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I'm done with fishing and PoE


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27 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

You know a design choice went terribly wrong when everyone hates it and your twitch streamer partners hates its more than anything else live on camera, for anyone to see. That is good marketing. I am surprise someone at DE thought people would love that kind of nonsense. Why don't they just ask people first before wasting time making these garbages?

- Hey guys, we are planning on adding a completely irrelevant fishing mini-game that will be absolutely highly dependent on RNG and required to advance or craft nearly everything on the next update. What do you think of this?

- It is garbage. Don't do this cuz no one will find it fun and people play games for fun. You might drive people away from your game with this nonsense.

- Ok, we won't do it. Thanks for your feedback.


See? Simple, efficient and would save them a lot of resources and a lot of your patience. But no...here, have this disgusting minigame shoved down your throats. Enjoy.

Well it's not required for you to fish in order to progress through PoE content..

You can buy it from people who actually enjoy fishing. Cuz a lot of us spend the whole day cycle fishing and the night cycle hunting eidolons. Or... the night cycle fishing, and the day cycle doing incursions. The price depends on how bad you hate fishing, of course.

I will agree that this needs serious balancing. Til then, buy from players.

We aren't selfish; WE SELL FISH!

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8 hours ago, SolaryaNDR113 said:

Currently I play another MMORPG where to fish, harvest herbs, hunt rabbits and cut wood, is placed in a much wider context, and where I love doing it. There are so many of them, the concept is as old as online games.

I loved this game because it was different: in Warframe I do not want to be a miner or a fisherman.
I am a @(*()$ space-ninja with a deadly exoskeleton, i descend from heaven with my shuttle, in the middle of the action, where it is required.

If I need materials, I steal them from enemy stocks or pull them out of their corpses.
I do not walk miles on foot. I have a pair of wings, even more powerful, suitable for both air and water, my Ordis calls these for me, when I need it, and with those I swear at the speed of light where I want.

That's why I do not want to spend my time with the harpoon in front of a puddle.
I want to explore the depths of the sea, instead.
If I have to fish, my prey must be monstrous sea giants that I can face them with my archwings, and their extraordinary weapons.
(I do not understand why they are now less resistant to a paper airplane, they fueled by fish oils, and they do not even use their own weapons. Disgusting)

1. You can't steal fish guts from Grineer because they don't fish. You can't steal gems from Grineer because they don't mine gems.

2. As a long-time aircraft enthusiast, those wings are suitable for water and SPACE combat, where in the first scenario, the wings are buoyant enough to not sink to the bottom of the ocean, possibly needing only built-in fill-at-will water tanks ala-submersible style in order to change depth, and in the second scenario, gravity and air resistance do not play a factor in maneuverability. They are not suited for air combat, where gravity and air resistance work against their design. Thus, the necessity for an in-atmosphere segment to modify the archwings in order to achieve any form of performance in the skies above the Plains. It explains why archwings in Plains cannot strafe as they do in space or in water. It also explains why archwings cannot access archwing weapons in the atmosphere; because the weight of said weapons would further strain the archwing's engines, and hinder performance.

The only things that cannot be explained by DE are why you need fish oil to build the damn segment, and why a trooper can one-hit KO an archwing.

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10 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

Supposed ease of acquisition still doesn't excuse or properly defend the fact that Archwing deployment on PoE is currently dependent on a resource that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

   I agree that Fish Oil for Archwings makes no sense (I would have used a mining material), but that's not what my point was. My point was that unless you are going for high-end stuff you don't need to do rare fishing, and common fishing is really easy and doesn't take the huge amounts of time people are implying it takes.

10 hours ago, Mattoropael said:

High-end Hok and Suumbaat offerings are locked behind fishing for that simple reason.

   Again, high-end. And it's not that difficult to get 5 Murkray Livers (which is all you will need for rank 4 as far as rare fish is concerned, because as mentioned, the actual equipment from Hok and Suumbaat doesn't use fish).

