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Do not know why, but my game started getting weird, took some pictures, I do not know how to solve please help me =/

I am not able to send the photos here, I will send by facebook, or if you prefer to use other means ...


I thank the attention!!! Please! help me =/

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I'm seeing a problem, Or what I assume is a problem with the warframes. I have chekced over all 5 frames i have, frost rhino banshee ash and trinity and they all have the same armor level. They all read 25 and when I had started a mission that usually wouldnt have been a problem with rhino I was decimated within moments, Iron skin and all. If this is a bug I would hope to seen it fixed soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The recent update has been making my game crash on EVERY MISSION. Is anybody else having this same issue? And its not only happening to me, its happening to a few of my friends, whose computers usually run pretty good. 

Edited by KazuraBlaze
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Hi, had a weird bug. Last night, I bought a Garm blueprint and started to forge it. About an hour ago, I'd finished making the Garm in the Foundry, but when I tried to claim it, an error message popped up, telling me I couldn't claim it because I didn't have any free slots. Fair enough, I figured, and so I sold a Sicarus pistol and then went back to the foundry...


Except that my Garm was no longer there. I've looked everywhere in my Foundry, and it's not there. It's not in the In Progress tab, nor is it under melee. I have a spare Garm blueprint, which I bought about half an hour ago,  but no Garm sword.


Would appreciate your help on this matter very much!


My support ticket is #79527.


Edit: It's all fixed now. Thanks, DE team! You guys rock!

Edited by WhiskeyGolf
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Hello ! English is not my native language . So I apologize in advance .

The problem I have the following nature: no longer to accumulate the experience necessary to increase the rank. Now I use the guard and his arms are pumped for the first time , but the scale of the experience is in place. Wanted at the first opportunity to take the 13th grade, as the game will introduce new types of weapons. Now in single guard circulated without crediting his rank in the overall index . By my count was to remain until 9500 Experience Grade 13 , and stopped all at around 14,500. In further pumping weapons used for the first time this marker does not move . I would hope for a speedy resolution of the problem with the return of my accumulated experience. Thanks in advance !

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

What about a ticket to rush a foundry building item. The plat was subtracted but I still had to wait the remaining 7 hours for it to build? I have left said item in my foundry unclaimedfor the time bein. Waiting on a resolution for this for nearly 7 hours

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this is not much of an issue. or maybe it is. but anyway why can't we build several pieces of the same e.g. weapon at the same time? this would speed up the process of making dual wield weapons like the Akbolto and Dual Vasto.

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- Enemies still hop up when killed by a shot on the ground.


- Sometimes dead enemies appear as animated, immortal statues after death, observing. Desecrate does not work on them, no damage on hit is displayed.


- I can't use team item health/ammo etc when riding an elevator, it falls through the floor -_-


- Equipped mods unequip themselves constantly! Often, doing any mission is required to make any mod changes happen


- Overall, unequipping all mods should not eject from mod selection screen if confirmed.


- Changing mods should show weapon statistics changes on the fly. Moving backwards and re-checking is tiresome, especially for new players and those still experimenting with damage 2.0


- Lecta's hitboxes are still broken even with range mods, often not hitting boxes and enemies standing directly in front of you, not only on half-charge. At least buff range of that thing. Or just revamp in Melee 2.0




- Loki falling through stairs half way - when using Radial Disarm


- On death (Loki, solo - not sure if that's important) my dying body multiplicated


- Cancelling heavy charge with reload button reloads fire weapon if it requires reloading. I use it less seldom than wall run attack and I suspected it to be a gimmicky glitch... Please make it a feature in Melee 2.0, I mean cancelling, with guard button, maybe :3


anxious to rush anything in foundry, lost 20 plat rushing Nekros build, ticket reported #94244

Edited by Sannidor
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