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Ember is OP in some way


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45 минут назад, HorridaMessor сказал:

Pls don't mix up MR which only shows how many weapons/frames/companions/archwings you leved to 30 and actual endgame which is Eidolon hunting/Raids/2h+ surv/def/int runs because high MR means absolutely nothing. I didn't matter before Draco was a thing (we had Xini back in ye olden times), after Draco it means even less.

Maybe you are right, and I am wrong, do we have a statistics what percentage of playerbase have ever done 2h+ survival mission? Man, you will be so amazed when you will see those number. 1%? 2%, 0.5%? Its just you said majority of playerbase is doing this, it means like 51%+, I doubt that percentage of people are involved in real endgame activities. If I am wrong, I would love to see stats.

Anyway this is offtopic, and maybe I am wrong about MR and end-game corellations, sorry for that.

Edited by Tainted_Fate
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4 hours ago, UF-1215 said:

Dude, I'm going to be honest. What's your point of bringing this up? Let me give a list of all the OP frames in this game, as a more experienced Tenno, 

Excalibur: with the right frame and melee weapon build, you can have an eternal exalted blade and literally slide attack your way through an entire mission without every running out of energy and while constantly blinding enemies. Anything under lvl 50 will die immediately. 

Ash: enough said. 

Saryn: go to Berehynia and you'll see what I mean. 

Banshee: slap on Resonance Quake and mod for both max eff and cont. Everything around you within a 300M radius will die once RQ reaches max range and dmg. 

Mesa: use the same build you do for RQ Banshee. Stand in the middle of the map, press 4, hold down your LMB, and spin. Everything under lvl 100 dies in one shot, given that you have a well-modded secondary. 

Nidus: in close-range infested missions, a well-modded Nidus becomes virtually immortal and can survive SOLO up to 100 waves on Akkad. It's been done, just look it up on Youtube. 

Oberon: the most hated frame yes. But mod for max range and efficiency and spam reckoning. Everything around will die OR be down on the floor long enough to be killed by a teammate. 

Trinity: OHAHAHAHAHA. I don't think I have to explain her. 

Wukong: Oh yes, Wukong the immortal. One of his powers actually involves reviving himself from the dead. 

Nezha: Pretty much immortal too. 


Pretty much every frame in the game, when modded in an "meta" fashion, will be OP in one way or another. 

All of the frames, except for a select few really sucky frames that need reworks, either fall into two categories once you metabuild them: (1) frames that kill everything around them and (2) frames that can't get killed. That's called maximization. 

That's just the nature of the game. A build that makes sorties tolerable will certainly make 90% of the regular level starchart missions seem like cheese. That's just the way the game is. I don't know if you play sorties and raids and Eidolon strikes often, but if you do, I hope you understand where I'm coming from. 

I know where you're coming from concerning Ember, but I'm just really curious as to why you're bringing this up now. Ember's been like this ever since she's come out and DE hasn't even spoken of reworking her, probably because they think she's balanced. I mean, if you don't like Ember, stop playing her. And don't S#&$ on us who do, because Warframe is a hard game, we Tenno who've been playing for years now get tired sometimes of having to aim at every single little enemy on the map and press the LMB. Sometimes we'd rather just press 4 and sit in a corner so that we can save our energy and do other stuff in the game that actually matters, stuff you can't cheese, like Eidolon strikes, raids, cancerous sorties, nightmare missions with horrid modifiers, kuva flood missions, etc. 



Nice try, this is not a topic abut what frame can solo a mission, any frame can do that.

this is abut a frame, were you start one ability, and then you can let the game run on its own.

and no, Ember was not always like this, at the start her WoF was a ability like Oberon's Hallowed Ground.

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I used to feel the way you do about her just destroying everything "cheesing it" but really in high end content or essentially anything with armor or level above 50, she becomes very awesome to have on a team. Especially when people don't focus only on damage and use firequake with max range. Yes it will still clean up some of the weaker dregs here and there but the amount of CC it brings is amazing. Plus at those levels she becomes quite squishy so it's a very good tradeoff.

She is absolutely my favorite frame for meh low level missions that I have to do like exterminate conflicts to get more dojo resources. I really don't want to do those ones and being able to just run from A to Z and extract without taking the time to clean up every little thing is brilliant for me. I do play with her 90% solo though and only bring her into the higher tier content where she becomes a boon for the group and not a headache.