5 hours ago, Colyeses said:

It isn't. The release of PoE is the worst release Warframe has ever seen, even beating the atrocious Glast Gambit release.

The economy missed the mark by a mile, bugs and even -crashes- were rampant, and the bounty reward table is still downright $&*&*#(%&. Gara farming is a repeat of the Ne Zha debacle, the Amp's energy regen is a repeat of the failure of the Cycron, Saya's vigil is absolute garbage in terms of writing, and the entire plains are set up as a noob trap that are -very- likely to ward off any new players.

PoE is the absolute worst of Warframe. Ever.

   The economy may be off a bit, but bugs and crashes are in every major release (did you try to play The War Within on day of launch?). Bounty rewards don't seem to be super terrible, although I am still missing a Gara part (but I'm fine with not getting everything new immediately). I actually find it very funny that you specifically mention the Cycron here, because I've been taking it to the Plains and it's been great. And the thing that I think will ward off new players more than the Plains themselves are the amount of purely negative "this ruins Warframe" type topics on the forums saying about how terrible it is.

3 hours ago, Mudfam said:

So some things don't require rare fish, just a lot of fish. Yay? Virtually everything requires fish: Amps, Ostron ranks, Gara, Archwing, Cosmetics, baits, Zaws. The amps are particularly bad though, being locked behind a pyramid of rare fish and baits that I refuse to climb, not now, not ever. Also, did you seriously just point out that fishing spears don't require fish parts to craft..?

   Common fish are merely a matter of knowing which places they spawn and having a tiny bit of patience. It's quite easy to farm up the fish you need (I'm actually fishing enough for me and my friend who can't see the fish very well) and still have time to do other stuff. Rare fish that basically require bait are the only fish that are actually hard to get.

3 hours ago, Mudfam said:

There you go again with "you're supposed to put in a lot of time". I've put a lot of time into hunting sentient bosses (I've killed ~50) working like mad to try to circumvent bugs, I will put more in and I I'm willing to put a lot of time and effort into everything else, but I want to play Warframe, a high mobility combat game, not stare at a puddle for hours waiting for a fish to appear. How can you not get this?!

   I think the problem here is not with fishing. I think the problem here is that people have assumed that, like with previous updates, they're going to be able to get everything in a few days. If you look at this as a long term area that you keep coming back too it suddenly becomes much less daunting (it isn't actually the end of the world if you don't get a new amp by tomorrow). The problem is that we're coming at it with a lot of time already in the game and assume that will count for progression, like it has in most of the previous updates. But suddenly, here is something designed to be a long term goal and people can't just cheese their through it and so they freak out. As far as staring at puddles all day, I do think that DE should have played up the player based fish market angle a bit more, for those who want to skip that aspect.

3 hours ago, Mudfam said:

What I find absolutely infuriating and introduces some toxicity in my posts is the blind fanboyism of white knights trying to invalidate the perfectly legitimate concerns of people giving feedback.

   I am not trying to invalidate your feedback. I fully acknowledge that fishing may be a slight misstep. What I'm trying to do is make sure the Plains don't get painted with a purely negative picture for those who haven't played them yet. It should be noted that I think fishing was a bit of a misstep not because I think it's some terrible system (yes, it could use some fine tuning, but everything does at launch), but because I know that most people would believe it to be a terrible system.

3 hours ago, Mudfam said:

I've said it before, the plains themselves are great IMO and I really enjoy the Teralyst boss fights. There's a bunch of things I think need adjustment, such as the still awful bounty rewards, but the only thing I really have a problem with is the required massive time investment in fishing. I can just about survive a small amount of fishing, but having progress locked behind hours of it is totally unacceptable to me.

   I fully agree with this part. I think the Teralyst is probably the coolest boss they've had in a long time. The problem is that most of these fishing topics don't even mention how good the rest of the plains are and thus people who haven't played them much get the wrong idea.

edit: Just for the post in general, not for any specific part. I think the biggest problem with fishing is not the actual fishing, but the fact that there's no in-game way to know where the fish will spawn. If someone doesn't go to the wiki then it's entirely by trial and error (and even the wiki was probably put together this way). There should probably be some sort of fishing guide that you can buy (for credits or reputation) that at least tells what type of area each fish likes.

