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Great Game.. Terrible Community


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While I agree that judging an entire community off of a single, isolated experience is definitely going overboard, it does bring up an important point.

I see a lot of people citing some of the particularly toxic gaming communities (though I'm surprised DOTA wasn't right up there with LoL...) as comparatively much worse. Let's just keep in mind that "these other people are way worse" makes a bad excuse for not paying enough attention to one's own behavior. It is also unfortunate to see some of you believing that toxicity is a given part of any online community. Sure, it's more common than not, but I've encountered a few decent player communities here and there, with nearly zero player toxicity. It really isn't that difficult to keep things civil.

The biggest potential issue I see right now is the 'hardcore' and 'casual' factions that seem to be developing more clearly with each passing update. It is crucial that both sides eliminate the notion that they are entitled to custom tailor Warframe's gameplay to suit their own preferences perfectly. In the absence of difficulty settings, there needs to be a middle ground.

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You'll find people like this anywhere you go, unfortunately.

But you think Warframe has a bad community? Play League of Legends. With 34 million people playing it, you'll run into A******s VERY frequently.


even in a coop game T_T


there are people like that in every game. some games are FAR worse than others. Warframe community is very tame compared to others

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While I agree that judging an entire community off of a single, isolated experience is definitely going overboard, it does bring up an important point.

I see a lot of people citing some of the particularly toxic gaming communities (though I'm surprised DOTA wasn't right up there with LoL...) as comparatively much worse. Let's just keep in mind that "these other people are way worse" makes a bad excuse for not paying enough attention to one's own behavior. It is also unfortunate to see some of you believing that toxicity is a given part of any online community. Sure, it's more common than not, but I've encountered a few decent player communities here and there, with nearly zero player toxicity. It really isn't that difficult to keep things civil.

The biggest potential issue I see right now is the 'hardcore' and 'casual' factions that seem to be developing more clearly with each passing update. It is crucial that both sides eliminate the notion that they are entitled to custom tailor Warframe's gameplay to suit their own preferences perfectly. In the absence of difficulty settings, there needs to be a middle ground.

I am most definitely hardcore, but i totally agree. I find immense pleasure in figuring out the absolute best way to play a frame, and then how to take it one step further with Forma, or odd Mod combos. That being said, I really do think there are  a lot of people who feel entitled to everything, and everything right this second. This really needs to stop....to much of that can kill a beta.

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Yesterday, I played a game of defense on Xini, with three randoms (since my clanmateys were busy in their own runs), and while they didn't talk at all, they were handling the mobs well. We reached wave 5 and beat it, and when prompted to continue or desist, I chose to continue to farm some more mats. They did the same too, but, at the last moment, switched back to desist. I couldn't switch on time, so I was stuck facing hordes of infested completely alone. Suffice to say I lost the level, and all the mats, mods and credits were gone too, because of three trolls that decided to pull a fast one at the end and leave. It's not the first time this happens to me or some friends of mine, either.


So yeah, this community isn't as bad as the LoL community, but there are still those players that pull these kinds of dirty tricks on you.

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Yesterday, I played a game of defense on Xini, with three randoms (since my clanmateys were busy in their own runs), and while they didn't talk at all, they were handling the mobs well. We reached wave 5 and beat it, and when prompted to continue or desist, I chose to continue to farm some more mats. They did the same too, but, at the last moment, switched back to desist. I couldn't switch on time, so I was stuck facing hordes of infested completely alone. Suffice to say I lost the level, and all the mats, mods and credits were gone too, because of three trolls that decided to pull a fast one at the end and leave. It's not the first time this happens to me or some friends of mine, either.


So yeah, this community isn't as bad as the LoL community, but there are still those players that pull these kinds of dirty tricks on you.

some dudes just want to troll other dudes, i've been on that situation too.

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I think there is alot of issues with hardcore players meeting new players.


Games like, Wow, Rift, SWTOR, etc..  have a leveling system, with the idea that by the time you hit max level, you kinda understand how the game works.

this help separate the Newer players from the More experienced players.


I guess the problems in this game are the ability and push via alerts to pickup a new player fresh to the game, and drop them in Pluto, or Eris... so they now have planets on those systems unlocked.



"they were really annoying before the wave started"



Abuse in text?

Did they smash your tins?

You said you quit in the first 15 seconds so I assume it was something nasty in text?

if your getting extreme verbal abuse in text, Report it.




I don't think shooting a player with Acrid can lag them out, but I think shooting a player with Torid can probably can.

But...  shooting a player with Torid seems to put a poison cloud on that player for 12 seconds... and at there feet wherever they walk?

I have been shot alot... in recent games with people using Torid.

I don't think they are Trolling...  they are spreading there poo all over the map so it can damage Enemies.

I think they just didn't understand that your using a computer that can't run the game, and the additional FX where ruining it for you.


Kinda like a Vauban sticking a tesla on a more mobile player to .... zap some mobs..

Is this trolling? its adding damage to the team?

Edited by Tatersail
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When you run into dbag just tell him to crawl back to his CoD and leave this game or to go and play tetris, at least that's what I do and it's very effective, it makes people rage so much for some reason and they start to insult then, but yea, never go down to their level and insult back, just screenshot and report, hopefully DE will ban them :)

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If you think this community is toxic... go to LoL or Dota or COD... and check those...You know nothing Jon Snow :D


Soz for your feelings but it is in your hands to let a few rotten apples spoil every other.

Edited by Eversor
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