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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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Magnus Magna-zetidra (0 roll)

- 124.9% Recoil
+ 103,4% Fire rate
+ 169,7% Impact
- 50,4% Damage to Corpus

Panthera Toxipha(0 roll)
+163.3% Toxin
+162,8% Fire
-37,2% Damage to Corpus

Edited by Xenoth
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On 2018-10-09 at 1:45 AM, Nephalem said:

angstrum 80 - 180

gram deci 300 - 500

gram acri 400 - 600

SA 60 - 100

strun 150 - 350

On 2018-10-09 at 6:27 AM, PainRedefined07 said:



price check pls

200 - 600

On 2018-10-09 at 7:13 AM, ProCallat said:

How about this one? 



158.7% crit chance

194.4% damage

105.8% status chance

-91.7% status duration

400 - 800

On 2018-10-10 at 10:37 AM, SladeXV said:

amprex 100 - 300

boar 50 - 100

pandero 80 - 200

destreza 80 - 200


On 2018-10-12 at 11:27 PM, Xenoth said:

Magnus Magna-zetidra (0 roll)

- 124.9% Recoil
+ 103,4% Fire rate
+ 169,7% Impact
- 50,4% Damage to Corpus

Panthera Toxipha(0 roll)
+163.3% Toxin
+162,8% Fire
-37,2% Damage to Corpus

magnus 60 - 100

panthera 50 - 120

On 2018-10-13 at 4:40 AM, ReignOfDeath said:

0 - 30 / bad stats + it's very weak weapon


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On 2018-10-16 at 12:24 PM, Shalin2013 said:

so how much are these worth?

Dera Visi-cronicak

Puncture +128

Damage +211

Fire +64



Deth Machinegun Igni- gelicron

rolled twice

+101 heat

+97 cold

+153 crit


thank you

Dera 80 - 250

Death machine 10 -  40 / only few player use this sentinel gun

On 2018-10-20 at 3:10 AM, Daeven said:

Price check:

1. Nami Skyla Critatia (Roll 0)
+11.2% Crit chance

+10.9% Channeling Efficiency

2. Akvasto Deci- cronidex (Roll 0)

+8.6% status chance

+10.8% status duration

+7.4% fire rate

nami 60 - 150

akvasto 50 - 120

On 2018-10-21 at 2:59 AM, leParmme said:

Could I please get a price check on this? Thank you! (discord bot says 1100 +-300 which seems low)

Vectis (Roll 16)

+102.8% Crit Damage

+82% Multishot

+80.7% Toxin

-49.3% Zoom

around 700 - 1300 / because right now it's Rubico prime hype price on other sniper drop lower 

On 2018-10-21 at 7:25 PM, o0_Gammer_0o said:

Hello could you help me pricing these?

Vectis(18 rolls)

+68.5% multishot

+34.1% reload

+122.4% damage

Nikana(3 rolls)

+58.8% damage

+36.9% crit damage

+31.3% cold

Cyath(4 rolls)

+69.7% crit slide

+120.4% damage

+113.1% channeling damage

vectis 900 - 1400

nikana 150 - 400

cyath 300 - 600

On 2018-10-22 at 1:35 AM, Nillysask said:

Price Check on these please? 😃




How much would the zarr sell for if i reroll better stats for it? I know it has negative multishot which is terrible.

panthera 60 - 120

stravadar 50 - 120

twin basolk 50 - 100

zarr 50 - 120 / depend on what stats you got average is around 400 - 900

gaundao sci 80 - 200 / - slide kinda bad

gaundao tempi 150 - 300

Edited by korndolorous
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Also, I was wondering if you had any advice about reasonable prices for unrolled Staticor rivens.  Their recent buff, plus their usefulness in arbitrations seems to have made them expensive.  But it feels weird buying or selling them for a lot when the disposition really limits them.

Thanks for doing this for the community, by the way.

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Rubico Fevacron

201.1% critical chance

72.7% reload speed

-34.9% zoom

7 rerolls



People keep wanting it for 400pl or even less when every website I check has much higher average price for rubico riven, even trash ones on market sites sell for way more ._.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if french prices are just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay lower.

