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How To Make Everyone Happy About Nova


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The only leaderboard this game has is for kills.


The same goes for guild rankings since that's based on kills as well.


Might as well just add some fun PvP to the game because there's no such thing as "balance" here and there never will be.

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warfarame= coop 

kills= cod, halo, tf2

want kills then go play with whole bunch of wailing 12 year olds.

this game is beating the mission and well u kno farming haha. Last time i checked my guns rank up even if im not using them.

so if u want the most kills every mission u should delete warframe this is coop not pvp 

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I am a Nova user, so I would like to share my opinion in this matter.


Nova has a hell of a ulti, yes. I can kill, let's say, around 50-60 or even more enemies in around 2-3 seconds, yes. But has any of you niticed all the factors involving that "OP massive killing"? I'll list them for you, in this case on a Infested Defense mission, Xini for example.


1. If you compare the range, Nova's Molecular Prime has a smaller range effect than the Mag's Crush. In fact, I need to equip the Strech mod to be able to Prime enemies that I almost can shoot with the Supra (the Corpus Secondary Laser). That means that in order to be able to get the more enemies possible I have to LITERALY swim through them, get in the middle of the crowd and then Prime them. Which leads us to the next point.


2. In the frist waves of any defense mission this is not a problem, but have you ever tried to get your Nova in a large group of enemies at wave 30 or so? There are a lot of ancients there. In the best escenario, you manage to do it and then have to kill the ancients because THEY have survived, and not with low HP. In the worst escenario, by this time it's even the most probable one, one of the ancients manages to hit you, taking you to taste the floor while all the other members of the crowd (remember, there are a lot of them) gather around you and rape you to the death, because the disruptor took away your shield and your energy and the toxic and all the others are lowering your HP so fast you can't barely say "Sh**t, they hit me". So there is a risk in order to use the Prime at it's best. And, again, this lead us to the next point.


3. Nova is, as some before have said, almost made of glass. Her defense is low, her Health and Shield are kind of standar but with that defense they don't last against certain enemies... And this is the Frame that has to go into the crowd. Can you do the maths?


From a certain wave of this defense missions, I NEED to get away from the doors where all the crowd  comes aout and be at the pod with my other Team mates, for they can hold them long enough as to gather them close so I use the prime on all of them, leaving only the Ancients alive. And they alone can be a real problem. My best team here: Me, the Nova; a vauban, to use the 3rd skill, that kkeps them in ecstasy for some seconds; a Nyx, so the Ancients will be fighting each other and forget about the pod thanks to Chaos, and either the Ember to use WoF against them or frost to slow them down with the Ice barrier.

Without a good team to back her up, Nova can not survive this missions. I can get with her alone to... maybe wave 10? With a Nyx alone I was able to get to wave 15.


And this is only in the best missions for her, as the infested tend to be very numerous and gather together, making her job easy. But what about Corpus and Greener? Firstly, you don't see as many in defense missions as infested.Secondly, they attack from a distance, except for the melee types, of course. How do I Prime them all? Unless the area is very small I can't. There is always a few that did not get Primed and can take me down or any of my team mates. They hide and separate from each other in order to attack you from diferent angles if possible, very diferent from the frontal charge of the Infested.


Just yerterday I went with 3 clan mates to a T3 Defense mission. We were 2 Novas, one Frost and one Vauban. Around the 5th wave, even been the enemies level around 40 or so, we already had died a few times. At wave 12 or so, I was out of ammo of my Gorgon, and I had equiped it not only with the Max ammo mod, Almost full rank serration and such, but also I had the ammo conversor mod. So I was using other weapons ammo as rifle ammo too. In only 4 more waves I was out of ammo again though I had filled it with an ammo pack item.

The so called godlike Nova, that has an OP Ultimate Skill, was the one that died most. It was thanks to the Frost, that made impossible fror the enemies to shoot us from outside his barrier, and the Vauban, that hold any that managed to get inside it, that we all made it. We, The 2 Novas, Only could take out the normal Corpus and Greener soldiers and a handfull of the big ones.


Nova is good to eliminate the little ones and help with the big ones, and never to confront them directly. She has an specific role in the game, and for that job she is perfect.

"She takes all the killings"- So? Do you get a prize for killing the most in a mission? Unless there is an event about killing certain enemies, the answer is NO. Do you loose exp for that? NO. Do you get past the waves? YES! The point of the game is to complete the missions, and if you are in a team, all the better. Whoever has the most kills does not matter here. Would you rather get to wave 50 with hard work and maybe even loosing items because you were too busy killing or the get to wave 100 with ease and with a lot of loots, because you had time to get it all? Would you rather fight a boss that has an army backing him/her up and receive a lot of damage while fighting or to focus on the boss as that army is no more?


Again, she has a role in the game, and for that she does it perfectly. Maybe she takes all the credit in normal missions because she kills more, but at harder parts of the game she is just as the others: a warframe killing enemies and helping her team mates to go through it.

Instead of whining because a Nova in your team kills more than you, thank her.

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Nova is awesome, I hope they never nerf her.

Anytime I enter a mission with one, I know I can lean back have a cigar and scotch, and let Nova level my stuff. All the while enjoying a bounty of pink explosions.