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27 minutes ago, Yargami said:

   I agree that Fish Oil for Archwings makes no sense (I would have used a mining material), but that's not what my point was. My point was that unless you are going for high-end stuff you don't need to do rare fishing, and common fishing is really easy and doesn't take the huge amounts of time people are implying it takes.

   Again, high-end. And it's not that difficult to get 5 Murkray Livers (which is all you will need for rank 4 as far as rare fish is concerned, because as mentioned, the actual equipment from Hok and Suumbaat doesn't use fish).

   The economy may be off a bit, but bugs and crashes are in every major release (did you try to play The War Within on day of launch?). Bounty rewards don't seem to be super terrible, although I am still missing a Gara part (but I'm fine with not getting everything new immediately). I actually find it very funny that you specifically mention the Cycron here, because I've been taking it to the Plains and it's been great. And the thing that I think will ward off new players more than the Plains themselves are the amount of purely negative "this ruins Warframe" type topics on the forums saying about how terrible it is.

   Common fish are merely a matter of knowing which places they spawn and having a tiny bit of patience. It's quite easy to farm up the fish you need (I'm actually fishing enough for me and my friend who can't see the fish very well) and still have time to do other stuff. Rare fish that basically require bait are the only fish that are actually hard to get.

   I think the problem here is not with fishing. I think the problem here is that people have assumed that, like with previous updates, they're going to be able to get everything in a few days. If you look at this as a long term area that you keep coming back too it suddenly becomes much less daunting (it isn't actually the end of the world if you don't get a new amp by tomorrow). The problem is that we're coming at it with a lot of time already in the game and assume that will count for progression, like it has in most of the previous updates. But suddenly, here is something designed to be a long term goal and people can't just cheese their through it and so they freak out. As far as staring at puddles all day, I do think that DE should have played up the player based fish market angle a bit more, for those who want to skip that aspect.

   I am not trying to invalidate your feedback. I fully acknowledge that fishing may be a slight misstep. What I'm trying to do is make sure the Plains don't get painted with a purely negative picture for those who haven't played them yet. It should be noted that I think fishing was a bit of a misstep not because I think it's some terrible system (yes, it could use some fine tuning, but everything does at launch), but because I know that most people would believe it to be a terrible system.

   I fully agree with this part. I think the Teralyst is probably the coolest boss they've had in a long time. The problem is that most of these fishing topics don't even mention how good the rest of the plains are and thus people who haven't played them much get the wrong idea.

First up, I enjoy seeing posts that actually consider feedback and reply appropriately. So I'll T-up that.

Some frames can make fishing a breeze with only one spear. Maybe it's an exploit, but I believe it's a QoL thing:

Volt's passive helps him OHKO all fish with the basic spear. Loki's stealth multiplier allows him to do the same thing. So does having a Roar Rhino in your party. I did run into a guy asking if Ferrox's thrown mode can lock fish down for easy catching (heh... spear weapon), and I haven't tested it out yet, but that's a potential method as well if it turns out it works. Ivara gets good angles on fish too. So does Zephyr. Seriously, there are many ways to make fishing fun if people try.

Fishing mechanics aren't the misstep here. It's the fishing economy, especially with one-time Bait Blueprints. Ostron standing isn't cheap. It sucks the fun out of fishing from those who enjoy it, and stops people who don't enjoy it from seeing anything else.

I do agree with you when you say this isn't as bad as TWW on release day, though. I still feel bad about one of my moral alignment choices being auto-made for me because it didn't load the cutscene right. :(

Point being, keep the mechanics. Adjust the resource requirements and prices. Adjust the spawn rates. And for God's sake... let the fish market lady explain how to use bait properly so it isn't wasted. That should make the community simmer down.


