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Token System


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DE mentioned about it some time ago. It's still not implemented, and we still don't know about ETA. Hell, we don't even know whether it will be implemented or not at all...

Explanation: Token system will lower the grindness of this game. Instead of praying to RNGods for Trinity Systems (when you have 10 helmets and 25 chasis already, ofc), you will get certain amount of Tokens from each boss killed. Then you can exchange the Tokens for Frames parts blueprints. Possibly (and hopefully) this can work also in Void. (Yeah, having like 20 Reaper Handles, 10 Reaper BPs and no blades is a pain in the &#!).

I'm bringing this topic back, because of announced livestream, which will ba sound Q&A, so this question probably won't match.


This topic has two purposes. Firstly, I want DE to give us anything. "In U10", "Before U10", "Soon", "Never" will be enough. Secondly, I want you, fellow Tenno to discuss this topic. What do you think - amount of tokens earned should depend on the boss difficulty? (1 token for Vor, 20 for Raptor) How high the prices should be? 100 - 1 000 - 10 000 tokens for each part?

Let the discussion begin.

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I for one, do not like the system how it is currently. One of the biggest headaches I'm having right now is not regarding my own luck, but my friend lone survivor's luck. For example: He's played 200 hours and still hasn't found a split chamber mod. A token system would alleviate this headache because he could trade in say....300 tokens for it hell, 1000 maybe! at least he has something to work towards instead of praying for a 3% roll in a defense mission. 


I do have something to add about the token system though. We should be able to trade our blueprints in BULK for a small amount of tokens. I literally have hundreds of blueprints and I refuse to sell them because that is a pointless thing to do, considering how easy it is to get credits. Why not give us a use for all these excess blueprints, eh lads? 

Edited by cyrus106
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I do have something to add about the token system though. We should be able to trade our blueprints in BULK for a small amount of tokens. I literally have hundreds of blueprints and I refuse to sell them because that is a pointless thing to do, considering how easy it is to get credits. Why not give us a use for all these excess blueprints, eh lads? 

That is one nice idea, sir! Selling them even for - let's say - 10% of original price (buy Rhino Chasis for 2000T, sell it for 20T)

Also recent event got something token-like, certain amount of points at the end of succesful mission, so we have a start. Even icon can be the same.

Edited by Angius
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A token system was introduced in Vindictus, and it was the only reason why I ever got the shield I wanted for my Fiona.

Of course, if it seems good, Nexon will find a way to screw it up. The tokens were awarded only for daily and weekly raid missions, which kinda made sense to limit the number of tokens you'd win per day. But we already had a 10/per day limit, so that just seemed stupid to me. Most importantly, though, the tokens were separate and non-tradeable between your own characters. That. Sucked. So. Much.

All that said, it still did work out for me in the end, as I obtained a 1-in-400 drop using the tokens.


A system like that would have to be well balanced. People always come up with all kinds of exploits and bull. 


I for one, do not like the system how it is currently. One of the biggest headaches I'm having right now is not regarding my own luck, but my friend lone survivor's luck. For example: He's played 200 hours and still hasn't found a split chamber mod.

Lol. I'm in the same boat, and it's not like I didn't try getting one >__>


That is one nice idea, sir! Selling them even for - let's say - 10% of original price (buy Rhino Chasis for 2000T, sell it for 20T)

Also recent event got something token-like, certain amount of points at the end of succesful mission, so we have a start. Even icon can be the same.

That sounds nice. One can dream, I s'pose.

I kinda immediately imagined the icon for tokens as the three-petal-lotus we see on Vandal weapons and such.

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This again.....



You understand that tokens will increase overall boss runs? If you think that DE will just simply give you frame or weapon part for 10 tokens, you are delusional. It will be more than 25 maybe even 40+ tokens for part and bosses will drop only 1 token. Or there will be common, uncommon and rare tokens. Plus to all this, extra profit for DE because they will place tokens on market.


Even i WoW you needed 30 heroic badges to get some purple item.

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Ever played Aion?

It's a horrible evil game, based around the grind and only the grind. The RNG gods dark reign over Aion is enough to bring any seasoned gamer to his/her knees.

