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It's time to polish stuff a little


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The new update has arrived, Warframe's blowing up more than ever, everyone's talking about it but apparently DE still wants to keep calling Warframe a "beta"..

Now I get it that DE prefers to say the game is still in beta state so they can keep changing and tweaking all stuff and everything.. but maybe now it's time to have the game rise up as a full release? What I'm asking is to have them stop adding new warframes, weapons and other junk like that and maybe finally focus on just fixing all the features the game already has.

Warframe is a huge game with tons of content to play with.. yet al lot of this content is mostly a bunch of unfinished or unpolished cool concepts and I'd love to see such content polished up to the name Warframe is now carrying, specially with the Plains of Eidolon being released as now lots of people are getting interested in the game and if DE doesn't focus right now on making the content more accessible to new players (and with this I'm not saying to remove play barriers, just that a person should be able to get involved in the game without reading the wiki at least to get introduced to its content).

I get it that veterans like me are also part of the concerns every single time you have to think about quests and content updates, but I wouldn't mind if DE stopped baking new weapons and skins and that they focused more for the new players. Warframe is very reliant on their more loyal player base, but as we're at the turning point of having Warframe turn from a niche Free to Play to a behemoth of a game, I think all of these projects should be finally taken again, reworked and cemented in as a solid part of Warframe.

If you don't stand my horrible writing, you can still go and watch SkillUp's newest video about the Plains of Eidolon update, there's a part in it where he talks about this stuff in a much better way. After all I'm just a stupid kid and he talks about games for a living.

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1 minute ago, Mk_1 said:





dunno you, but I'd very much sacrifice having even more weapons that may end up like the Stradavar and Mutalist Cernos. If not getting any more of that means having them focus their resources in polishing the already existing features I'm all for it... the feeling about this, of course, may vary for other people.

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4 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

No. If DE stops giving us new things at this insane rate, the game will probably die in no time...

the number of active players could get lower for that time, but I think it's worth the risk, specially as with the recent spotlight, a lot of new players are pouring in and they surely aren't gonna run out of content anytime soon.
Then you could just be sarcastic and I fell for it

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9 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

ha. they'll never leave "beta" cus its a perpetual beta. and were you there last time they had an update focused on improving stuff? it didnt end well.

I haven't been really into the game up until the last two years as I took a really long break from it. I trust that DE has grown enough as a company to understand where they went wrong so the next time it's going to be better.

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1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

still in beta state so they can keep changing and tweaking all stuff and everything

It technically fits the definition of beta, so until it does not, there is not reason to call it something else, just calling it "released/out of beta" won't change the fact that the same things still need to be worked on and the types of releases they do will no particularly change all of that still will still technically define it as a beta, they you'll just get the reverse of what we get now will ppl saying buggy releases should be tested more etc etc...in... a beta... The argument for WF not being in beta is so stupid and so pointless, it changes literally nothing about how the game will operate, other than the fact their "release" term will technically not be correct. Yet it's brought up on a daily basis as if it somehow matters to something.

1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

finally focus on just fixing all the features the game already has.

They literally fix items as they go, because they cannot simulate 100's of 1000's of ppl being online in the game... They are working on the dojo systems now... what you want is already happening.

1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

focus right now on making the content more accessible to new players

Pretty sure this has been mentioned by them as a focus...

1 hour ago, Gabriel_Urs said:

if DE stopped baking new weapons and skins

This is basically their bread and butter... That request is a pipe dream.


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I sympathize with you, OP. But I feel it's a lost cause.


Warframe started out as DE's passion project. It was rough, it was severely unpolished, but people gravitated towards the immense passion they put into it.

They kept adding, tweaking polishing, and fixing.


People, unsurprisingly, wanted more in way of gameplay. More guns, more Warframes, more things to kill.

DE happily obliged: it gave them hundreds of new outlets for creativity.

"What about, in this codex entry, we hint at the idea that Warframe's have their own, primitive consciousness?"

"What about if this Warframe saved all of Mars by making a massive sandstorm?!"

"What if this was all a dream?!"


It was great, exciting, and fun.


But then things started to creep up.

They've added a lot of content, but now the average gameplay experience is more of a horde shooter, rather than an awesome Sci-fi adventure.

The coding they did in the past isn't able to really handle it. They coded for a pretty simple game, and now it's complicated.

Had they known that they'd have 20-something Warframes, and hundreds of different weapons, they'd have probably coded a base animation set, instead of having every animation for every frame-weapon combination be individualized, because going 1 at a time ends up making it really hard to add Different, truly new content.

Had they known that Players would be demanding careful balance of player damage and enemy health, they probably would've designed weapons and enemy types to better compliment each other, so that the game had a core gameplay structure. Because just adding weapons and fixing the sqweaky wheels ends up neglecting the entire balancing act.

Had they known that their game would feature some of the fastest, most Open-ended movement in recent gaming, then maybe they wouldn't have filled their maps with so many Aesthetic pieces to collide with.


But now they've gone too far. They've already sold hundreds of thousands of plat, tons of warframes and weapons. If they were to go back and try to tie up all the loose ends now, it'd be a disaster. So much is based off of the current systems of the game, so to overhaul it from the ground up would jeopardize all of that which players paid for. Once strong weapons become weak, once necessary mods become just average. People would be in outrage.

Not only that, but with them not putting out new content, they'd be seen as falling behind, that they were dying out. People would hesitate to join. Those whole already were playing would consider quitting.


Their vision would probably take a huge hit.

The only way DE would consider fixing and polishing all of the major issue of the game is if somehow all of the community got together and assured DE that they'd stick with them all the way until it was fixed up.


And that, my friend, is nothing less than a miracle, and I would not even remotely keep my hopes up for that to happen.

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