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Warning: Issues with extraction and loosing items [POE]


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So me and 2 other ppl (Shoxir, Ryk_Kydd) went on some Eidolon hunt, we progressed quite nice, 2 arms both taken down...approx 1,5 hour, then we kinda lost the track of the eidolon, and day started, we gave up and all 3 of us went to extraction.

When we arrived at extraction, all 3 of us, in the down-left corner, the icon kept spinning forever. We waited for long, but nothing happened. None of us got any rewards (including approx 20 small cores & 2 medium cores + lots of other PoE resoures like ores/fishes), we aborted the mission and we got absolutely nothing out if it.

Usually that spinning icon took like 20-30 sec and then it would extract, but it kept going for several minutes with no progress. So here i am, on the forums, where i can freely complain and warn the others about the ongoing stupid method of extraction.


Related to topic: Yesterday similar thing, but rather than having issues with extraction, there was 1 person that intentionally afk at the spawn (and prevented us from using the operator mode to hurt the eidolon or his accompanying sentinets)...he had the guts to even dance at the spawn. We could do absolutely no progress. After 30 minutes, he left. (he was the "host")

Eidolon went from 20% HP back to full 100% HP thanks to HOST MIGRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dear Tenno, dont be like this person. It is said, that Warframe has a nice community, but i doubt about it.


1st important thing to be careful about: if you manage to disconnect and reconnect back, you will LOOSE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!! (Friend had a little DC and lost all progress)

2nd important thing: Extraction can be done only with all ppl standing in extraction, if you abort the mission, you will NOT keep almost ANY rewards (as DE promised, we could exit the mission anytime and keep everything? Where is this feature? I think i remember DE saying it at devstream, am i wrong or was it a lie?)

3rd important thing: Host migration=certain suicide when doing Eidolon hunt, it will make the sentinent back at full health.

There sure are more issues ongoing, so just wanted to say: be careful, one little thing happens and you loose hours-worth progress.


Also, DE, it would be nice if you refunded us back our items, but i doubt it will happen.


Edited by Inquizitor
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I noticed 1 positive of host migration - when your bounty gets stuck (which happens quite often) it can cuse it to fix.

27 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

Give it a solid 2 weeks before trying anything serious. I lost all my precious minerals and fish several times due to derp crash at opening the gate. We need some "save point consoles" or ability to call Ordis to fetch our trash.


Saving your Progress on the Plains happens in a number of ways - most of which are automatic!

1) If you return to Cetus through the gates at any point, your mission concludes and all progress is saved.
2) If you return to your Landing Craft via the escape menu. 
3) All progress is automatically saved on completing Bounties or Incursions.
4) Fishing, Mining, or using consumables results in a specific save of that content (fish caught, minerals extracted, consumables used). 

Thats from PoE update thread, but not sure it works as intended


Edited by Raskolnikow
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40 minutes ago, Inquizitor said:


My dear Tenno, dont be like this person. It is said, that Warframe has a nice community, but i doubt about it.



"Nice" community. Yea a lot people are friendly but not in public lobbies.


regarding extractions. DE should really allow players to extract on their own by giving them the option to leave the squad with their loot or wait for the people. It's really annoying. There's this one kid who was AFK for like 15-30 minutes so we just decided to farm fishes and other resources.

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