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Why Shield Gating is not a Red Crit to the problem.


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So...Gating gating gating...meh.  I have thought about this since it was originally talked about and never really saw it as viable.  And here is why!

Sniper Situation: YES, in this case, it would work.  Assuming you stood still...let the sniper take their time, and the shot hit you...shield gating would save your tail.  BUT...only in this situation.  Why?

Everything Else: It would only save you with the sniper, a single shot low RoF enemy, because everything else in the game fires more then one sot in a second.  Bombards fire a few missiles, Crewmen fire several rounds a minute, etc.  SO...you would be dead when they follow up and before your brain even registers your shield have fallen.  Wait...say what now?

YOUR BRAIN!!!!  From input to action that bit of meat inside that skull of yours takes 250 to 500 milliseconds to process information and come up with a solution.  This lag time is natural for us all just as lag between servers happens.  Your brain has to process the sounds and images, translate them, define what just happened, define what that means, and then, act on that information...across a lot of various parts.

So...assuming you are facing some thing that can shoot more then a round a second...if they are firing say....6 rounds a second...then you are talking one shot every 166.6 ms.  And given WE ALL know that mobs in Warframe can be stupid accurate.  Well the follow up shot to the one that dropped your gated shields will be in your meat bag of a character before you ever register the shields fell.  IF your brain is at the top of the speed chart...you MAY be able to act by the third shot.  BUT MOST will act by the fourth.

So yeah...simple neuroscience shows that you were toast no matter what...gating or no gating.  SO WHAT THEN....PLEASE SAVE US!!!  Sure, why not...Off the top of my head I would put forward that the developers could make shield tougher.

No, not add more shields...but instead do with shields as we have with health, GLORIOUS AND IMPENETRABLE (snicker) ARMOR!!!  Ok may be not that...but shields could be given a resistance value to all or specific types of damage.  THEN we could also have mods that bump up that resistance value much like Steel Fiber does to our meat bags outer layers.  THIS would make shields tougher because the resistance would negate an amount of damage before the shields take a hit.

Additionally, it would be a defining element to specific frames.  The good old SHIELD TANKERS could also have higher resistances making them tougher one way but one shot wonders the other.  This also opens up a number of viable mod options for shield tanks like say a Life Steal for shields...where an amount of damage is converted to shields.  And really...is a tougher characters all that bad?

No you will not be shield tanking a level 150 bombard...HAHAHA...no.  But you may live long enough after taking the hit to get your primary defense back after taking a hit.  And this was just one thought off the top of my head.  There are many more options available to the devs like say...NOT GIVING CREWMEN ORBITAL PARTICLE CANNONS!  Changing the scaling, Adjusting accuracy, Refining rules for high damage first shots, redoing missiles so after you dodge them they loose tracking.  Seriously...that last one...I mean I have had missiles circle me like a pack of sharks before...then they exploded...and I died...yeah...

Any way, comment and be nice please.  Thanks.

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Solid points.

But you unwittingly danced around the core of the problem and offered a bandaid.

Damage on a whole needs an overhaul.  We need to stop getting friggin bandaids, and start getting actual progress on the REAL problem.

Seems like every bandaid is just DE buying themselves enough time to apply another bandaid, and the process repeats itself indefinitely as it has already done so for YEARS.

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2 hours ago, blazinvire said:

Solid points.

But you unwittingly danced around the core of the problem and offered a bandaid.

Damage on a whole needs an overhaul.  We need to stop getting friggin bandaids, and start getting actual progress on the REAL problem.

Seems like every bandaid is just DE buying themselves enough time to apply another bandaid, and the process repeats itself indefinitely as it has already done so for YEARS.

I'm of the mindset that DE created this as more of an Art project than a Game, and thus didn't focus on laying down the core groundwork every game needs.


It has regenerating shields, but non-regenerating health.

A design choice best suited for letting skilled play survive longer, but ultimately you're going to probably take some health damage, so you need to carefully make sure you last long enough to heal up.

