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I want Zephyr's Migisi helmet, but I play on PS4.


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Haven't played Warframe in a long time. Saw that my favorite warframe, Zephyr, got a new helmet and it looks beautiful.


......Then I read it's "Steam exclusive".


What is this bull? Making the console version inferior????


Yes, I could download and install the game on Steam. But all of my progress is on the PS4 version and I also spent money on that.


Is there no way to obtain that helmet for the console version? Because if so, I have no reason to download this game again.

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13 minutes ago, HerpDerpy said:

Calm down. Its a Tennogen helmet. which means at some point it will probably be on consoles as well.

Hasn't it been around for a while though?

Not all TennoGen items are made available on console, if the creator doesn't agree to it.

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Maybe there will be options on consoles to obtain steam tennogen items but that is difficult to do for DE right now because they not was aware enough the trouble what can come from different consoles and steam workshop exclusivity. If that not bugs you to make a pc account and replay everything then go for it otherwise you can wait currently and hope there will be sometimes option to get these on ps4.

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11 minutes ago, Sziklamester said:

If that not bugs you to make a pc account and replay everything then go for it



Ahahahahah..... NO.


I spent a lot of hours and a few money on the PS4 version, and I ain't restarting anew and throwing away all of that hard-earned progress.


I must admit this really pisses me off. Exclusive bull like that makes one version of the game inferior to the other and makes me feel stupid for choosing the console version.


I'm so pissed I will not reinstall Warframe until that helmet arrives on PS4 as well. Yep, not reinstalling it even after the open world update. And I am gonna tell my PS4 friends to not play Warframe because the console version lacks content.

Edited by (PS4)Lun-Sei
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:

Ahahahahah..... NO.


I spent a lot of hours and a few money on the PS4 version, and I ain't restarting anew and throwing away all of that hard-earned progress.


I must admit this really pisses me off. Exclusive bull like that makes one version of the game inferior to the other and makes me feel stupid for choosing the console version.


I'm so pissed I will not reinstall Warframe until that helmet arrives on PS4 as well. Yep, not reinstalling it even after the open world update. And I am gonna tell my PS4 friends to not play Warframe because the console version lacks content.

With that piss poor behavior, I wouldn't want you around anyway.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:



Ahahahahah..... NO.


I spent a lot of hours and a few money on the PS4 version, and I ain't restarting anew and throwing away all of that hard-earned progress.


I must admit this really pisses me off. Exclusive bull like that makes one version of the game inferior to the other and makes me feel stupid for choosing the console version.


I'm so pissed I will not reinstall Warframe until that helmet arrives on PS4 as well. Yep, not reinstalling it even after the open world update. And I am gonna tell my PS4 friends to not play Warframe because the console version lacks content.

There are content on ps4 and on xbox one which haven't on the steam / pc version. Also the pc version have 2 version the steam and the launcher version. Those whom using the launcher are missing the steam aswell and the steam version also missing the tennogen items on consoles what the console peoples can buy wth plat those for us are costs real money. The whole system wasn't overthought and it should have been the same in all places. 


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11 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

With that piss poor behavior, I wouldn't want you around anyway.


Yes? Was I supposed to say "wow, this game is locking off exclusive content only for one very specific edition of the game, and all other editions get less content. I should be happy about it and promote the game to my friends who won't have access to the exclusive content either!"....?


I did a quick search and the Migisi helmet is only the tip of the iceberg. I saw a whole bunch of customizations that are Steam-exclusive. Wow. Just wow.

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57 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:

What is this bull? Making the console version inferior????


22 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:



Ahahahahah..... NO.


I spent a lot of hours and a few money on the PS4 version, and I ain't restarting anew and throwing away all of that hard-earned progress.


I must admit this really pisses me off. Exclusive bull like that makes one version of the game inferior to the other and makes me feel stupid for choosing the console version.


I'm so pissed I will not reinstall Warframe until that helmet arrives on PS4 as well. Yep, not reinstalling it even after the open world update. And I am gonna tell my PS4 friends to not play Warframe because the console version lacks content.

Son, listen closely.

I am someone who spent several years playing on console because of my lack of cash for a decent PC. Of course, I must admit, due to my age at the time it was my mother who bought me this medium-end PC. Although it got a little upgrade since then.


Nobody is making anything inferior here.


I don't know if you're even going to care about what I have to say so I'm just going to give you the full story.

The reason why PC gets a new build of Warframe so often compared to console is as follows:

It's bug testing. Console versions of games can't be updated on-the-fly just like that because of the way the communication with Microsoft and Sony works, so it's not possible to squeeze out several small updates in a row like they did on PC lately. By basically testing all their builds on PC as much as possible, they can give the consoles a mostly bug-free update without any unnecessary stress.


Tenno-Gen on the other hand is a different matter:

It's player-made content. Basically mods, but for cash. Heard about the chaos Steam's payed mods caused? Basically the same thing. I hate to bring it to you, but you're not as "inferior" as you think. There are special skins that are CONSOLE ONLY, and do you see anyone on console actually use them? Maybe a few players, yes, but not many. Why? Because even though they have special content, nobody's willing to pay money for it since it's a free to play game.