I really hope they don't touch her. WoF is one of my favorite abilities in the game. As others have stated there are a few other frames that can honestly do the same, but more damage already. I really don't see a difference. Yes you can toggle hers and just keep the energy up, but the tradeoff is massive damage falloff WHERE IT MATTERS - which you augment to turn it into a CC. The other nuke frames don't typically have this problem. Yes they have to actually press 4, but who cares when it clears the entire level of current spawns in that button press. Does it really matter at that point?


Edited by Coaa
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I'll be honest here: I just woke up at 4 p.m and I'm too lazy to read the text, but I did read the title.


Ember is NOT OP. I don't know on what planet you play most of the time, but I can tell you, she won't kill much above level 30. BELOW level 30, she's the walking apocalypse. ABOVE level 30, she's just throwing confetti at people. She stuns them, at best.


And yes, I do have a Ember Prime with World on Fire build.

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Hey there OP, welcome to Warframe. 


Now I'm not usually one to tell people how to play the game (regardless of what some think) but consider slowing down your play a bit. Completely unrelated to your point on Ember, MR15 in 2 months is just obscene. You're skipping through years of content that would otherwise keep you occupied. I you're not stranger to the grind MMO genre however, continue by all means. 


Now onto your topic, Ember's world on fire is not overpowered, it's broken. Similar but different. As seen in this post:

58 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Ember is NOT OP. I don't know on what planet you play most of the time, but I can tell you, she won't kill much above level 30. BELOW level 30, she's the walking apocalypse. ABOVE level 30, she's just throwing confetti at people. She stuns them, at best.

The power of world on fire sharply drops off at the level 30-40 mark, but as you know, this is irrelevant to the topic because everything below those levels is still an important part of the game for both new and old players, and having an ability with no interaction simply kill everything by you being there is not good gameplay, especially for the newer players. However, you'll have a hard time convincing anyone that this is the case because people seem to think that because other frames can do it, it is somehow okay. 

Ember is by no means the easiest person to do this with, but is by far the earliest person you can do this with. Some people don't see it as an issue, even though DE has said multiple times that they don't want this to happen and spent the last 2 years changing frames so that they don't do it. However, this is a forum, and forums are where you talk to developers as well as other players about what you think is right for the game.  

What I suggest to you is that you change the title of your thread from overpowered to broken or some form thereof, report your own thread and ask for it to be moved to the correct section) Warframe's and abilities)and elaborate as much as possible in your posts as to WHY you think Ember is overpowered and why it matters. 

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9 hours ago, Kialandi said:

50 days and MR 15?

You will burn out fast at this pace.

Also noone is forcing you to play Ember. Or to cheese the game in any way. 

Just pick something else or do not use Embers 4th ability. Simple as that.

Maybe because... Ember? 

I sold mine after losing space and getting ignis + heat bullet. It was btw her and Oberon

My opinion of her was that she is streamlined- movement & DPS were seamless. Abilities were very intuitive and instantly effective unlike other frames where you have to wiki before you get them to work properly. 

I have seen something as OP as OP said, where they died as they dropped from dropships. It was an aura but I didn’t know how they did it Nova prolly 


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personally i say leave her she is a frame for when you need to be lazy and if all those end up becoming super micro manage frames then farming or chilling is gonna be a pain in game. Also you cant level a weapon using ember weapons only get xp from shared xp from the group or when you get the kill with the weapon; if you want proof about the weapon thing go into a mission solo with a non leveled weapon, and don't use it and only use frame abilities it wont go up unless you maybe pick up an affinity orb. Ember isnt great through the entire game i very much think you might be exaggerating because when moding you get one thing you lose another to have your level of efficiency you had to give up  something like power strength maybe or range, Ember may be annoying but that's only if you're just doing low level missions i mean that's why people call her the low level killer.

Note: if they changed her i would just start using more equinox so they would need to change her as well if you really want to fix this problem.

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Even the people playing as Ember generally will admit that she is annoying to play alongside.  As someone else pointed out, she wasn't always like this.  Personally, I think it was a better frame when it had a damage reduction ability.

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