Except they change armor to work extremely well, and add multiple easy ways to regain health (Team-restores, Life-strike, Various warframe powers), thus turning the game towards Health tanking, the Exact Opposite of what it was before.

Yet we still have shields.


It's coding seems to work on an Animation system: Enemies and player alike can only do certain actions while certain animations are playing. No animation, no action.

Example, melee is done entirely through pre-set animations, and damage is dealt based on whether an enemy touched the Blade Part of the animation.

Yet this game has many, many things going on at once, all of which require their own animation. So they often overlap, and thus cause issues with what Action happens.

Example, Electric Proc is designed to be a CC, with it's stun animation. But if an enemy under those effects plays another animation, like turning towards the player, the stun animation stops, and thus too does the stun. That's not even including the Multitude of enemies that don't have animations coded for certain interactions, with the worst contenders being Ospreys, who have a total of 1 animation; Open and close "Wings".

This design system would work best for a slower paced game, but instead it's put in warframe, and super-high speed one.


I could go on, but I think you get the point.

DE has made all of it's decisions thus far based on what's cool, or what'll tide players over until the next cool thing. They haven't been designing a game, they've been designing a highly interactive movie, with Grind to fill in the "gameplay" they must begrudgingly have as a result of being called a "game".


At this point, they've gone too far in for them to even consider trying to make it a well designed game. So much of the content they've already sold relies on the current, Bad foundation it's built on. To fix the game, they'd need to jeopardize everything all of us purchased.

And, thankfully, DE isn't inconsiderate enough to do something so potentially devastating. 


Sorry for the De-rail. But I didn't start it.

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4 hours ago, blazinvire said:

Solid points.

But you unwittingly danced around the core of the problem and offered a bandaid.

Damage on a whole needs an overhaul.  We need to stop getting friggin bandaids, and start getting actual progress on the REAL problem.

Seems like every bandaid is just DE buying themselves enough time to apply another bandaid, and the process repeats itself indefinitely as it has already done so for YEARS.

As I said it was one thought and I did also state that reexamining the damage curves would also be good.  But as it is now, shields are the lesser used method for dealing with damage because they do not have any mitigation.  They take all the damage one a one to one ratio.  So even if you alter the damage curves...you still have issues.  Offering added options for shields like damage resistance and giving it to frames that are squishy or have naturally high shields will have a benefit.  As those frames are also the ones that are often one shot kills any way.  This would augment re-balancing the damage curves to make those frames more rewarding.

There is no one fix.  The fix is cumulative.

@chainchompguy3 yeah...not sure that was the place for that post man.

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Why not just make it when your shields get obliterated in less than a second, then you gain half a second of invulnerability? Then that goes on cooldown for 10-15 seconds. The numbers for that idea are rough, so give that a bit of a break.

You could even give it a lore reason like "When you're shields explode the Void reacts and surrounds you absorbing all threats for an instant."


I doubt the man in the wall wants you to get one shot, you're his kiddo.

Edited by Kimimoto
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I never had an issue with it till the plains hit. And then thats because for some reason the aoes on every enemy seem huge and they still manage to aim at me with mortars etc while im invisible. 

Maybe the first start could be making the hit boxes more visible for mortars (kind of like kelas ones) and reducing the splash radius of napalms/bombards or if it must be that big, at least remove the homing on the rockets. Ours cant do that, theirs shouldnt either. At  least then if i die its my own fault

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I wonder if a damage reduction formula, as it works with Armor, could be a possibility with shields? It would be a separate aspect than tweaking resistances.


11 hours ago, blazinvire said:

Solid points.

But you unwittingly danced around the core of the problem and offered a bandaid.

Damage on a whole needs an overhaul.  We need to stop getting friggin bandaids, and start getting actual progress on the REAL problem.

Seems like every bandaid is just DE buying themselves enough time to apply another bandaid, and the process repeats itself indefinitely as it has already done so for YEARS.

I never understand comments like this, since I am not able to glean what is viewed as problematic and what are bandaids, since it is such a general statement.