Now since you mentioned Archwings... I've posted a few times about how I can defend why the Skywing system is the way it is. I've said I'm an aircraft enthusiast, and I've explained air resistance and gravity and buoyancy, thus the reason why we can't use archguns and archmelee in the atmosphere but we can everywhere else. But given that... it doesn't explain the fish oil. Or the charges. I did put that in my topic on opinions after 3 days of playing.

And since your conversation mentioned the Teralyst... yep. Fun. Definitely one of the better bosses lately. My only gripe is there's a very specific way to get rid of its shields. What I enjoy about Warframe is that you have many tools in your arsenal with which to deal with scenarios. This one... has one method. And come to think of it, while I absolutely love the new Focus system, since it's no longer boring (I'm a Zenurik by the way), at the end of the day, another problem that contributes to the overly negative feedback is that Focus is used for two very specific things now: kuva and sentients. And there is only one way to do each of those things. It feels like a slowed down QTE. If DE wants us to care about operator mode, then at least allow the focus system to be useful for more than just kuva and sentient combat. And I'm not talking about the new effects they give warframes when you dash through them or whatnot. I mean make them decently combat-capable.

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38 minutes ago, Revenant0713 said:

1. You can't steal fish guts from Grineer because they don't fish. You can't steal gems from Grineer because they don't mine gems.

2. As a long-time aircraft enthusiast, those wings are suitable for water and SPACE combat, where in the first scenario, the wings are buoyant enough to not sink to the bottom of the ocean, possibly needing only built-in fill-at-will water tanks ala-submersible style in order to change depth, and in the second scenario, gravity and air resistance do not play a factor in maneuverability. They are not suited for air combat, where gravity and air resistance work against their design. Thus, the necessity for an in-atmosphere segment to modify the archwings in order to achieve any form of performance in the skies above the Plains. It explains why archwings in Plains cannot strafe as they do in space or in water. It also explains why archwings cannot access archwing weapons in the atmosphere; because the weight of said weapons would further strain the archwing's engines, and hinder performance.

The only things that cannot be explained by DE are why you need fish oil to build the damn segment, and why a trooper can one-hit KO an archwing.

1 -  Isn't it convenient that Grineer drop all sorts of things depending on the planet they are? They drop Orokin cells but aren't Orokin. They drop Ferrite, Alloy, Polymer bundles, Neurodes and so on. But somehow they don't drop gems, because they don't mine.....despite the fact that they are there on the plains MINING resources with gigantic MINING machines. But no. These resources that they are actually mining don't drop, duz reasons.


2 - Tony Stark would like to have a word with you.

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3 minutes ago, Yargami said:

   I think the problem here is not with fishing. I think the problem here is that people have assumed that, like with previous updates, they're going to be able to get everything in a few days.

My last two posts have been in reply to you saying this same exact thing. Can you read? Like at all? Are you seriously just incapable of understanding the difference between time and fishing? I already told you I don't mind long term goals one little bit. I'll repeat my example: should I manage to hit my 250k focus cap every single day it would still take about 6 months or more to unlock most things I want. Do you hear me complaining about that? No.

As long as things involve the warframe gameplay I enjoy I can grind indefinitely, it's what I've already done for years. This is also because I can choose how to play and what to play. I will for example never touch defence and interception missions because I hate them with a fervent passion. I don't have to, I can choose! I will never play tanky and overpowered frames because they simplify and trivialise the gameplay too much for me.

I haven't even started to explain the magnitude of the problem. The first tier amps already require a lot of rare fish, and these are components that are consumed in threes every time you build an amp, with many possible combinations to explore and try out. The higher tier components require an absolutely gigantic investment of chains of rare fish for bait for rarer fish for bait for even rarer fish. This is a new gameplay system I want to explore, but just to try it in its most basic form I need countless hours of fishing. To fully explore it I would have to stop doing everything else and fish for the next few years or something utterly and completely idiotic like that.

