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EA debacle and Warframe


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Well it could technically extend to the mod packs like that and that may be a que for DE to either change the system or remove those items. For the most part though DE is safe because when players buy items, they know exactly what they are getting which was the problem and reason for the EA debacle.

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13 hours ago, meristu said:

its just some overhyped nonsense that will hopefully fade away in few months .. people are just angry at EA for milking money ... if you read terms and conditions or eula or what is it called in english you can find there that you shouldnt have access to credit card if you are not adult and its not your own so if you have problem with your kid gambling you dont give him money and as long as you are adult noone cares if you are gambling... valve had problem with this some year ago with skins gambling sites and thats only cosmetic not even p2w model and just changed few words and now can sue anyone who uses word gambling in ingame chat

Hahahahahahahahaha.  You are about to be suprised, Companies need to take responsibility too (Companies are people too, remember?).  Just because you and I are adults and don't have a issue doesn't negate the fact that a issue exists. It is Gambling at its core and there are people out there with addictive personalities that cannot help themselves.  Soon at least, hopefully it will be defined as Gambling, if Belgium and many others succeed in starting this off.  Selling games with Gambling or Psudo-Gambling that can target the vulnerable and those that have willpower issues in general is predatory and shady especially when you realize that Teenagers and Kids can get involved in the crossfire. Yes there is a element of responsibility on the parent's part but not every kid is a saint, or smart enough in the dirty ways of business and will get mommy or daddy one way or another to give up the debit/credit card info for a game or even for the Micro-Transactions.  It's not Over-hyped, It needs to be stronger, it was reaching a fever-pitch because of how Companies like Warner and EA were pushing and pushing, sacrificing content for taking YOUR money.  

You don't see how the gaming industry in general is going, but many others do especially on the mobile market.  While some people insist on playing the "Blame the person not the company for getting their foot caught in the bear trap" card, I refuse to.  If a Game wants money up front, then they have NO moral standing for charging money in the predatory way EA or Warnerbrothers wants, currently they legally can do this... for now..  The reason why Warframe isn't going to receive much if any heat from this is because the developers are awesome PEOPLE, we see them we know (at least what we see in public) of them.  They treat their players like players, not payers and appear to have a passion for the game.

True, true they have the Card Packs but... I almost forgot about them.  DE is doing Free-to-play Correctly, especially because they don't charge up-front for access to the game. I know several people who are up to where I am or even farther than myself yet I have absolutely no regret for every dime, nickle and penny I spent here.  Probably because I get tangible results from my purchase and more respect for what my dollar means in translation to platinum (when I get sales or Prime Access :P).  Yet when I am put face-to-face with a game like Battlefront II?  It's a nightmare.  Someone did the calculations but you'd have to spend 2,000$+ To get Most of the stuff unlocked in the game because RNG.  With Warframe?  I've spent around 2,500$ over my FOUR years.  This game wants you to spend about that much within the first month with what LITTLE and LIMITED content they provide.

The reason why some of us are all up in arms about this (or should be) is because with how Warnerbrothers, EA and other predatory companies insist on doing this as egregiously as they are its hurting the gaming industry and may even lead to legislation stepping in (which we DON'T want, but currently ironically need).

Edited by achromos
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13 hours ago, achromos said:

The reason why Warframe isn't going to receive much if any heat from this is because the developers are awesome PEOPLE, we see them we know (at least what we see in public) of them.  They treat their players like players, not payers and appear to have a passion for the game.

Said it earlier, this isn't how laws work. Courts, jurys, lawyers. None of them give a fiddle how nice you are, if the legislation passes and your game contains a form of gambling then you will likely be required to state as such.

I'm not saying there isn't a chance that Warframe will be overlooked of course, but the notion that they'll get away with it because they're 'nice' or 'people don't even buy the packs' is nonsense.

This is all up in the air at the moment of course, interesting to see what it'll lead too.

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20 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Said it earlier, this isn't how laws work. Courts, jurys, lawyers. None of them give a fiddle how nice you are, if the legislation passes and your game contains a form of gambling then you will likely be required to state as such.

I'm not saying there isn't a chance that Warframe will be overlooked of course, but the notion that they'll get away with it because they're 'nice' or 'people don't even buy the packs' is nonsense.

This is all up in the air at the moment of course, interesting to see what it'll lead too.

I was more talking about people who are outspoken about the Lootbox issue and those jumping on the train.  I do understand that the law is the law is the law though.  At the end of the day even warframe might need to change (or maybe nothing will change).  The ironic part about it though is that the changes will matter so little to the players or DE themselves.  I don't have exact numbers but I highly doubt the bulk sum of Platinum spent in game is on those Card Packs.  I didn't mean to come across as seeming to believe the law will 'let things go because the people involved are nice', sorry if I gave that impression to anyone.

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39 minutes ago, achromos said:

I was more talking about people who are outspoken about the Lootbox issue and those jumping on the train.  I do understand that the law is the law is the law though.  At the end of the day even warframe might need to change (or maybe nothing will change).  The ironic part about it though is that the changes will matter so little to the players or DE themselves.  I don't have exact numbers but I highly doubt the bulk sum of Platinum spent in game is on those Card Packs.  I didn't mean to come across as seeming to believe the law will 'let things go because the people involved are nice', sorry if I gave that impression to anyone.

Ah, fair enough. 

Just grown slightly tired with certain 'it doesn't matter because nobody buys them' comments. Some do, sadly.

Just as some become serial killers, should be let them all off though because no one really has the patience for serial killing anymore, plus they might be really nice people!

A massive difference between the two sure, humorous effect rather than genuine point.

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