For example, I believe that one avenue to pursue is to create new health types between the factions, with some tweaks to Damage 2.0:

Specifically, the Tenno faction should have their own version of Health, Armor and Shields that are neutral, in the sense of no resistances or weaknesses, which can be thought of as utilizing specialized alloys and composites to achieve this unique balance.

Grineer would keep their Cloned Flesh and have two varieties of Carbon Steel Alloys, one cheaper to produce one and a second more refined version.

Keeping within their Post-Industrial vibe, it would make sense that they would continue a tradition of forging their equipment from the materials they've used their entire lives and countless generations. Ferrite could be 1050 'Uk-ro-fhuve' (named after 1050 Carbon Steel) and Alloy be 4130 'Forr-uk-chee', so that they are more Grineer sounding, and since alloy can apply to so many permutations.

Corpus should combine the two Shield types together then have Flesh, Robotic and get a new polymer fiber armor over using Ferrite or Alloy types, which could be more closely related to Kevlar or 'Ketpat' as they would pronounce it, if they'd keep that word in their time.

ideas for damage here:

  1. Improving IPS
  2. Standalone Elemental mods and tweaking values
  3. Adjusting Status Effects
  4. Changes to Multishot
  5. Damage from Elemental Sources and their Status Effects
  6. Warheads and adding extra sources of damage to Weapons.
  7. Damage Scaling - Bonus Staking
  8. Battle Leveling - Enemy Scaling


I enjoy doing research when I have free time on varying topics, when not playing video games or listening to music. Something that I have come across is reexamining Terminal Ballistics, Blast Waves and how they relate to Warframe. Specifically what's been nagging at me with how IPS is setup, at least for Ballistics, can be improved since Impact only really Staggered, Puncture has a Weaken effect (that's never made sense to me) and Slash has such a nice in-game proc in comparison. 

So Warframe's Damage 2.0 foundation can better reflect how trauma would actually effect a target with possible status effects and boost up the existing IPS foundation some. With Impact and Puncture Trauma being quite significant in relation to Slash, Chemical and Energy based trauma in many RL cases, is what got me looking into this.

The other detail is how Elemental Combos dominate builds and overshadow IPS; and with a Lore perspective, it feels inconsistent that the Orokin had to leave behind high tech and go old school simply to deal with the Sentient Threat, where in-game, chemical and energy sourced damage are so much more significant to dropping enemies over IPS as the going gets tougher.

Improving IPS

I felt that the first step was to reorganize how to think of the different damage types and research what actual effects they would have and then place them back in a Warframe context.



So I felt that Ballistics and Melee should be separated for their type of Damage and Status Effect they produce and grouped the other types between Chemical and Energy sourced damage.

With Ballistics there are two general goals in mind with projectiles. The first is Maximum Penetration, the second category is Controlled Penetration. The first cares for punching through a target, the main goal being on the focus to generate the largest possible amount of momentum on the smallest possible area of the target for maximum penetration. So projectiles for maximum penetration are designed to resist deformation on impact in various ways and so current Warframe weapons would see little to no changes, the main thing would be to add a small base amount of punch through (that stacks with mods) and possibly a Bleed Out effect.

The second category is Controlled Penetration, which wants to deal maximum damage to single target. These projectiles are often designed to increase their surface area on impact, thus creating greater drag and limiting the travel through the target. Another side effect is that the expanded bullet makes a larger hole, increasing tissue disruption and speeding incapacitation. With Slash from projectiles, it therefore shares more in common with Impact style damage and can be caused by the projectile tumbling or causing unusually shaped wounds on hitting different surfaces and materials.

In comparison, a projectile that penetrates through-and-through tends to cause more profuse bleeding. On the other hand, a projectile that does not, can then continue on producing different sorts of damage, such as causing greater hydro-static shock or damaging internals from fragments and the larger initial wound, so chances of causing unintended damage or injury.

