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Winds of Purity and Dex Furis


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For those who don't know. Winds of Purity is a syndicate augment mod from New Loka that gives the Furis 20% lifesteal (heals you when u shoot people) which is quite good.

Now the problem is; it only works with the original Furis not the Afuris or better yet the Dex Furis which sucks because that augment mod  alone would be enough to put the Dex Furis in the top 5 sidearms or at least top 7.

Also life steal is a rare effect in Warframe , I came from a Moba called League of Legends where lifesteal was just as common a stat as Crit Strike/Hit so it would be nice to implement it a bit more starting with the Dex Furis.


Idk if they wanna tone it down to 15%  or even 12% Life steal (Hopefully no lower than that) to make the augment more balanced but tbh your health gains will decrease severly while damaging heavy armored units; and this mod wont save you if your playing squishy warframes like Zehphyr. Everyone would be able to use it but it would only be really good on like a quarter of the warframe roster. It's a nice way to combat against Toxic procs as no one ever sacrifices a mod slot to mod for Antitoxin or Rapid Resilience.


TL;DR: Make Winds of Purity useable on Dex Furis, implement more lifesteal weapons in game.


Also i dont have the Dex Furis but I dont consider it that great. If WoP was useable on it I would consider it a good sidearm.

Edited by (PS4)Kyng_Scotty
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Kyng_Scotty said:

It's a nice way to combat against Toxic procs as no one ever sacrifices a mod slot to mod for Antitoxin or Rapid Resilience.

Rapid Resilience is a great mod.  Radiation procs are over by the time you notice them, Toxin/Slash do considerably less damage, Cold barely slows you for any time etc.

I also am a fan of Winds of Purity, especialy when leveling a new frame and don't have as much health and shields as I could have.  I'm pretty sure it was added as a reason to use a single pistol over the twin variant though as it was thought to be a no-brainer upgrade (even with reduced accuracy and reload speed).  Same situation for the Viper and Bolto mods.

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You lost me at League of Legends, but I kept reading because I am a nice guy.

No point in lying, lots of people would like this...but.

  • DE is already failing with fixing power creep so bad, that they are putting in more on purpose as an excuse to not fix armour scalling (or so it seems). However there is such a thing, as too much power creep.
  • This is not a MOBA! There are plenty of other ways to heal yourself and allies: Harrow, Trinity, Health Restores, Purity proc (the one on weapons from New Loka), Life Strike, Healling Return, ect. ...also health orbs drop sort of frequantly (to the point where the entire floor can be covered in them if there is a Nekros in the team)
  • We are already practically gods in the game, health is not a problem untill you get to the end game of end game...Why do you think Nullifiers had to be added?
17 minutes ago, (PS4)Kyng_Scotty said:

and this mod wont save you if your playing squishy warframes like Zehphyr.





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Winds of Purity exits to make Players use Furis, and your desire for that Augment fulfills that purpose.

plus if Life Steal was everywhere, then it wouldn't be an interesting Effect anymore, it would be just standard. notable features being so common that it's just the norm baseline makes them not notable features anymore and now you've just all all bland nothing because everything is the same.

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38 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

Weapon augment mods only work on that specific weapon. There's also a Burston Prime augment that doesn't work on the original Burston I think.

Correct: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Gilded_Truth

1 hour ago, (PS4)Kyng_Scotty said:

would be enough to put the Dex Furis in the top 5 sidearms or at least top 7.

Not even close to it.


1 hour ago, (PS4)Kyng_Scotty said:

TL;DR: Make Winds of Purity useable on Dex Furis, implement more lifesteal weapons in game.

Nothing more I can say other than it won't likely happen. Same as http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Scattered_Justice  wouldn't be made to be used on Vaykor Hek.

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The whole point was to make players use the weaker weapon, with the intention not of doing damage, but pure utility. Of course, not even the Rivens are available for both the single version weapon and the special dual version at the same time, so I don't see this happening.

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I agree with what your saying as to using the weaker weapon for utility, what i'm trying to say is.... Lifesteal scales with damage, so being tied to a weapon who has no damage potential regardless of build in mid to late game content. You probably wont be able to heal more than 50hp per mag which cause your sacrificing your primary weapon damage to tickle enemies and get crumbs of health back while they gun you down.

Edited by (PS4)Kyng_Scotty
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