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I never die or hardly get hit while using nova on infested defense I jump out over them set it off and run away or on places like xini you can jump off the top thing into the pit and hit almost all of them with a good stretch mod fall in the pit respawn safely. or just wait for them to get closer and set it off from a high place just me as vauban and a nova made it to wave 29 alone and hardly got damaged, we lost because of to many ancients and not enough energy for bastille


on t3 defense she is pretty good and if you play her smart and stay inside the snowglobe you will be fine

Edited by LordMidnightX
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I never die or hardly get hit while using nova on infested defense I jump out over them set it off and run away or on places like xini you can jump off the top thing into the pit and hit almost all of them with a good stretch mod fall in the pit respawn safely. or just wait for them to get closer and set it off from a high place just me as vauban and a nova made it to wave 29 alone and hardly got damaged, we lost because of to many ancients and not enough energy for bastille


on t3 defense she is pretty good and if you play her smart and stay inside the snowglobe you will be fine


Yeah, I know. I just am one of the players than risk a bit to try do things better. Inside the Globe I can't kill as much as outside it.


Anyway, I was just making a case. I don't like people that complain when they are not the center of attention, and that "she steals the kills" or "She is too OP" simply took up my nerves.

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What is Nova designed for? Killing trash (lower lvl enemies) just leaving the big fish. Where does Nova drop? From Raptor with enemies lvls 45-50.


The way I see it it's to just help the team get rid of distractions so that the rest may focus on higher priority enemies.

If people are so insistent on not playing with others that have it why not just abort the mission and look for a new group of players?

If you can't find a group without Nova, then make one (through Invite/Solo)


Problem fixed.

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The only leaderboard this game has is for kills.


The same goes for guild rankings since that's based on kills as well.


Might as well just add some fun PvP to the game because there's no such thing as "balance" here and there never will be.

pvp F*** no

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If the one who shot primed targets got the kills it would probably mean it would count towards warframe experience right? That would be like 10x worse than it is now. I don't want the kills from Nova's Molecular Prime! This would mean I literally couldn't get any weapon xp if there was a Nova in the group spamming M.Prime as much as possible.

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novas leave after wave 10 anyways because they are scared little ponys who just want to be friends and shower you with pink and bright colors. If this frame goes down I will NEVER pick it up, just let them all die! Rapid crouch button over nova when she is down is acceptable. : )

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Ok under almost every cry of nerf nova I hear it seems to be because she gets all the kills from Mprime


I personally don't think she needs a buff or nerf (well antimatter drop could use some looking at but that is beside the point) Anyway just make it so whoever sets off the Mprime chain reaction gets the kill credit. Boom Nova is still awesome but if you want kills stand next to nova and while she is still running the animation you are getting the kills if you really care about it that is. 

Just buff every other frames

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You do realize that having certain frames vastly out power others is an issue, right? Yes it's a co-op game, and yes all players share experience, but when certain frames perform so much better than others it breeds the idea that you can't or shouldn't partner with lesser frames for tougher missions. I mean c'mon, every single person hosting a tower 3 defense demands that anyone who joins them play either a Frost, Vauban or Nova. I try to jump in with my Excalibur and get refused every time, despite the fact that I usually manage to out kill Nova on T3s despite her ult.

Imbalance just alienates everyone who doesn't want to play an over-powered warframe. I say nerf her.

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The thing that gets me, that in the higher lvl defence, M Prime is an utter godsend, not for it's wonderfull boom, but for it's slow and damage boost.


I don't care if the Nova gets all the kills, I don't care if you care that the Nova gets all the kills, I care that THE TEAM is having fun and getting good drops.




If I'm pugging (which I do mostly on my Trinity now) I sigh in happy relief if the team gets a Nova, it's just gravy if it's a good Nova.

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novas leave after wave 10 anyways because they are scared little ponys who just want to be friends and shower you with pink and bright colors. If this frame goes down I will NEVER pick it up, just let them all die! Rapid crouch button over nova when she is down is acceptable. : )

how many babys have you murdered

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Holy crackamongous! I actually believed the chumps out there who said Nova's not OP; I mean, after all, I don't want a warframe who can't hold their own on higher level defense missions. However, I've recently noticed large, twenty-odd numbered waves of level 70 corpus disappearing in puffs of smoke. Is she OP? Hell yeah! Am I going to play with her now that I've been shown the way? Hell yeah! Mprime on, my dear, sweet Nova, Mprime on.

Edited by Admiral_Kulakov
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Lololol it's hilarious that people actually try to say that nova isn't the most absolutely cheap warframe in this entire game :D.  I mean it's co op and all so no one should even give a crap but find me one other warframe who'll melt a crowd of level 60-80 mobs regardless of whether they're grineer or corpus or infested.  Sure ember might be able to do it for infested but she's slow as S#&$ and nova's the second fastest frame there is.  I know people try to compensate for all of this by saying she's a glass cannon and saying that mprime isn't that good on high level defense but that's bs.  She has plenty of shields and heatlh if you don't play like an idiot and as for her not being able to clear out entire crowds on wave 25 on pluto, well nobody else can either.  That being said nerfs are $&*&*#(%& and she shouldn't be axed.

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