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Getting Insta-Killed A Lot In Nightmare Mode


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I hope y'all can tell me if I'm just sucking that bad or if there's possibly a bug going on with Nightmare mode.


Last night, I got worked no less than ten times trying to solo my way through a Nightmare deception mission on Epimetheus in Saturn. The problem was primarily Grineer Flameblades--they kept teleporting up to me and then BAM, I was dead.  One-hit kills every time I ran through.


I was running a potatoed level 30 Nova with level 6 Redirection (280%) and level 6 Vitality (280%). This was getting me up to 435 shields and 580 health.


Weapons were a lvl 22 Supra, a lvl 30 potatoed Twin Vipers, and lvl 27 Kogake.


There were a couple other instances of me getting downed immediately by enemies other than flameblades--like off the first two enemies I saw in a level, even.  


So, am I just sucking? Did Nightmare mode get a lot harder? Is there an insta-kill bug I'm running into?  I don't remember Nightmare mode being all that hard to solo about a week ago, and I was doing 'em all throughout the solar system. Granted, I was running Frost Prime last time I did this sort of thing, so maybe Nova is really just that squishy?


(On a side note, I thought Steve said that each Nightmare mode instance was supposed to be the same each time you ran it. Last night, it kept changing between timer and vampire mode. Perhaps that's for a future release.)

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They are planning to do you side note, its not like that YET.


Flameblades hit like a truck, when they teleport you have enough time to move out of their way... only thing that will keep you alive.


They teleport, spawn on you and 2 seconds later they hit, side step in that time and you are safe.

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I've been 1shotted on a Mercury nightmare by a shield lancer before, running at around 560 hp and 480 shield on my Nyx. Went in for the melee charged attack, seeing how he was chilled. Forgot the shield bash damage registry is at the START of the animation, not the end. So, ran in, died, dropped to the floor, then watched him slowly swing out his shield above my corpse. Hilarious.

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Also consider that Frost has 150 armor, and Nova has, like, 10. So...yes she is just that squishy.


Well, she has 50 armor, but I hear ya.


Okay, so I think y'all are telling me that I just suck that much.  I can deal with that.  I like a challenge.  Who knows, maybe I never ran Grineer in Nightmare before yesterday.  The game has never been hard before, so this is new.



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Okay, so I think y'all are telling me that I just suck that much.


Not saying that >___> Some of the attacks from certain mobs in the nightmare missions probably deserve readjustment (at the very least, for lower level systems; getting oneshotted in Sedna nightmare or Europa would make more sense).

But I like that attitude :3

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Not saying that >___> Some of the attacks from certain mobs in the nightmare missions probably deserve readjustment (at the very least, for lower level systems; getting oneshotted in Sedna nightmare or Europa would make more sense).

But I like that attitude :3


Hah!  Yeah, I don't mind the challenge because I found Warframe to be far too easy before.  But you might be right--I was very surprised to find Saturn nightmare to be so difficult, when it's one of the first systems a player can unlock.  Then again, it's probably fair to say that players should probably save Nightmare Mode until after they're able to beat Pluto.  Then again, I am able to solo Pluto still, although admittedly, it is more challenging than before.

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Nova is a weak frame, I also get randomly oneshotted by several lv60 mobs if I don't watch it. Haven't died in lv30-40 nightmare in a while though.


Shield lancer bash seems to come straight through your shields, and the Grineer seekers can oneshot you with their Kraken. Corpus lasers do a heckload of damage and you really need to look for that cover.


You'll just have to learn when to watch out for mobs. Seekers tend to throw their rollers before shooting so you have good time to pick them off.

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It's a bug I believe. Knockdown and stagger attacks seem to play a large part in it. I don't ever get one shot by something that ain't stunning me or pushing me down on my &#!.

I think you may be on to something, I know it's happened to me with infested charger attacks. I'll be fine, near full health and full shields, one lone charger gets in a swipe or two, staggered and dead with full shields still.

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My frost has 740 health 1110 shields and a maxed out steel fiber I should have 315 armor and I get one hit killed more often than not. I should not be killable in one hit unless I have taken over 3k-4 damage in a single hit and those flame blades always 1 hit kill me. Those napalm heavy aren't any better and I have come to the conclusion that, A armor has ZERO effect on nightmare mode or B the NPC hit for thousands of damage per hit.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I made a post about this in the bug forum.  It has happened to me a couple times.  I would have full shields and virtually full health, and I would drop dead in about a second and a half.   And the worst part is I can see my shields still full and not dropping.  My health just plummets and I die.  It is WAY to fast for it to be the vampire effect, which is not supposed to be able to kill you anymore anyway. 


Also, for me I didn't notice it coming from just one enemy type.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Given I've been downed with ironskin running from nightmare missions (since the change that health cant drop below 1%) its a good chance its buggy (thinking on it I should have screencaped it).

Edited by Loswaith
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Tested it many times - melee attacks in Nightmare go right through shield, with 300-500 dmg they deal at saturn it is instakill for most frames.

My worst experience - Vampire + frozen ship. Halved shields means most enemies tear them off in 1-3 bursts, means dashing in group of enemies to wipe them fast will often result in HP damage .Sum it up with drained HP - no matter what tactic you use won't be on full HP at any given time. And that's where those pesky flameblade/shield lancers/scorpions will get at you.


2 scorpions - you are dead if you can't vanish/redirect them. One will pull other will kill ya.

heavy Grineer behind door - you are dead from ground slam.

Edited by Aedwynn
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It does seem bugged. Was soloing a level 30 Nightmare Mode Everest:Earth, which was otherwise super easy since I was using my main Warframe (rank 30 Trinity + Reactor + 2 Formas).


At some point I ended up getting knocked down by a Grineer Scorpion. Had full shields and plenty of health (this is with rank 10 Redirection and Rank 9 Vitality mind you). Nothing else was in the room, just the Scorpion, so I decided to cast Energy Vampire before dispatching the Scorpion. Big mistake.


I didn´t see the exact damage numbers, but in the couple of seconds it took me to cast EV, the Scorpion killed me, through all 740 shields and 600+ health. Really just caught me completely by surprise, considering that nothing else in the level, including Vay Hek himself, did anywhere close to that amount of damage.



I assumed it was simply a Nightmare Mode mechanic and moved on, except shortly after that Everest run with Trinity, I decided to solo Lith on Nightmare Mode using Frost. My Frost was only rank 16, and had less than 240 health. I got hit multiple times by Sawmen and Scorpions alike and never died. I mean I realize Frost has about 50% more health-damage reduction over Trinity, but even if melee were dealing 2x the damage, Trinity had 600+ health, and I am certain at one point I got hit at least 3 times in a row by 2 Scorpions that teamed up on me.


Did all 15 waves with Frost up to (I think) lvl 40 enemies with no trouble despite being shield slammed by Shield Lancers, ground slammed by Heavy Gunners, and hit many times by Sawmen and Scorpions. The disparity doesn´t add up, so the damage definitely seems bugged in some way.


Also, when using Link and allowing myself to be hit by lvl 30 Grineer Scorpions on Nightmare Everest, it reflected only 94 damage.

Edited by Fenrisyn
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