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New sniper rifle idea


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With the increased ranged we getting with the update I was sitting and remembering 1 of my favorite mmo snipers.  A old now shutdown game called tabula rasa  had 1 of my all time favorite sniper classes.  They had self propeling bullets  so the farther the bullet traveled the more damage they did as they picked up speed.   I'm not sure exactly how to implament this in this game as most snipers right now would probebly 1 shot most grineer in poe unless they have some really strong ones.     1 idea was to have no fall off damage but that would ruin the other rifles then unless there a downside to it allso.

I just remember how fun it was to set up in tabula rasa from really far buff up and take aim on a elite enemy and allmost 1 shot them. That if you would tried to engaged solo it probebly would have killed you being in range of its attack radius.   But not sure if there is any enemy in poe that would quality for that beside the eidolon but that one is protected from that tactic. 

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

POE has "alerts" that are level 80, and i havnt been using snipers enough to know how well one can do at 80's 

if they still one shot, besides the lanka let me know :3

Not sure I did 1 shot the lvl 60s in sortie the other day.  I use rubico 97% crit chance with 12x multiplier + 120% crit damage from bladed rounds so a crit from that rifle will hit hard.

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20 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

Isn't there a pvp mod for the daikyu that does something like this? Cause that means the framework for a weapon like that is already in the game. 

No clue never looked at pvp but if its true that sound like something they should convert to pve mods for poe for that bow to =P

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