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On 2018-10-24 at 1:36 AM, ninec2947 said:

Price check please


Thank you

50 - 120

On 2018-10-24 at 2:18 AM, Lydon345 said:

Price check this please, Thanks!



200 - 600 / +cc,+cd is good, but - 89% fire rate is also really bad. 

On 2018-10-24 at 1:35 PM, Tiltskillet said:


Also, I was wondering if you had any advice about reasonable prices for unrolled Staticor rivens.  Their recent buff, plus their usefulness in arbitrations seems to have made them expensive.  But it feels weird buying or selling them for a lot when the disposition really limits them.

Thanks for doing this for the community, by the way.

Unroll price should be around 50 - 70 ( note: my base price for normal weapon is 50)
this one has a decent stats it should cost around 300 - 500 (because it's not popular weapon and it don't have negative stats to boost)
their price doesn't change a lot from pre-buff because they have very low disposition it's barely increase damage of weapon.

On 2018-10-25 at 1:41 PM, Zinaida said:


i've been trying to get rid of this since forever, thanks in advance for checking all these rivens.

200 - 400

On 2018-10-28 at 4:46 PM, Dendonflo said:


Rubico Fevacron

201.1% critical chance

72.7% reload speed

-34.9% zoom

7 rerolls



People keep wanting it for 400pl or even less when every website I check has much higher average price for rubico riven, even trash ones on market sites sell for way more ._.

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if french prices are just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay lower.

around 700 - 1300 / +cc and -zoom is good, but +reload is not necessary, since it has only 2 sec reload (average time).

On 2018-10-28 at 8:15 PM, Seiikon said:


These are my first rivens. Can someone help me and price check these?

gamma 20 - 50

hikoi 40 - 70

cassowar 50 - 80

tetra 30 - 80

On 2018-10-28 at 8:25 PM, Makunogo said:

Hi. I have a scoliac riven with the max range (211.8) + status chance -finisher damage. any idea what this could be worth?

700- 1300

On 2018-10-29 at 2:33 PM, (PS4)WarTHUG81 said:

Hello guys 

can i plz have a price check 

Platform PS4 

Thnk you 


1500 - 3000 on pc
it should be around 800 - 1500 on console (not sure)

23 hours ago, endiabradox said:

https://imgur.com/GoeTA5z  alguem me ajuda com o valor do riven

30 - 60

20 hours ago, YoungZ17 said:

Hello again, could I get your thoughts on these? Thank you.


Why punch through, why?!


vectis 800 - 200

ignis 400 - 900

20 hours ago, Endyx220 said:

Im on PC, what could I get for


Kronen Loctiata
+222.2% Range
+269.9% Melee Damage
-62.4% Status Chance
on 12 rolls

400 - 900

14 hours ago, Kuijky said:

Plague Kripath Tortitis

  • +92.1% Crit Damage
  • +154.2 Channel Damage

Scourge Deci-ignidex

  • +62.3% Status Chance
  • +72.6% Status Duration
  • +62.9% Heat

What do you think?

kripath 200- 300

scourge 100 - 250

1 hour ago, ARKANOiiDe said:

Hey bud, a PC for these? 🙂





aklex 800 - 1700 

akmagnus  500 - 1400

akstiletto 300 - 600

mios 150 - 350

corinth 150 - 250 / - mag is bad

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50 minutes ago, korndolorous said:

Unroll price should be around 50 - 70 ( note: my base price for normal weapon is 50)
this one has a decent stats it should cost around 300 - 500 (because it's not popular weapon and it don't have negative stats to boost)
their price doesn't change a lot from pre-buff because they have very low disposition it's barely increase damage of weapon.


Thank you for the advice.

FWIW, I think Staticor is having a surge right now.  It had a huge buff to its uncharged shots in the last patch, and this made it one of the more useful secondaries for taking out Arbitration drones.  I'm seeing it a lot now in groups and was in a fissure pug on Sunday where all four of us were using it.  Which was hilarious fun.

But looking at Semlar's guide it doesn't appear like the average price is as high as I thought, so you're probably right.

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