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Warframe Diaries: Hardcores, Casuals & The Gaps Between


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So, in my last post, I had openly stated that I wasn't for sure if this was the most appropriate thread for this kind of stuff. Since I didn't face any objections, I thought I'd carry on here.

My vlog this times carries a bit of reflection over the game (from the perspective of a new Tenno) and how it plays out for hardcore players or casuals who can manage a few hours every now and then, like myself.


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Dear Diary,

         This video gave me nostalgia like I haven't experienced in a long time. Being a noob was sweet. Not knowing what was ahead, or how mods worked, or how anything really worked was a state of ignorance that I still long for. Simply playing the game for the fun of being a space ninja is something I still do, and will forever do.



Also you don't have to be a 'Pro' to join a Clan. My clan, for instance, specializes in helping out new players, and we have a few MR 1, 2, and 3 players who've just joined. 

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I'm like, a hardcore casual...

I play for maybe a few hours then goes off, but i lurk the forums from my phone to kill time so often, i guess i'm technicaly always warframing?


Tho, i always liked seing someone experiencing something i love for the first time, mainly the likes of bloodborne, okami, warframe, and some other great stuff. I'll defineatly check it out once i get home to my wifi

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2 hours ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

I'm like, a hardcore casual...

I play for maybe a few hours then goes off, but i lurk the forums from my phone to kill time so often, i guess i'm technicaly always warframing?


Tho, i always liked seing someone experiencing something i love for the first time, mainly the likes of bloodborne, okami, warframe, and some other great stuff. I'll defineatly check it out once i get home to my wifi

I like how you put that into perspective. Never considered "Hardcore Casual" as a category actually. It definitely makes sense for Warframe, considering its design.

Thanks for sharing. It'll keep me thinking for a while. 

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There are more classes than main classes. Like in rpgs in real life have also different classes and subclasses *roles*

I can also consider myself 7/10 in casuality level and 2-4/10 on hardocre because I like the game flow and how it plays. Most of the time I am not rush because I don't like the rush and I like to spend time on missions with a good group or with friends.

I am also on the forums so much times but most of the times I am just viewer and not often write something on forums.

And luckily in games like warframe the mastery level not mean someone pro or skilled enough because with agressive xp farming you can go beyond in mastery but no need to master actually anything to prove you are pro. In my clan everybody have a mastery but that doesn't matter for us only the fun and the good atmosphere considered in my clan something worth. 

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"A helpful community where no-one makes you feel like you're left behind"

That's not really my experience.  Even as a long time player who has a good grasp on how most things work, I often get completely left behind by players who have no interest in a cooperative experience. It's not uncommon to see players take every speed increasing feature available, race ahead at every opportunity, not wait for you at elevators or objectives, kill the boss before you ever see it... well, there is very little incentive in Warframe for a strong or skilled player to ever play cooperatively.  Especially with someone who is less skilled, less geared, or not specialized in speedrunning like they are. What I'm saying is that in the vast majority of cases, the game fundamentally does not require or reward teamwork and so a good number of people who can get through alone don't bother.  There is not much that is more demoralizing than seeing blatant proof that your presence was merely coincidental to the mission's outcome.

Edited by Momaw
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53 minutes ago, Momaw said:

"A helpful community where no-one makes you feel like you're left behind"

That's not really my experience.  Even as a long time player who has a good grasp on how most things work, I often get completely left behind by players who have no interest in a cooperative experience. It's not uncommon to see players take every speed increasing feature available, race ahead at every opportunity, not wait for you at elevators or objectives, kill the boss before you ever see it... well, there is very little incentive in Warframe for a strong or skilled player to ever play cooperatively.  Especially with someone who is less skilled, less geared, or not specialized in speedrunning like they are. What I'm saying is that in the vast majority of cases, the game fundamentally does not require or reward teamwork and so a good number of people who can get through alone don't bother.  There is not much that is more demoralizing than seeing blatant proof that your presence was merely coincidental to the mission's outcome.

That's why you need to find in game friends whom playing the similar playstyle what you like to do. And sadly true the game is not reward the real teamplay and there is no real reason to do it because of differences and the whole game design is made for speedruns. This is not that type of game where you can only play coop with your friends in the same place like in some older game where you have had shared screen with whom you play.

Also the game is not giving enough loot. The caskets and lockers are nice idea from DE along with secret rooms but there is no mod drop from there and in the whole time you just get some small amount of loot which not makes interesting to try and loot all the map. The affinity system also works differently because that tries to force the peoples to actual do team play with the affinity sharing range but I seen many mission where all members were in different rooms and far from each other so the xp and loot not shared well and everyone just tried to kill more.

I am that category who is not considered a likely person in speed runs because the majority just rushing the missions while I loot, explore, trying to stay close to help others but totally hate the runs.

Most of the time playing solo or playing missions where the map size is not problem and can play with others. A coop game without coop. 

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I of course, have little to offer in the matter since I'm yet to go beyond Venus' junction at the moment. 

But I will say this; be it a sense of "elitism" or "Lone Wolf types", there's always a guild/clan that has that family feel where a player like yourself could belong to. 

Ventrilo (I know, I know, Discord!) is a place where these types of clans/guilds commune and it all ends being very different and cool from there.

You'd be surprised (at least in other games) how simple words like "Looking for a friendly clan/guild that accept casual players" can do.I write this, because some players have genuinely never actively LOOKED and PICKED their clans apart. Clan culture makes a huge difference. 

I may not be a Warframe veteran, and just a player with barely a week in - but those are my two cents.

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