I don't want to fish. Do you finally bloody get it? How many bloody times do I have to repeat this? Everything needs fish, some things require a completely unreasonable RNG fishing grind. This is what I don't want, just @(*()$ stop trying claim my problem is elsewhere. No fishing. Bad fishing. Capish???


9 minutes ago, Yargami said:

   I fully agree with this part. I think the Teralyst is probably the coolest boss they've had in a long time. The problem is that most of these fishing topics don't even mention how good the rest of the plains are and thus people who haven't played them much get the wrong idea.

It's a topic about fishing! Am I supposed to include praise for unrelated things in every post I make about fishing? Absurd.

Feedback is never going to be a bunch of people sayin "wow, this is cool". No, it's going to be people explaining issues they have, particularly the ones they feel strongly about. This is reality, you're talking about pure fantasy.


You want me to stay positive? Stop trying to tell me what my problem is. I know perfectly well, and I've explained it perfectly well. Now back the hell off.

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3 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

1 -  Isn't it convenient that Grineer drop all sorts of things depending on the planet they are? They drop Orokin cells but aren't Orokin. They drop Ferrite, Alloy, Polymer bundles, Neurodes and so on. But somehow they don't drop gems, because they don't mine.....despite the fact that they are there on the plains MINING resources with gigantic MINING machines. But no. These resources that they are actually mining don't drop, duz reasons.


2 - Tony Stark would like to have a word with you.

The dig operation on the plains is an archaeological one. Not a geological one though. At least that's what I pick up from Vay Hek's dialogue.

Tony Stark can't have a word with me on account of contusions from breakneck maneuvers through the air. All serious though, the Iron Man suit has four primary thrusters/flight stabilizers, providing a total of 700-ish horsepower if you compare its estimated speed in the first Iron Man movie allowing a human-sized chunk of metal to keep up with F-22s. plus at least a dozen more lining his body. The archwings have two thrusters. Also, the Iron Man suit has minimal gear on it, many of which are retractable or concealed. The War Machine suit is a bigger offender here, since it makes no attempt to hide its crimes against physics as we know it. Regardless, still more thrusters than the Archwings do, and running on a 99.99% estimated efficiency power source called the arc reactor.

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3 minutes ago, Mudfam said:

My last two posts have been in reply to you saying this same exact thing. Can you read? Like at all? Are you seriously just incapable of understanding the difference between time and fishing? I already told you I don't mind long term goals one little bit. I'll repeat my example: should I manage to hit my 250k focus cap every single day it would still take about 6 months or more to unlock most things I want. Do you hear me complaining about that? No.

As long as things involve the warframe gameplay I enjoy I can grind indefinitely, it's what I've already done for years. This is also because I can choose how to play and what to play. I will for example never touch defence and interception missions because I hate them with a fervent passion. I don't have to, I can choose! I will never play tanky and overpowered frames because they simplify and trivialise the gameplay too much for me.

I haven't even started to explain the magnitude of the problem. The first tier amps already require a lot of rare fish, and these are components that are consumed in threes every time you build an amp, with many possible combinations to explore and try out. The higher tier components require an absolutely gigantic investment of chains of rare fish for bait for rarer fish for bait for even rarer fish. This is a new gameplay system I want to explore, but just to try it in its most basic form I need countless hours of fishing. To fully explore it I would have to stop doing everything else and fish for the next few years or something utterly and completely idiotic like that.

I don't want to fish. Do you finally bloody get it? How many bloody times do I have to repeat this? Everything needs fish, some things require a completely unreasonable RNG fishing grind. This is what I don't want, just @(*()$ stop trying claim my problem is elsewhere. No fishing. Bad fishing. Capish???


It's a topic about fishing! Am I supposed to include praise for unrelated things in every post I make about fishing? Absurd.

Feedback is never going to be a bunch of people sayin "wow, this is cool". No, it's going to be people explaining issues they have, particularly the ones they feel strongly about. This is reality, you're talking about pure fantasy.


You want me to stay positive? Stop trying to tell me what my problem is. I know perfectly well, and I've explained it perfectly well. Now back the hell off.

