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Energy Overflow idea


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Now this is not my idea, it is just something I saw recently in the comments for a youtube video that was talking about the Focus Rework post from the Devs recently.

The devs stated that they think something like energy overflow should be an investment. Well I noticed someone mention in a comment that they should tie passive energy regeneration to Mastery Rank divided by 5.

Well I got to thinking about this and this is a great idea. It provides an innate playtime investment into the game, encourages some players to spend plat/credits for new weapons/frames (which is good for DE), and gives a new/stronger reason to work towards mastery. Now I would recommend cutting off this particular benefit at Mastery Rank 20 (which if you divide that by 5 is 4. Which is the current equivalent of Energy Overflow) By the time you've reached Mastery Rank 20, you deserve that 4 energy a second.

This would also allow veteran players to not be affected as much from the removal of Energy Overflow (for example, I am MR15, which would be 3 energy a second) and this gives new players a strong drive to achieve higher Mastery Rank. And this still allows the option to have many diverse builds and not be pigeon holed into focusing on efficiency.

This is a perfect example of "Grind=Reward"

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I'd be getting 4.8 energy at MR24

I get the idea of looking at alternatives, and I'm sure the devs have some mathematical tricks they can use if they decide to do something with MR.

One thing I've read is adding the Focus passives to new PoE Arcanes we can earn there.

Either way, I'm curious to see what others say.

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5 minutes ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

One thing I've read is adding the Focus passives to new PoE Arcanes we can earn there

This isn't just something said as an idea by another player though, but DE said they are looking to add it to the new arcanes.

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o.o I was Rooting for [Energy Siphon] Up to actual usage.

What did I know, Orokin were screaming in the background after me.

Some thing along the line of, "You Fool! How dare you try to 250 Energize (Bunny) us!".

Just waits for Plains to arrive, like most Tennos said already. o.o Then there is some thing to work with.

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3 minutes ago, DesFrSpace said:

o.o I was Rooting for [Energy Siphon] Up to actual usage.

What did I know, Orokin were screaming in the background after me.

Some thing along the line of, "You Fool! How dare you try to 250 Energize (Bunny) us!".

Just waits for Plains to arrive, like most Tennos said already. o.o Then there is some thing to work with.

Actually upping Energy Siphon is a bad idea. I was all for it at first too, BUT I didn't take into consideration that if you upped Energy Siphon you are pretty much creating a scenario where players won't want people in their squads if they are not using Energy Siphon, because the effectiveness of Energy Siphon would be further increased by the different instances of that aura in the same squad. Hence diversity is hurt and squads can potentially become pigeon holed.

I'm also iffy on the arcane idea, because what if those arcanes are only attainable by killing Eidelons. I for one have no desire to play as my operator and will be avoiding it, and I'm not the only player that feels that way. I for one play Warframe to play as my "Warframe". It's what I enjoy and it's what keeps me playing. Even with Archwing I still feel like I'm playing as my warframe in a way, but the whole idea of the operator just doesn't entice me, even if it ends up being really good. I still think warframes should be able to do Operator only activities, but be less effective.

I think the whole Mastery Rank idea is good for the players, DE, and the overall health of the game.

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I think all frames should get an innate energy generation value which varies depending on whether the frame is a caster heavy frame or not (with a base of 1 and a cap of 2-3 ish, I guess). Heck it could be a multiplier for other sources of energy regen, making some frames better suited to the effect of energy restore stuff.

People could slot in energy syphon over this (perhaps buff it slightly to like 1.5/2 energy per second), which should allow most builds with an okay base energy restore to reach about the same enery as they did with the zenurik passive in the past.

There should also be energy restore arcanes, which would help push frames with a low base energy restore closer to the zenurk standar, and allow heavy casters to perhaps reach an even higher cap.

I think this would work. People would adapt their builds based on their energy needs. Someone that doesn't need much energy and that want corrosive projection/ different arcanes would be able to slot in efficiency and do okay... Someone that wanted armor stripping ,but heavy energy regen could choose to add an arcane over his base energy regen to reach good numbers and a heavy caster should combine all three energy restore skills and get like 5-6 energy per second.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

I think all frames should get an innate energy generation value which varies depending on whether the frame is a caster heavy frame or not (with a base of 1 and a cap of 2-3 ish, I guess).

People could slot in energy syphon over this (perhaps buff it slightly to like 1.5/2 energy per second), which should allow most builds with an okay base energy restore to reach about the same enery as they did with the zenurik passive in the past.

There should also be energy restore arcanes, which would help push frames with a low base energy restore closer to the zenurk standar, and allow heavy casters to perhaps reach an even higher cap.

I think this would work. People would adapt their builds based on their energy needs. Someone that doesn't need much energy and that want corrosive projection/ different arcanes would be able to slot in efficiency and do okay... Someone that wanted armor stripping ,but heavy energy regen could choose to add an arcane over his base energy regen to reach good numbers and a heavy caster should combine all three energy restore skills and get like 5-6 energy per second.

You do realize that Zenurik's energy overflow is only 4 energy a second right? If they implemented your suggestion it would even surpass Energy Overflow in its current state.

So say they give all Warframes an innate 1 energy a sec (for arguments sake), and you have Energy Siphon with say....2 energy a second. With just two players in the squad with Energy Siphon on that's 5 energy a second. Heck this scenario could make Energy Overflow look weak in comparison. And with "new" energy arcanes on top of that would be insane. Just saying.

So I go back to the Mastery Rank idea, because it incorporates "Grind=Reward", which is one of the biggest themes in Warframe.

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sometimes warframe is just plain unfair in the energy department

like if you have 800 or whatever

1 tentacle, you go to 0

1 door, and you go to 0


1 zap of any kind, reduces you all the way to 0


Why cant damage be an acrrued thing, rather than setting our energy back to 0, from like 700 or 800

theres no much anti energy stuff in warframe, anti power stuff as well


the regen was like the best thing


it just sucks to lose something, or have it turned into a grindfest arcane or something


it just freaks me out, nothing is safe in warframe, anything we get comfortable with, is susceptible to drastic nerfs or change


nerfs mostly =p

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