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Cryo On Mercury? Seriously?


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So, I took my Level 3 Mag to Captain Vor like I did last night, successfully.


I was using a Burston, Hikou, and Skana Prime to keep my levels low so I wouldn't get roflstomped by some Lv15+ Vor.


Vor was Level 3, very do-able though a mildly long battle.








If I weren't a Mag with a Redirection equipped, I would have had like......no shields whatsoever.


Cryo should not be happening on Mercury, especially not if you're a low-leveled frame.

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its random in all missions and that was true before they increased the difficulty on Mercury.  Best lesson is the one that kills you, so new players need to know sooner rather than later.  Then they know to slow down and change tactics to take care of their shields.


I will never forget the first Shielded Lancer I met doing the first rescue mission on Mercury, it killed me

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i thin


So, I took my Level 3 Mag to Captain Vor like I did last night, successfully.


I was using a Burston, Hikou, and Skana Prime to keep my levels low so I wouldn't get roflstomped by some Lv15+ Vor.


Vor was Level 3, very do-able though a mildly long battle.








If I weren't a Mag with a Redirection equipped, I would have had like......no shields whatsoever.


Cryo should not be happening on Mercury, especially not if you're a low-leveled frame.

First off your Mag and can restore your own shields + destroy enemies and Mag is a Warframe that gets a large amount of Shields it shouldn't bother you that much.


Cryo should never happen coz its dumb.


Cryo isn't dumb its a good environmental change that you need to adapt to if you don't like it then abort the mission otherwise just deal with it and adapt. We're Ninja's aren't we? We should know how to adapt to such environments

why does ice hurt shields so much anyway? Any logical shield projection I can think of would actually benefit from lower temperatures.

think of a Warframes Shield thing as themself. if they are constantly freezing you think you'd be able to defend as much considering your freezing cold and trying to fight things off though i do also agree that Ice shouldn't effect your shields but instead hurt your max stamina.


In conclusion Cryo is a good challenge that you need to learn about early else you won't know how to deal with it later (imagine your first Cryo being on Pluto. Do you really want to walk in there, get that, and not know what to do about it)

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First off your Mag and can restore your own shields + destroy enemies and Mag is a Warframe that gets a large amount of Shields it shouldn't bother you that much.


Did I not say "If I weren't a Mag with a Redirection....."?


What would have happened on that Cryo Level had I been, oh, I don't know, Excalibur instead? Let's see... my Mag was 5 when I got to Vor, right? It is pretty easy for a Newbie to be serially unlucky with Redirection... let's assume Excalibur at Lv5 with no Redirection.


I can't find any wiki info for what shields a Lv5 has. Lv1 has 100 shields, let's assume 120.


That means -60- Shields on a Cryo Tolstoj as a newbie who isn't as skilled and/or who is lacking a redirection. Even WITH a Rank0 Redirection, that's only 80 shields after Cryo.


80 is barely better than the squishiest Warframe starts out on.


Cryo should not be happening on Mercury, ever. Newbies just don't have the tools to really deal with that. I had things like Burston, Hikou, and a Skana Prime... that would have not been very fun without Shield Polarize, or having to use things like Lato, the regular Skana, or even an MK1.


EDIT: Oh, I btw, I got 2 Cryo Levels in a row when doing Vor as a Mag (he gives roughly 1,200xp himself so that's a nice boost for a lowbie weapon and Mag herself).


EDIT2: And all of the times I've done Mercury mission with lowbie frames and weapons, I have NEVER seen a Cryo Pre-U9. Ever.

Edited by Xylia
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why does ice hurt shields so much anyway? Any logical shield projection I can think of would actually benefit from lower temperatures.

The most logical shield projection would be a thin jet of water constantly flowing around us and dampening any incoming force, dissipating the heat and the kinetic energy, and easily repairing itself as more water flows in to take the place of what was displaced. Surface tension water shielding is, in fact, the most common kind of personal shielding found on anything in real life nature.


The most logical effect of relying on flowing water in an icy environment is that it would work poorly or not at all, as it would be frozen, and unable to perform the standard flow mechanics, and instead would be a brittle, easily broken coating, or a viscous, slowly flowing liquid that offers none of the benefits of rapid, dynamic surface tension.

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I'm personally torn. I find Cryo to be an annoying effect that has limited value, but what little value it has is nice when it occurs. Shields on Corpus and large Grineer enemies like the heavygunners suffer from the cold, so it also makes those enemies easier to take down as well.


I could probably stand to do without it, but I think it should be taken more realistically. A cryo problem should have a profound effect on the functions of any given ship/station. Lockdowns should be fewer between, alarms should be harder to trigger, and other system related problems that the lack of proper cooling equipment could cause should occur in tandem. Fire should also have additional stage effects that occur with it to give it a more profound sense of realism.


The stage elements seem campy, and little more than a major annoyance right now with the way they're executed.

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Honestly, all these enviromental effects?


They should be player triggered.


If a map has a lot of shielded enemies, for example, I want to go and stab the cryo-core. Because if I can't have fun with shields, then the enemy can't have it either.


Lots of lightly armored enemies? Boom goes the ammunition storage.


We can already break glass and cause decompression, why aren't the rest of the enviromental effects in the hands of the player?


Or enemy controlled in addition to us, so we can hear Lotus say: "oi m8, sum corpus plebs just wen' an' 'sploded the cryocore on dat grineer ship."

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There's this new hipster tactic that popped up last week.


its called 'COVER".


Or, if Cryo levels bug you THAT much, abort.  Try again.

I got a better tactic whenever I start up a mission that has cryo (aside from the failed mobile defense run earlier for rifle amp): I hit escape and click abort mission and immediately give it another try.
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its random in all missions and that was true before they increased the difficulty on Mercury.  Best lesson is the one that kills you, so new players need to know sooner rather than later.  Then they know to slow down and change tactics to take care of their shields.


I will never forget the first Shielded Lancer I met doing the first rescue mission on Mercury, it killed me


Mercury cant have altered enviroment, DE fixed that in others updates.

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why does ice hurt shields so much anyway? Any logical shield projection I can think of would actually benefit from lower temperatures.

Because the tenno power their shields with rechargeable batteries, obviously.


And everyone knows how useless those things get in the cold.

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Mercury cant have altered enviroment, DE fixed that in others updates.




ok, next time I see Cryo at Vor, I'll screenshot it and prove you wrong. Shouldn't take long, because yanno it happens like 1 in 3 times.

Edited by Xylia
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