Dude! Chill!

This thread has made its point clear 3 pages ago. Jesus. Until DE fixes things, don't blow a vein.

Buy your murkrays for plat in trade chat if you want to avoid the grind. There are plenty who actually like the change of pace and spend all their time fishing. They'd be willing to give out fish.

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I'll reiterate something I've said already in the thread: For the past few days I've been spending my warframe time fishing for Murkrays rather than playing the game, so that I can upgrade from the s----y mote amp and actually enjoy shooting Eidolons, and I've gotten none for hours of effort. 

This is no longer the space ninja gameplay I've supported in the past by buying plat, this is me standing by the ocean staring at the water for hours, making a big collection of 2kg fish.


At least I'm getting more standing by doing this than I did from bounties, I guess. 

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1 minute ago, Revenant0713 said:

Dude! Chill!

This thread has made its point clear 3 pages ago. Jesus. Until DE fixes things, don't blow a vein.

Buy your murkrays for plat in trade chat if you want to avoid the grind. There are plenty who actually like the change of pace and spend all their time fishing. They'd be willing to give out fish.

What..?! Paying platinum to bypass it is not a solution and it has nothing to do with the problem. Mukrays are just the tip of a gigantic icerberg, I can't look forward to any future in this system because it involves a bigger and bigger fishing grind at each step.

Go away. Go create your own thread "silly nerd stuff" for discussing realism based on superhero films lol.

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3 minutes ago, Anthraxicus said:

Iron Man doesn't have Orokin tech.

No, but the Grineer do... and if their AW-sized thrusters can't keep anything bigger than a Dargyn flying at a snail's, then having our archwings move at the speeds they do is already pretty generous.

And yet our run on fish oil. That really breaks immersion.

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Just now, Mudfam said:

What..?! Paying platinum to bypass it is not a solution and it has nothing to do with the problem. Mukrays are just the tip of a gigantic icerberg, I can't look forward to any future in this system because it involves a bigger and bigger fishing grind at each step.

Go away. Go create your own thread "silly nerd stuff" for discussing realism based on superhero films lol.

No it doesn't solve it, but it still doesn't change the fact that this thread has already made its point waaaaay long ago, and instead of reiterating yourself and bringing stress that you seem to abhor so much, you can bypass it until DE compiles the feedback.

Yeah, spending plat doesn't fix it. Neither does continuing your behavior. Just saying.

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Just now, Revenant0713 said:

No it doesn't solve it, but it still doesn't change the fact that this thread has already made its point waaaaay long ago, and instead of reiterating yourself and bringing stress that you seem to abhor so much, you can bypass it until DE compiles the feedback.

Yeah, spending plat doesn't fix it. Neither does continuing your behavior. Just saying.

Then shut the hell up and stop trying to invalidate what I'm saying? :facepalm:

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Just now, Mudfam said:

Then shut the hell up and stop trying to invalidate what I'm saying? :facepalm:

I'm not invalidating what you're saying. I never said you were wrong.

I said chill.

You posted here first because you wanted a solution. Everyone here has been discussing solutions, whether pro fishing or anti. But at the moment, you've lost track. You're not looking for a solution. You're looking to be angry.

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1 minute ago, Anthraxicus said:

So, the inferior tech of the grineer is the same as superior Orokin designed tech. You are straying too far to defend the indefensible.

Plus..."The Archwing is an all-environment flight system of Orokin design"

Mm... I missed that. Codex?

Cuz if it's wiki but not codex or DE statement, then I'll hold my defense. Otherwise, I'm switching sides.

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Just now, Revenant0713 said:

I'm not invalidating what you're saying. I never said you were wrong.

I said chill.

You posted here first because you wanted a solution. Everyone here has been discussing solutions, whether pro fishing or anti. But at the moment, you've lost track. You're not looking for a solution. You're looking to be angry.

No, I'm replying to people trying to tell me that I don't actually have a problem with fishing FFS. Read the thread.

