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Are Macros Allowed?


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per  DERebecca in a post where a guy got banned


Ah, the community is right here, only support can assist with these types of issues. Although in this case the macro would not have triggered a ban as we do not consider that on our list of things that trigger hack detection


Soooo are they allowed?????

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They are not allowed.  Don't do it.


Instead, consider rebinding keys and buttons within the game interface; there's some clever combos available within their system.


Sample; Rebind Mousewheel Scroll Up to Jump and Mousewheel Scroll Down to Melee.  Scroll Up then Scroll Down to jump attack.


Or use a mouse with more buttons and offload some tasks to your other hand.

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macros are never allowed in any game unless your doing single player games then feel free to use it , but a macro is a hack cause macros are used to make tasks using the application less repetitive. In the latter case, they are a tool that allows a programmer to enable Code Reuse , Macros are used to make a sequence of computing instructions available to the Programmer as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone

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just as a note to auto hotkey users, if you have warframe through steam, the in game steam blocks auto hotkey, you'll want to launch the game without the steam interface.

as a side note for DE, please make steam let us use UGC cards if we made account through steam? >.<

Edited by BloodHungryKitten
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as DE_steve stated macro are alowed, but i think rapid fire thing doesn't work, they put a queue on weapons.


Rapid fire works, e.g acrid shoots faster with the macro for me, even though I click like a madman.

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macros are never allowed in any game unless your doing single player games then feel free to use it , but a macro is a hack cause macros are used to make tasks using the application less repetitive. In the latter case, they are a tool that allows a programmer to enable Code Reuse , Macros are used to make a sequence of computing instructions available to the Programmer as a single program statement, making the programming task less tedious and less error-prone

This is the single stupidest argument I have read on these forums today.


Also, there's macro support in a ton of games. FFXI, World of Warcraft, and hell, any given Source engine game you can execute macros with either an extended key bind or by typing up a simple text file, putting it in the right place, and binding a key to call it. Having a macro doesn't instantly make someone amazing like a wall/headshot/speed hack, all it does is make someone faster.

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