Blast damage causes a pressure wave that can move at such high velocities, that targets should be torn apart by the force involved, with subsequent shock waves causing further damage before factoring the damage from fragments, and any high temperatures, so it felt better to have this as a property under Ballistics.

With Melee, puncture and slash damage share more in common, with Impact causing damage in a different way. So both puncture and slash should cause Bleeding Wounds on a Status Hit. Impact should provide the force to cripple a target in some manner breaking bones, rupturing the internals of Robotics and so on. Finisher should represent the ability to play the special Finisher Animations available to Melee Weapons and be a greater factor for certain weapons like Daggers (and Covert Lethality will need to be tweaked if Finisher damage gets added directly to weapons), but at any rate I am simply listing it in the Melee category.

Standalone Elemental mods and tweaking values on Damage boosting mods.

I am still of the opinion that combining Elemental mods (like Heat and Cold for Blast) should be retired and standalone mods be created. Then normalize the damage boosts and status chance between IPS mods and Elemental mods.

I could live single stat be 90% and 11 drain, with dual stat at 60/60 at 9 or 7 drain.



Adjusting Status Effects

Going more in-depth with the above table on grouping damage types and assigning new Status Effects, there should also be a look at Red Status and individualizing the frequency of Status Effects.

More below:




- Current Status Effect:       Penetration (Adds 0.4 Punch Through.)
- RED Status Effect:            Exit Wound (Adds damage over time.)


- Current Status Effect:       Hydro-Static Shock (Inflicts damage over time.)
- RED Status Effect:            Wound Channel (Increased damage and stagger.)


- Current Status Effect:       Pressure Wave (Stuns and throws target and nearby enemies within 5 meters to the ground.)
- RED Status Effect:            Bulldoze (Knocks targets within 10 meters of the initial target to the ground)



- Current Status Effect:       Bleed Out (Inflicts Damage over time.)
- RED Status Effect:            Bloody Mess (Bleeding Enemy has a small aura that can slow down and reduce ally LOS.)


- Current Status Effect:       Crush (Staggers a target momentarily.)
- RED Status Effect:            Cripple (Staggered enemy takes longer to recover, decreasing an attribute.)



- Current Status Effect:       Snap-Freeze (Reduces movement speed, fire rate, and attack speed.)
- RED Status Effect:            Sub Zero (Affected enemy has an aura that can proc Freeze and target's armor is weakened.)


- Current Status Effect:       Chain Lightning (Deals damage to enemies within 5 meters of target, stunning them.)
- RED Status Effect:            Lightning Conduit (Chain Lighting affects more enemies within 10 meters and affect lasts longer for Robotics.)


- Current Status Effect:       Disrupt (Reduces target’s current shields and maximum shield capacity.)
- RED Status Effect:            Interference (Disrupted enemy attains a small 5 meter aura that can proc Disrupt on allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Weaken (Staggers and Reduces damage dealt by enemies.)
- RED Status Effect:            Radioactive (Weakened Enemy has an aura that can proc Weaken on Allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Confusion (Allows for wild shooting and Friendly Fire damage.)
- RED Status Effect:            Hooliganism (Affected enemy can Proc Confusion on others.)



- Current Status Effect:       Ignite (Thermal Shock weakens materiel and burns Flesh.)
- RED Status Effect:            Firestorm (The effected enemy can proc Ignite on allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Poison (DoT, bypasses shields.)
- RED Status Effect:            Epidemic (Creates an aura on an enemy that has a chance to proc Poison on unaffected allies.)


- Current Status Effect:      Corrode (Permanently degrades a target’s armor and burns Flesh.)
- RED Status Effect:           Corrosive Mist (Enemy, affected by Corrode, has reduced LOS.)


- Current Status Effect:       Poison Cloud (Chokes unmasked enemies and deals poison damage.)
- RED Status Effect:            Poison Fog (Increases the size of Poison Clouds, with more opacity that reduces LOS for enemies inside it.)

