.

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

Rolling, blocking, some weapon animations, using powers, there's many ways to not get grappled. Rolling also nets you damage reduction, so many people roll all the time if things like Tar Moas are around, or the ones with the bees.

Yes there are ways around it. But how is it fun and interesting? Nothing like the backwards grapple hook of ancient number 49 that hits you right as it walked into the room. Once you get to higher waves or time in survival, the number of ancients is going to make dodging all of them nearly impossible. The fact it isn't even hard to really counter if you know its coming only fuels the flames of annoyance when they do finally grab you and force you to fail around.

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There's a number of counters you can use aside from rhino that will block staggers/knockdowns/harpoons/etc, among them being oberon's hallowed ground, inaros' scarab swarm, atlas' passive, by proxy any frame with invisibility. I also feel that a good chunk of the issue is the fact that the infested 'home planet' is a cluster of incredibly small hallways littered with junk that impedes movement, coupled with bottomless pits and dark lighting preventing you from being able to properly see any of these.

While I've never been particularly broken up about it, I have experienced times in which I've been drug or knocked down 2, 3, or more times consecutively with either no window to shoot or not a large enough window to make a difference. Like shield gating, which would prevent high-level enemies from killing you in fractions of a second/one shot, I don't feel like it would affect game balance much if you were to, say, add a one-second CC immunity period after expereincing any kind of CC. One second isn't really long enough to abuse, but at the same time is still enough time to perform evasive/offensive/defensive action, sometimes multiple at once.

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I find Infested most fun to play against.

When it's getting to 30mins on a survival, you need to use your parkour to your advantage. The hooks and knock downs are part of what makes is a challenge; they are a horde faction so overwhelming is what they do.

I will mention the Ancients one-shot attack is super frustrating though.

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