Tenno-Gen skins are sort-of just "tests" as well. Most people who create these skins aren't professionals far as I am aware, so they basically need testing as well.


In the end, they're just skins. Nothing special. I admit I don't know if there are any Tenno-Gen skins available for console, but if they are, I can tell you that it's not just up to DE to say "yeah add that one" or "no, screw that one", they creators would need to allow it. If they don't, bad luck, s---- happens.


It's the same thing with stuff like Plains of Eidolons. We're basically just testing it, looking for bugs. We get a sort-of unfinished product to play.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:



Ahahahahah..... NO.


I spent a lot of hours and a few money on the PS4 version, and I ain't restarting anew and throwing away all of that hard-earned progress.


I must admit this really pisses me off. Exclusive bull like that makes one version of the game inferior to the other and makes me feel stupid for choosing the console version.


I'm so pissed I will not reinstall Warframe until that helmet arrives on PS4 as well. Yep, not reinstalling it even after the open world update. And I am gonna tell my PS4 friends to not play Warframe because the console version lacks content.

Wow. Don't be so entitled. Its one cosmetic item. Which by the way DE did not make. It was a user created item that DE put in the game. So the reason why its probably not in the console versions is due to legal problems the DE cant change. 

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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:


Son, listen closely.

I am someone who spent several years playing on console because of my lack of cash for a decent PC. Of course, I must admit, due to my age at the time it was my mother who bought me this medium-end PC. Although it got a little upgrade since then.


Nobody is making anything inferior here.


I don't know if you're even going to care about what I have to say so I'm just going to give you the full story.

The reason why PC gets a new build of Warframe so often compared to console is as follows:

It's bug testing. Console versions of games can't be updates on-the-fly just like that because of the way the communication with Microsoft and Sony works, so it's not possible to squeeze out several small updates in a row like they did on PC lately. By basically testing all their builds on PC as much as possible, they can give the consoles a mostly bug-free update without any unnecessary stress.


Tenno-Gen on the other hand is a different matter:

It's player-made content. Basically mods, but for cash. Heard about the chaos Steam's payed mods caused? Basically the same thing. I hate to bring it to you, but you're not as "inferior" as you think. There are special skins that are CONSOLE ONLY, and do you see anyone on console actually use them? Maybe a few players, yes, but not many. Why? Because even though they have special content, nobody's willing to pay money for it since it's a free to play game.


Tenno-Gen skins are sort-of just "tests" as well. Most people who create these skins aren't professionals far as I am aware, so they basically need testing as well.


In the end, they're just skins. Nothing special. I admit I don't know if there are any Tenno-Gen skins available for console, but if they are, I can tell you that it's not jus up to DE to say "yeah add that one" or "no, screw that one", they creators would need to allow it. If they don't, bad luck, s---- happens.


It's the same thing with stuff like Plains of Eidolons. We're basically just testing it, looking for bugs. We get a sort-of unfinished product to play.



Hey, "son" (judging by how you admitted you're so young you can't buy your own pc, I think you should call me mom).


Show me those "exclusive console skins".


In fact, let's make a list and compare the exclusive Steam content with the exclusive console content.


Furthermore, nobody said anything about how the console version is always a patch or two behind the pc version. You brought it up. Sounds like insecurity.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:



Hey, "son" (judging by how you admitted you're so young you can't buy your own pc, I think you should call me mom).


Show me those "exclusive console skins".


In fact, let's make a list and compare the exclusive Steam content with the exclusive console content.


Furthermore, nobody said anything about how the console version is always a patch or two behind the pc version. You brought it up. Sounds like insecurity.

I'm trying to get my point across, which doesn't seem to work.


I called you "son" as a joke, but you don't seem to get it.


Also I said "at the time". I am old enough now.


Clearly, it seems that you don't even want an explanation. You just want to be salty. Well go ahead, I won't stop you, "mom".


I'm out. Not gonna waste more of my time here.

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9 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

I'm trying to get my point across, which doesn't seem to work.


I called you "son" as a joke, but you don't seem to get it.


Also I said "at the time". I am old enough now.


Clearly, it seems that you don't even want an explanation. You just want to be salty. Well go ahead, I won't stop you, "mom".


I'm out. Not gonna waste more of my time here.



Yep, "son", because when I asked you to make a comparison between pc (Steam) exclusive content and console exclusive content, of course you bail out.

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Lun-Sei said:



Hey, "son" (judging by how you admitted you're so young you can't buy your own pc, I think you should call me mom).


Show me those "exclusive console skins".


In fact, let's make a list and compare the exclusive Steam content with the exclusive console content.


Furthermore, nobody said anything about how the console version is always a patch or two behind the pc version. You brought it up. Sounds like insecurity.

Xbox has prestige packs(9 of them), PS4 has reknown packs(11 of them now), PC exclusives are phased and rubedo which are from an old event. We also get more tennogen.

Because of how the system works, the console tennogen stuff costs platinum(which ticks me off) and ours cost real currency(most being around $6USD). These are user created items that DE does not own the rights to, the creators who are all on PC do, and I'm pretty sure most of them would rather have a share of the money and not platinum.

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