- Current Status Effect:       Infect (Reduces a target’s current and maximum health.)
- RED Status Effect:            Propagated Outbreak (Creates an aura that has a chance to proc Viral on allies.)

Multishot Changes

For Multishot, I feel that it should simply increase the projectiles fired for more status proc chances being possible, and would no longer raise damage (Damage per each projectile will actually decease as more projectiles are used, just like comparing a slug to birdshot). That way its all about more opportunities to proc a Status Effect on a target.

Then if we can see tweaks to Status Chance mods (Rifle Aptitude, Shotgun Savvy, Sure Shot and Melee Prowess at least) and how multiple pellets/projectiles receive Status Chance, then such a change should keep Multishot a viable option for certain status weapons and builds and no longer be a mandatory mod.

Damage from Elemental Sources and their Status Effects

This is a separate category since it still needs some tweaking. One of the features of Damage 2.0 was the ability to combine effects for massive damage output, overshadowing IPS from Elemental Sources. With their greater innate boosts against specific targets, many builds focus on adding these, generally ignoring IPS in most cases and further skewing enemy leveling.

Well, what if IPS damage is instant application of Force and damage, with Chemical and Energy sources as supplemental sources that proc status and damage overtime?

The idea being that IPS regain the center of stopping power on weaponry and additional sources apply desired status effects. There are novelties that only deal a certain elemental damage, but I would hope to see changes here.

So that, for example, the Ninkondi would become a primarily Impact damage weapon, but have the added ability to proc Electricity along with Impact procs. So the novelty of the Ninkondi is that Electric status effects can be achieved without adding additional Electricity mods.

That same should work with other weapons, such as the Dark Dagger dealing mainly Puncture damage and the ability to proc Radiation along with Puncture procs.

If something like this can be done, I'd certainly welcome the changes.

Warheads and adding extra sources of damage to Weapons.

The last idea I want to share is with having the above ideas for standalone Elemental Sources, that there be able to add a single additional damage type to certain weapons that would be able to accommodate the special payload.

In this case Bows, Thrown Weapons, Launchers and maybe Shotguns would be able to use any of the available elemental mods in special warhead payloads. Other weapons would see common sense limits and restrictions as to what maybe loaded.

A weapon like the Ignis, may have modified injectors and be able to add any of the Chemical type sources. The Amprex could have proper apertures for only Energy type sources and so on, on a case by case basis.

Damage Scaling (Bonus Stacking)

Look into how the formulas perform bonus stacking can be adjusted in how things multiply between multiple mod combos.

As for large displayed numbers it can be a cosmetic aspect to allow large displayed values to remain, by changing the initial base values on items? This could simply be a UI tweak to what we see as we play.

Floating Scaling

The final topic that I feel the need to mention here, is that Enemy Scaling will need to be adjusted with the changes to the volume of damage output we can currently dish out. 

So what this means in Warframe's context, is most likely in changing how we relate to the available content, while keeping what exists relevant for like going deep into Endless.

The synopsis here is that in static non-endless missions, enemies scale to the strongest player out of four, and the other three players scale to the strongest. That way, a highly optimized build would be able to feel a challenge on Mercury and not negatively impact brand new players and still be rewarded for their investments of time and resources.

On an endless mission, this would have a level playing field up to the first 5 min mark or first 5 waves, and scale beyond that as those missions currently do.

The values used to scale need to consider installed mods on builds, focusing on key attributes. And we have examples of the faction damage mods that can be a conceptual basis for how such a system can be devised in Warframes' context.

Now such an idea will still need to see changes to how enemy armor increases and reduces damage, nonetheless, maybe the devs have enough metrics behind the scenes to flesh out such an idea that go beyond what I'm thinking of.

That way, Endo, Kuva and the current static mods remain in place, and allow content anywhere in the star chart to be a challenge and not harm new players still looking to figure things out. Then things like Raids, Sortie and Nightmare can be where players truly can find their endgame within this new context.


