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I wanna get out whenever I want!!!


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I can't get out of PoE whenever I want in the public mode cause the other guys don't wanna go and I need to beg for 10 min to let them come to the gate and get out and sometimes I forget to change the public mode to the solo mode. PLS I want to get out with my trophy whenever I want but not waiting for the other players who don't care about me

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Well consindering that PoE should give an "open world" feeling it totaly breaks this point when you wanna return to Cetus cus basicly 1 single player could screw a whole party by simply going afk in front of the gate and doing nothing and when the other players wanna return they are forced to quit what in reverse nullifies their rewards they earned.

So yeah if players wanna stay in the current instance cus they wanna do whatever they wanna do it should be so if you enter the gate you get an question ala "do you wanna end your current visit of the Plains and claim your reward?" and when you accept it you leave the squad (so that another player can join the free roam round) and theme is done.

Try to imagine other MMOs where you can´t go from one location to another cus all players must be at the exist when it NOT is an raid mission...

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22 minutes ago, FierceRadiance said:

OP, I sympathize. But isn't this more or less the same with every 'endless' PUG mission in the game? Not seeing why this concern should be considered unique to PoE...

The endless PUG missions have checkpoints to extract

and survival has depleting oxygen and infinitespawn enemies, so you either fight, die or extract

in POE, i can go in run a bunch of missions with a PUG get a bunch of rewards and loots, then set myself in a calm place go fishing catch a few fish, then afk while i go to work and only come back 8 hours later. effectively preventing everyone except me to get rewards... until this is fixed I will only run PoE solo or with friends who i'm able to go knock at their doors and punch them in the face.

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I agree totally.   Why they went and made a whole new game mode yet still use the current one's mechanics is odd.   Open worlds should allow more than 4 players at a time and come and go, but this is what they want.    So either go solo or quit.     

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9 hours ago, Nazzami said:

problem is it not saving what you earn if you leave to cetus/orbit only if you leave via the gate

I have everything saved when I abandon the mission. The game shows it as 'failed' and erases all the loot on the mission summary screen, but the loot is still there. It would be horrible if we were forced to wait for everyone in the squad to get to the door in order to keep the progress. 

Saving your Progress on the Plains happens in a number of ways - most of which are automatic!

1) If you return to Cetus through the gates at any point, your mission concludes and all progress is saved.
2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu. 
3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions.
4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used). 

Edited by Gweredith
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2 hours ago, Gweredith said:

I have everything saved when I abandon the mission. The game shows it as 'failed' and erases all the loot on the mission summary screen, but the loot is still there. It would be horrible if we were forced to wait for everyone in the squad to get to the door in order to keep the progress. 

Saving your Progress on the Plains happens in a number of ways - most of which are automatic!

1) If you return to Cetus through the gates at any point, your mission concludes and all progress is saved.
2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu. 
3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions.
4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used). 

So wait... you are telling me if I escape it and collected like 20 bird wings during mission, I get failed screen  with no loot, but in fact I really do have plus those 20 wings, the devs just thought it would be funny to troll me with fail message and secretly add the loot?

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28 minutes ago, Noir_CZ said:

So wait... you are telling me if I escape it and collected like 20 bird wings during mission, I get failed screen  with no loot, but in fact I really do have plus those 20 wings, the devs just thought it would be funny to troll me with fail message and secretly add the loot?

Or maybe they just forgot to add the screen that showed the real loot.

Or maybe its a bug with the game and some very nice people who worked very hard to change the system are right now rushing to make another hotfix.

Actually has somebody told them about this bug? I guess the team making the hotfixes may not see this post as its in Feedback, not Bug Report.


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3 hours ago, Gweredith said:

I have everything saved when I abandon the mission. The game shows it as 'failed' and erases all the loot on the mission summary screen, but the loot is still there. It would be horrible if we were forced to wait for everyone in the squad to get to the door in order to keep the progress. 

Saving your Progress on the Plains happens in a number of ways - most of which are automatic!

1) If you return to Cetus through the gates at any point, your mission concludes and all progress is saved.
2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu. 
3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions.
4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used). 

Are you sure about this? i tried fishing then abort (this is what you mean by return to landing craft right?) but my fishes are gone, it was not saved. 

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4 hours ago, Zounderth said:

Are you sure about this? i tried fishing then abort (this is what you mean by return to landing craft right?) but my fishes are gone, it was not saved. 