The one redeeming trait in Aion.. Well Aion is pretty---- The second redeeming trait about Aion is that a lot of quests offer tokens. That little bit of control is refreshing enough to take a breather and grind your face into the wall some more. I hear it isn't as grindy these days, but the example still stands!

Tokens here and there could do us some good. Or maybe even a miniscule amount of plat as another player once suggested. 1-3 plat per alert instead of credits? A month of alerts could buy me something nice!

Warframe still suffers from bloated disorganized loot tables. Log in rewards and the void keys in particular. The only thing wrong with boss loot is common mats being on the table! If these issues were fixed the game would go from simply amazing to legendary status!

As it stands now... 200ish t2/t3 key runs. No Frost Prime systems. And well.. As much as I love the game, my attention is starting to dwindle.  That said, I'm very grateful for the 740 hours the game has already given me >.>  I mean... It might just be time for a short break lol.

Tokens may increase over all number of runs, but that's a good thing for reputability's sake. Instead of disappointment you don't grab the thing you're looking for in any given run, you're given satisfaction and a feeling of control. What you're going after is attainable if you put in your time.

Edited by Rudest
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Let them implement an alternative source of income first.  Or piss and moan that they're doing that because it's not like they gotta eat and lets face it, their pricing model is soooooo unfair -_-


But yeah, tokens could be nice, RNG has no measurable progress which can be frustrating for players.  With that said, token systems can suck really hard too because you can calculate the amount of time it will take to get all the tokens needed fairly easily so they jack up token costs so it takes tens of hours to get one item which can be uber frustrating in of itself.  I'd prefer moving away from grindy play and more towards rewarding players for skillful play.  

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Pure token system is just plain boring. No element of surprise, no RNG gods smiles, pure grind. It's like work in office 9-18 every day and get your fixed salary twice a month. Thank you, I have it enough in real life.

I propose a mixed system, when you will receive random reward (as it is today) AND tokens. Token prices must be high enough, like 100-150 runs worth of tokens for rare void BP.

Using that system you will retain all positives of current random drops, plus a bonus which you can use to eventually buy that PITA BP, that you seems just can't get.

Edited by Khranitel
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Pure token system is just plain boring. No element of surprise, no RNG gods smiles, pure grind. It's like work in office 9-18 every day and get your fixed salary twice a month. Thank you, I have it enough in real life.

I propose a mixed system, when you will receive random reward (as it is today) AND tokens. Token prices must be high enough, like 100-150 runs worth of tokens for rare void BP.

Using that system you will retain all positives of current random drops, plus a bonus which you can use to eventually buy that PITA BP, that you just can't get.

That is why you imply token system AND RNG.


You can randomly get the drop the first try, but at least if you don't you have something to show for it at the end.


If I grinded 8 hours a day and got no mod, I would be pissed off. If I got 50 or so tokens, I would be a little more satisfied, because I'm now one step closer.

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The original idea I recall is essentially sacrificing things to obtain tokens, for those of us with double digit blueprints. Lot's of positive things about it, however it's one of those aspects I think DE is shying away from, otherwise there would be less RNG. The whole reason behind the randomness is that it doesn't give an advantage to those who grind.


He's played 200 hours and still hasn't found a split chamber mod.

Has he been playing T3 Grineer missions (or maybe it was Corpus...)? Lot of these high end mods only drop from a certain faction with only a probability of it occurring in tier 3 missions. I've got 250 hours and don't have a Hell's Chamber yet, but tons of barrel diffusion. All depends where you run missions.

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The original idea I recall is essentially sacrificing things to obtain tokens, for those of us with double digit blueprints. Lot's of positive things about it, however it's one of those aspects I think DE is shying away from, otherwise there would be less RNG. The whole reason behind the randomness is that it doesn't give an advantage to those who grind.


Has he been playing T3 Grineer missions (or maybe it was Corpus...)? Lot of these high end mods only drop from a certain faction with only a probability of it occurring in tier 3 missions. I've got 250 hours and don't have a Hell's Chamber yet, but tons of barrel diffusion. All depends where you run missions.

Trading dupes for useful S#&$?  Hellz to the yes.

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I like it.


