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Can we have Ducats value under the rewards table when chosing?


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[DE]Steve has already commented on this in the past, saying that he doesn't want to do this, because it's too "meta", meaning "most effective/efficient tactic available".  He does not want that level of ease, convenience, and efficiency in farming ducats.

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1 hour ago, DeMeritus said:

[DE]Steve has already commented on this in the past, saying that he doesn't want to do this, because it's too "meta", meaning "most effective/efficient tactic available".  He does not want that level of ease, convenience, and efficiency in farming ducats.

But then again, we now have rarity indicators on Prime parts when previously we did not, which caters significantly more to the meta than listing ducat values alone, as rarity is also an indicator of value. Really, indicating ducat values would only affect some fringe cases where you all get common relics and don't want to memorize the Lex Prime BP/Fang Prime Handle/Paris Prime Upper Limb being worth 10 more ducats, or are choosing between two different uncommon relics where one happens to be vaulted. It really is a quality-of-life thing that doesn't change things by that much either way, but that does make things slightly more convenient when ducat farming.

Edited by Teridax68
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2 hours ago, lukinu_u said:

The ducat price depend on the raririty, so it would be pointless exept for the few pieces that are both uncommon and rare and cost 65 ducats.
Exept these few peices price are always 15 for common, 45 for uncommon and 100 for rare.

And it's exactly those exceptions that make this necessary, because they reworked the prices specifically to tie them to rarity to make it easy to tell, but then changed some rarities and values as well, except you don't know which unless you memorise them all.

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Or kust make the worth the same... if he doesn't want meta why not just make them worth same ducats and make the dropchance even... why would you update relics then? Dunno.. maybe for chances to loot two items?

I mean RNG is still there to help F*** it up :)

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