Here is another proof from Danielle "If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu you will keep all your stuff. It's a bit misleading because it'll say "mission failed" but it does in fact work."



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11 minutes ago, Gweredith said:

Here is another proof from Danielle "If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu you will keep all your stuff. It's a bit misleading because it'll say "mission failed" but it does in fact work."



It's not proof that a DE person claims something when people are reporting having tried and lost all their loot. Certainly happened to me the first time I went to the plains and left the mission by aborting and lost everything PoE specific I had been gathering.

Maybe they intended for this to work but I still haven't seen any proof that it does. 

Even if it does work for some items, they need to change the interface, remove the abandon mission warning and give us the correct info when we leave instead of the Mission Failed screen with 0 everything.

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1 hour ago, wargthewarg said:

It's not proof that a DE person claims something when people are reporting having tried and lost all their loot. Certainly happened to me the first time I went to the plains and left the mission by aborting and lost everything PoE specific I had been gathering.

Maybe they intended for this to work but I still haven't seen any proof that it does. 

Even if it does work for some items, they need to change the interface, remove the abandon mission warning and give us the correct info when we leave instead of the Mission Failed screen with 0 everything.

On top of previous 2 proofs, I myself can confirm that it does work and that it worked for everyone else I asked to test this, every single time. On the other hand, yes, they have to change the whole UI part to stop confusing people.

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14 minutes ago, Gweredith said:

On top of previous 2 proofs, I myself can confirm that it does work and that it worked for everyone else I asked to test this, every single time. On the other hand, yes, they have to change the whole UI part to stop confusing people.

I just went to check. I kept my fish and gems I mined, I lost the grokdrul, credits and probably the other stuff I picked up. Didn't find any mods in the time I spent but I think they get lost as well. 

So maybe some stuff is being saved but not everything. So it's still not working as intended if that's the case.

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31 minutes ago, wargthewarg said:

I just went to check. I kept my fish and gems I mined, I lost the grokdrul, credits and probably the other stuff I picked up. Didn't find any mods in the time I spent but I think they get lost as well. 

So maybe some stuff is being saved but not everything. So it's still not working as intended if that's the case.

I don't know at this point. They will release a patch tomorrow so maybe it will fix it to work for everyone.

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On 10/16/2017 at 1:53 AM, wargthewarg said:

I just went to check. I kept my fish and gems I mined, I lost the grokdrul, credits and probably the other stuff I picked up. Didn't find any mods in the time I spent but I think they get lost as well. 

So maybe some stuff is being saved but not everything. So it's still not working as intended if that's the case.


On 10/16/2017 at 2:28 AM, Gweredith said:

I don't know at this point. They will release a patch tomorrow so maybe it will fix it to work for everyone.

I just had a run with another player (just 2 players) fighting the Eidolon Teralyst, we didn't get far tho just manage to get past the first stage, so we got a drop from that, then I died and ran out of revives, my friend didn't but got the chance to run back to town. Now here is another problem I guess, my friend could not exit because I was dead lol, so I had to make the only option I have which is to abort.

My friend got to keep the loot, I on the other hand did not. @Gweredith not to say you are wrong, I think it's so inconsistent right now it's a problem. Like you said, when they do fix this and make it consistent, it would be a great help, right now I feel it is too risky to go into the plains and farm for hours in, so I think its better to keep it short and go back to town frequently so you don't loose your loot, for now. 

As for fighting the Teralyst, if anyone wants to do it, make sure you don't die and run out of revives lol, if you are on your last revive, extraction is the best option. Even then there are some cases I've heard where a full squad defeated the Teralyst, but still lost their loot upon returning to town. ouch!  

so i guess we have to wait for the hottest of fix then XD

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On 10/14/2017 at 6:15 PM, SqualZell said:

that's a horrible business model for a multiplayer game...

if that's what they want, they should rethink their philosophy

It is a horrible business model and we've been asking them to rethink the philosophy for a hell of a long time.    Game is now about stuff more than about playing.   And i understand and think there is arguments to be for that.    But think about CS1.4   Game has been around for 20 years or so.   I could be wrong, but I don't think they're adding new stuff to the game, it's just great game play.   Warframe at is core is great game play and they decided long ago they wanted to stop expanding on that and focus on adding more stuff, more game play, more things that no one ever wanted or asked for.   How's lunaro doing?  Conclave?  Archwing?   Can't believe we don't have a driving game yet.

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