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The harmony ribbon


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 Last November my uncle died of cancer.   It has been one of the hardest things in my life I was very close to him and often I thought no one cares about this topic unless it happened to one of them or their family members.

 I Saw the ribbon in my inbox the cancer ribbon and my heart melted, I started to ball my eyes out  I was so thankful that even the smallest jester shows that you care and that just the ribbon means so much to me and I know it may be more to others as well.

 I ended up sending a support ticket hoping I could ask them if they can make it a permanent thing I use it every single time I go into a battle every single time mission raid doesn't matter it's all I use on every frame.

 This wonderful person that help me named [DE] Chris  he told me that I would have to post to here to get it directly to the Devs he said he would pass it along and I'm so thankful he is.

 i'm hoping someone will see this and realize that even this maybe just some motion to show that you support but some people are all whole lot.

 From the bottom of my heart thank you so much for showing that you care and that you bring something even this small.

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That's tough .. I'm sorry for your loss. It's people like yourself, and others in this thread that let me know that coping is possible .. My mother hasn't received a diagnosis yet, but we all know what it is. I just can't even imagine, and I know I'm not prepared. Thank you for sharing your experience ..

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