Maybe instead of a universal token make every boss drop specific tokens that give the option to buy certain frame parts, maybe mods too (that would be cool). This way you discourage people from grinding the same boss that gives the most tokens and is the "easiest" and still encourage people to battle every boss.

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Ever played Aion?

It's a horrible evil game, based around the grind and only the grind. The RNG gods dark reign over Aion is enough to bring any seasoned gamer to his/her knees.

The one redeeming trait in Aion.. Well Aion is pretty---- The second redeeming trait about Aion is that a lot of quests offer tokens. That little bit of control is refreshing enough to take a breather and grind your face into the wall some more. I hear it isn't as grindy these days, but the example still stands!

Tokens here and there could do us some good. Or maybe even a miniscule amount of plat as another player once suggested. 1-3 plat per alert instead of credits? A month of alerts could buy me something nice!

Warframe still suffers from bloated disorganized loot tables. Log in rewards and the void keys in particular. The only thing wrong with boss loot is common mats being on the table! If these issues were fixed the game would go from simply amazing to legendary status!

As it stands now... 200ish t2/t3 key runs. No Frost Prime systems. And well.. As much as I love the game, my attention is starting to dwindle.  That said, I'm very grateful for the 740 hours the game has already given me >.>  I mean... It might just be time for a short break lol.

Tokens may increase over all number of runs, but that's a good thing for reputability's sake. Instead of disappointment you don't grab the thing you're looking for in any given run, you're given satisfaction and a feeling of control. What you're going after is attainable if you put in your time.



Technically we also run on a token system. Mods are tokens since they can be used interchangably for fusing. Resources are tokens for the sake of crafting. It's just BPs and keys that dont have tokens to trade for them.


What we need? tokens to craft BP parts and void keys.

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It could be cool it the tokens will be for Hours of playing and changing some mods and parts for tokens
Example I played 180 hours and yesterday I got my first Mulstishot rifle mod -_-, my friend got 3 in 140 hours playing, this is not fair.
So with the tokens you can get some rare mods if you have missfortune.
i have Frost Prime BP from event, Void Tier 2 get Helmet and Chassis and on Void Tier 2 get Frost Prime BP which have 0.5% chance to get it....BUT I NEED SYSTEM :/

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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DE mentioned about it some time ago. It's still not implemented, and we still don't know about ETA. Hell, we don't even know whether it will be implemented or not at all...

Explanation: Token system will lower the grindness of this game. Instead of praying to RNGods for Trinity Systems (when you have 10 helmets and 25 chasis already, ofc), you will get certain amount of Tokens from each boss killed. Then you can exchange the Tokens for Frames parts blueprints. Possibly (and hopefully) this can work also in Void. (Yeah, having like 20 Reaper Handles, 10 Reaper BPs and no blades is a pain in the &#!).

I'm bringing this topic back, because of announced livestream, which will ba sound Q&A, so this question probably won't match.


This topic has two purposes. Firstly, I want DE to give us anything. "In U10", "Before U10", "Soon", "Never" will be enough. Secondly, I want you, fellow Tenno to discuss this topic. What do you think - amount of tokens earned should depend on the boss difficulty? (1 token for Vor, 20 for Raptor) How high the prices should be? 100 - 1 000 - 10 000 tokens for each part?

Let the discussion begin.


Token system belongs in a MMO environment, not a 4 player co-op / 1p game.


Not to mention, gathering 'tokens' is more of a grind then simply running to a boss and killing them. It's pretty much the same thing as RNG just a different method to the madness.


You like killing bosses X amount of times for a guaranteed token drop. You prefer a hard stat number that says "If you do this 10 times you will have this item." Most 'I cant be bothered to play the game; too busy' gamers have this mentality.


Others like killing the same bosses for X amount of times for a 50/50 chance at the same item it took you X amounts of times to get.


End result. Everyone has the same thing. Most prefer the latter after having enough experience with token drop systems. They suck, they get out of hand, they get unorganized as they add more and more, we always end up having to convert tokens, they always change leaving the players with a horrid conversion rate... I can go on and on...


I'd rather approach a game not knowing I need to kill a boss 25 times. That sir, is what "Grind" means and you want less grindfest but propose a grind system to alleviate said grindfest? Youre confused on gaming terminology. No thanks.

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