Edited by SPARTAN-187.Thanatos
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6 hours ago, Kimimoto said:

Why not just make it when your shields get obliterated in less than a second, then you gain half a second of invulnerability? Then that goes on cooldown for 10-15 seconds. The numbers for that idea are rough, so give that a bit of a break.

You could even give it a lore reason like "When you're shields explode the Void reacts and surrounds you absorbing all threats for an instant."

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I doubt the man in the wall wants you to get one shot, you're his kiddo.

I would personally say hat an invulnerability timer would not work well.  I mean the reason is it could be abused.  Even if it is a fraction of a second, low shield builds would allow almost constant use of it as a way to defend them selves.  Invulnerability is a crutch of bad game design.


1 hour ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I wonder if a damage reduction formula, as it works with Armor, could be a possibility with shields? It would be a separate aspect than tweaking resistances.

  Reveal hidden contents
  1. Improving IPS
  2. Standalone Elemental mods and tweaking values
  3. Adjusting Status Effects
  4. Changes to Multishot
  5. Damage from Elemental Sources and their Status Effects
  6. Warheads and adding extra sources of damage to Weapons.
  7. Damage Scaling - Bonus Staking
  8. Battle Leveling - Enemy Scaling


I enjoy doing research when I have free time on varying topics, when not playing video games or listening to music. Something that I have come across is reexamining Terminal Ballistics, Blast Waves and how they relate to Warframe. Specifically what's been nagging at me with how IPS is setup, at least for Ballistics, can be improved since Impact only really Staggered, Puncture has a Weaken effect (that's never made sense to me) and Slash has such a nice in-game proc in comparison. 

So Warframe's Damage 2.0 foundation can better reflect how trauma would actually effect a target with possible status effects and boost up the existing IPS foundation some. With Impact and Puncture Trauma being quite significant in relation to Slash, Chemical and Energy based trauma in many RL cases, is what got me looking into this.

The other detail is how Elemental Combos dominate builds and overshadow IPS; and with a Lore perspective, it feels inconsistent that the Orokin had to leave behind high tech and go old school simply to deal with the Sentient Threat, where in-game, chemical and energy sourced damage are so much more significant to dropping enemies over IPS as the going gets tougher.

Improving IPS

I felt that the first step was to reorganize how to think of the different damage types and research what actual effects they would have and then place them back in a Warframe context.



So I felt that Ballistics and Melee should be separated for their type of Damage and Status Effect they produce and grouped the other types between Chemical and Energy sourced damage.

With Ballistics there are two general goals in mind with projectiles. The first is Maximum Penetration, the second category is Controlled Penetration. The first cares for punching through a target, the main goal being on the focus to generate the largest possible amount of momentum on the smallest possible area of the target for maximum penetration. So projectiles for maximum penetration are designed to resist deformation on impact in various ways and so current Warframe weapons would see little to no changes, the main thing would be to add a small base amount of punch through (that stacks with mods) and possibly a Bleed Out effect.

The second category is Controlled Penetration, which wants to deal maximum damage to single target. These projectiles are often designed to increase their surface area on impact, thus creating greater drag and limiting the travel through the target. Another side effect is that the expanded bullet makes a larger hole, increasing tissue disruption and speeding incapacitation. With Slash from projectiles, it therefore shares more in common with Impact style damage and can be caused by the projectile tumbling or causing unusually shaped wounds on hitting different surfaces and materials.

In comparison, a projectile that penetrates through-and-through tends to cause more profuse bleeding. On the other hand, a projectile that does not, can then continue on producing different sorts of damage, such as causing greater hydro-static shock or damaging internals from fragments and the larger initial wound, so chances of causing unintended damage or injury.

Blast damage causes a pressure wave that can move at such high velocities, that targets should be torn apart by the force involved, with subsequent shock waves causing further damage before factoring the damage from fragments, and any high temperatures, so it felt better to have this as a property under Ballistics.