And also stop polluting it with nonsense about iron man vs orokin. Now. You're waaaaaay off topic.

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Just now, Mudfam said:

No, I'm replying to people trying to tell me that I don't actually have a problem with fishing FFS. Read the thread.

And also stop polluting it with nonsense about iron man vs orokin. Now. You're waaaaaay off topic.

And I'm telling you to stop because you're not going to convince them otherwise. I offered a solution to bypass your problem until DE fixes their shiz together.

The iron man bit was an analogy... not started by me... on explaining why archwings in the atmosphere handle as they do.

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4 minutes ago, Revenant0713 said:

I'm not invalidating what you're saying. I never said you were wrong.

I said chill.

You posted here first because you wanted a solution. Everyone here has been discussing solutions, whether pro fishing or anti. But at the moment, you've lost track. You're not looking for a solution. You're looking to be angry.

I think you have lost track talking about orokin tech and ironman. Way off topic, pls go for private messages with your private arguments. This thread about fishing....

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2 minutes ago, Revenant0713 said:

And I'm telling you to stop because you're not going to convince them otherwise. I offered a solution to bypass your problem until DE fixes their shiz together.

The iron man bit was an analogy... not started by me... on explaining why archwings in the atmosphere handle as they do.

You don't tell me what to do. Someone here is literally lying through their teeth about how the game works and telling me what my problem is. I very obviously will not tolerate either.

Go away. I've applied the "ignore user" feature to you. BB.

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Just now, Mudfam said:

You don't tell me what to do. Someone here is literally lying through their teeth about how the game works and telling me what my problem is. I very obviously will not tolerate either.

Go away. I've applied the "ignore user" feature to you. BB.

Eh... Doesn't change the fact everything I've pointed out is basically the sensible thing to do.

Shows what happens when you try to return a forum to civility.

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On 10/17/2017 at 5:31 PM, RacerDelux said:

Feedback is good, and I encourage it, but present it in a format that does not make other potential players not even give the update a try.

You make it sound like we all here are professional QA engineers on payrolls and under NDA, and one of us leaked unfinished content that is being worked on to general public. Guess what - we are not. People talk about what they don't like on feedback forum because it's a feedback forum. If a player likes everything in a game he plays the game. If he doesn't like something about the game and spends his time to tell devs about it instead of just uninstalling and moving on, they should be happy with any feedback. Sure, one loser of 30000000 not liking something doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. 1% of players not liking something is a reason to double check. 10% is a potential financial and/or media catastrophe.

Bonus: feedback topics being closed for any reason other than 'working as intended' and 'fixed' is a reason to not download the game in the first place.

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6 minutes ago, Nyaa314 said:

You make it sound like we all here are professional QA engineers on payrolls and under NDA, and one of us leaked unfinished content that is being worked on to general public. Guess what - we are not. People talk about what they don't like on feedback forum because it's a feedback forum. If a player likes everything in a game he plays the game. If he doesn't like something about the game and spends his time to tell devs about it instead of just uninstalling and moving on, they should be happy with any feedback. Sure, one loser of 30000000 not liking something doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. 1% of players not liking something is a reason to double check. 10% is a potential financial and/or media catastrophe.

Bonus: feedback topics being closed for any reason other than 'working as intended' and 'fixed' is a reason to not download the game in the first place.

It could be closed for straying off-topic. Like I did with Anthraxicus. Or like the argument between Mudfam and RacerDelux and you did.


But to undo my contribution and put things back on track, I do still strongly feel the mechanics of fishing are not the problem. It's the economy. We can deal with fishing in order to gain materials for things, if those things were not essential for a gameplay element that DE wants to feel special or core to the warframe experience. In this case, the amp. Otherwise, fishing becomes a core experience itself.

Look at Cephalon Simaris. He (it?) gives decent stuff in his (its?) syndicate standing shop. Why not do something like that? But more importantly, why not actually get bait to work as intended first?

Edited by Revenant0713
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