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So sick of buggy POE


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This is a rant.. So sick of missions bugging either achieve one of the objectives but then no next marker or getting stuck but not able to /unstuck or the one were I defend the vault successfully but then cant open or where I get mission from konzu but when I enter plains there's no marker nada nothing. At the moment I'm averaging 50% successful missions, not enough to keep me interested so its no more plains for me for a while until they fix this crap up.

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13 minutes ago, TesseractNZ said:

This is a rant.. So sick of missions bugging either achieve one of the objectives but then no next marker or getting stuck but not able to /unstuck or the one were I defend the vault successfully but then cant open or where I get mission from konzu but when I enter plains there's no marker nada nothing. At the moment I'm averaging 50% successful missions, not enough to keep me interested so its no more plains for me for a while until they fix this crap up.

rant threads are against the rules iirc

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I'm just glad that we can run straight up practically vertical cliff faces, if you're gonna make an open world game you have to make sure you keep the RIGHT bugs, not just any bugs. The dropships bugging out on tall architecture is also a nice touch, and I definitely appreciate the occasional plant clipping through stone, that's an important feature.

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Just now, LokiTheCondom said:

And probably expansion of the plains.

It will be. If you guys noticed the blue walls which limits the area then you can expect more improvements. The playerbase increasing so it is a good sign to them to improve it but they need to improve their servers because currently its a mess.

Also they could hire a face modeller or something because the cetus peoples looks clone and the young peoples looks also weirdo. I knew blizzard cannot make normal child faces but this is something what I don't like when they copy paste models and not take the time to make these faces normal and diverse.

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