With Melee, puncture and slash damage share more in common, with Impact causing damage in a different way. So both puncture and slash should cause Bleeding Wounds on a Status Hit. Impact should provide the force to cripple a target in some manner breaking bones, rupturing the internals of Robotics and so on. Finisher should represent the ability to play the special Finisher Animations available to Melee Weapons and be a greater factor for certain weapons like Daggers (and Covert Lethality will need to be tweaked if Finisher damage gets added directly to weapons), but at any rate I am simply listing it in the Melee category.

Standalone Elemental mods and tweaking values on Damage boosting mods.

I am still of the opinion that combining Elemental mods (like Heat and Cold for Blast) should be retired and standalone mods be created. Then normalize the damage boosts and status chance between IPS mods and Elemental mods.

I could live single stat be 90% and 11 drain, with dual stat at 60/60 at 9 or 7 drain.

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Adjusting Status Effects

Going more in-depth with the above table on grouping damage types and assigning new Status Effects, there should also be a look at Red Status and individualizing the frequency of Status Effects.

More below:

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- Current Status Effect:       Penetration (Adds 0.4 Punch Through.)
- RED Status Effect:            Exit Wound (Adds damage over time.)


- Current Status Effect:       Hydro-Static Shock (Inflicts damage over time.)
- RED Status Effect:            Wound Channel (Increased damage and stagger.)


- Current Status Effect:       Pressure Wave (Stuns and throws target and nearby enemies within 5 meters to the ground.)
- RED Status Effect:            Bulldoze (Knocks targets within 10 meters of the initial target to the ground)



- Current Status Effect:       Bleed Out (Inflicts Damage over time.)
- RED Status Effect:            Bloody Mess (Bleeding Enemy has a small aura that can slow down and reduce ally LOS.)


- Current Status Effect:       Crush (Staggers a target momentarily.)
- RED Status Effect:            Cripple (Staggered enemy takes longer to recover, decreasing an attribute.)



- Current Status Effect:       Snap-Freeze (Reduces movement speed, fire rate, and attack speed.)
- RED Status Effect:            Sub Zero (Affected enemy has an aura that can proc Freeze and target's armor is weakened.)


- Current Status Effect:       Chain Lightning (Deals damage to enemies within 5 meters of target, stunning them.)
- RED Status Effect:            Lightning Conduit (Chain Lighting affects more enemies within 10 meters and affect lasts longer for Robotics.)


- Current Status Effect:       Disrupt (Reduces target’s current shields and maximum shield capacity.)
- RED Status Effect:            Interference (Disrupted enemy attains a small 5 meter aura that can proc Disrupt on allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Weaken (Staggers and Reduces damage dealt by enemies.)
- RED Status Effect:            Radioactive (Weakened Enemy has an aura that can proc Weaken on Allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Confusion (Allows for wild shooting and Friendly Fire damage.)
- RED Status Effect:            Hooliganism (Affected enemy can Proc Confusion on others.)



- Current Status Effect:       Ignite (Thermal Shock weakens materiel and burns Flesh.)
- RED Status Effect:            Firestorm (The effected enemy can proc Ignite on allies.)


- Current Status Effect:       Poison (DoT, bypasses shields.)
- RED Status Effect:            Epidemic (Creates an aura on an enemy that has a chance to proc Poison on unaffected allies.)


- Current Status Effect:      Corrode (Permanently degrades a target’s armor and burns Flesh.)
- RED Status Effect:           Corrosive Mist (Enemy, affected by Corrode, has reduced LOS.)


- Current Status Effect:       Poison Cloud (Chokes unmasked enemies and deals poison damage.)
- RED Status Effect:            Poison Fog (Increases the size of Poison Clouds, with more opacity that reduces LOS for enemies inside it.)

- Current Status Effect:       Infect (Reduces a target’s current and maximum health.)
- RED Status Effect:            Propagated Outbreak (Creates an aura that has a chance to proc Viral on allies.)

Multishot Changes

For Multishot, I feel that it should simply increase the projectiles fired for more status proc chances being possible, and would no longer raise damage (Damage per each projectile will actually decease as more projectiles are used, just like comparing a slug to birdshot). That way its all about more opportunities to proc a Status Effect on a target.

Then if we can see tweaks to Status Chance mods (Rifle Aptitude, Shotgun Savvy, Sure Shot and Melee Prowess at least) and how multiple pellets/projectiles receive Status Chance, then such a change should keep Multishot a viable option for certain status weapons and builds and no longer be a mandatory mod.

Damage from Elemental Sources and their Status Effects

This is a separate category since it still needs some tweaking. One of the features of Damage 2.0 was the ability to combine effects for massive damage output, overshadowing IPS from Elemental Sources. With their greater innate boosts against specific targets, many builds focus on adding these, generally ignoring IPS in most cases and further skewing enemy leveling.

Well, what if IPS damage is instant application of Force and damage, with Chemical and Energy sources as supplemental sources that proc status and damage overtime?

The idea being that IPS regain the center of stopping power on weaponry and additional sources apply desired status effects. There are novelties that only deal a certain elemental damage, but I would hope to see changes here.

So that, for example, the Ninkondi would become a primarily Impact damage weapon, but have the added ability to proc Electricity along with Impact procs. So the novelty of the Ninkondi is that Electric status effects can be achieved without adding additional Electricity mods.

That same should work with other weapons, such as the Dark Dagger dealing mainly Puncture damage and the ability to proc Radiation along with Puncture procs.

If something like this can be done, I'd certainly welcome the changes.

Warheads and adding extra sources of damage to Weapons.

The last idea I want to share is with having the above ideas for standalone Elemental Sources, that there be able to add a single additional damage type to certain weapons that would be able to accommodate the special payload.

In this case Bows, Thrown Weapons, Launchers and maybe Shotguns would be able to use any of the available elemental mods in special warhead payloads. Other weapons would see common sense limits and restrictions as to what maybe loaded.

A weapon like the Ignis, may have modified injectors and be able to add any of the Chemical type sources. The Amprex could have proper apertures for only Energy type sources and so on, on a case by case basis.

Damage Scaling (Bonus Stacking)

Look into how the formulas perform bonus stacking can be adjusted in how things multiply between multiple mod combos.

As for large displayed numbers it can be a cosmetic aspect to allow large displayed values to remain, by changing the initial base values on items? This could simply be a UI tweak to what we see as we play.

Floating Scaling

The final topic that I feel the need to mention here, is that Enemy Scaling will need to be adjusted with the changes to the volume of damage output we can currently dish out. 

So what this means in Warframe's context, is most likely in changing how we relate to the available content, while keeping what exists relevant for like going deep into Endless.

The synopsis here is that in static non-endless missions, enemies scale to the strongest player out of four, and the other three players scale to the strongest. That way, a highly optimized build would be able to feel a challenge on Mercury and not negatively impact brand new players and still be rewarded for their investments of time and resources.

On an endless mission, this would have a level playing field up to the first 5 min mark or first 5 waves, and scale beyond that as those missions currently do.

The values used to scale need to consider installed mods on builds, focusing on key attributes. And we have examples of the faction damage mods that can be a conceptual basis for how such a system can be devised in Warframes' context.

Now such an idea will still need to see changes to how enemy armor increases and reduces damage, nonetheless, maybe the devs have enough metrics behind the scenes to flesh out such an idea that go beyond what I'm thinking of.

That way, Endo, Kuva and the current static mods remain in place, and allow content anywhere in the star chart to be a challenge and not harm new players still looking to figure things out. Then things like Raids, Sortie and Nightmare can be where players truly can find their endgame within this new context.


Resistance in this case is not a single resistance to a damage type, but the shields general resistance to all damage.  I mean It could be named other things like hardening, Damage Deflection, Resilience, and so on.  But the idea is that yes, the shields would get a damage reduction effect like armor applies to health.  And warframes would get varying amounts of it so that squishy, but potentially shield tanky frames get more while health tanky frames get less to balance things.

As for the rest of your post, sadly I have no comment as I just woke up and have not read it.  :-)

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