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Frost Feedback


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Sooooo I just got my hand on a Frost warframe, granted I'm not a big fan and he's just MR fodder to me, nonetheless it's a cool frame, eh creates snow globes, and doesn't afraid of anything.

But then I played a mission on Europa, which is a very cold place, and while I was there I realized that Frost is actually affected by the cold DoT the same way other frames are affected.

How come is he not immune to cold? Not even a slight cold resistance?Idk about his current passive ability, seems kinda bad, anyway in my opinion Frost should be immune to frost effects. Because how do you explain that he doesn't get harmed by his own spells? Is he the master of ice? or maybe I missed some lore, maybe he doesn't command ice, but rather some kind of special Void ice?

Anyway what about Ember? I haven't played her but I assume she is not immune to fire either?

This is a huge disappointment to me. I'm aware that Warframe has a lot of design inconsistencies, but this takes the cake imho.


Give them immunity to their respective elements. If you don't want to give them immunity, then give these warframes some resistance.

-Give Frost a passive resistance to ice & cold (duh)

-Same with Ember, give her fire resistance (duh)

-Also give Saryn and Nidus some kind of poison resist or something. 

-And so on


This would not make these frames "OP", or "broken". What if Ember was immune to fire, or had a resistance to fire? Would that break the game? No. It would be kind of handy during invasions and when fighting Napalms, but at the end of the day there already are tons of ways to avoid damage and/or get rid of mobs before they can even blink. The proposed suggestion would not make the aforementioned warframes overpowered or broken by any means, it would not break the game, nor would it prevent players from having fun imho. There are some people on this forum who want DE to nerf everything, this is why I am insisting on the fact that it would not be that big of a deal, actually it would be more akin to a QoL improvement rather than a balance change.


Edited by MayssonFairbanks
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I can strike a match and use it to light all kinds of fire. Does this make me immune to fire? no. 

Also an ice resistance wouldn't be at all useful compared to his current passive. Cold really only happens from environmental hazards, and the rare arctic eximus. Meanwhile his current passive is pretty decent against almost all infested enemies and all disarmed enemies.

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il y a 12 minutes, Omega-Shadowblade a dit :

I can strike a match and use it to light all kinds of fire. Does this make me immune to fire? no. 

Also an ice resistance wouldn't be at all useful compared to his current passive. Cold really only happens from environmental hazards, and the rare arctic eximus. Meanwhile his current passive is pretty decent against almost all infested enemies and all disarmed enemies.

You're not immune to fire because you're not a fire-based waframe. You cannot create fireballs and hold them in your hand. Human beings able to strike matches is a totally different thing from magical space ninjas who command elements.

I agree that replacing his passive with that suggestion would not be the best solution. There might be another way to implement this.

Edited by MayssonFairbanks
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Just now, MayssonFairbanks said:

You're not immune to fire because you're not a fire-based waframe. You cannot create fireballs and hold them in your hand. Human beings able to strike matches is a totally different thing from magical space ninja who command elements.

I agree that replacing his passive with that would not be a great solution. There might be another way to implement this.

I think of the void powers as another weapon controlled like a sword or gun. Only a fool would point it at themselves or allies. They have enough control over it so that their own powers can't hurt them but they can't control it if it isn't created from void energy. After all, powers can't hurt allies till you get rad procced.

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Well if you are saying Frost and Ember should have these resistances, then Chroma would literally be king. He would have all the elements under his belt depending on energy colour. 

This makes the game unbalanced, DE realises giving certain frames immunities makes people want to gravitate towards that frame. We don't want a cold map where only Frosts or Ice Chromas play, it ruins the diversity of frames. If you say "people can play whatever frame they want" in response, the logic of the matter is that people simply will not. They will gravitate towards the resistant frames.

I had the same idea as you when I was early in the game, then I realised that this would upset the balance of the game. 

Edited by IllumiMahdi
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I also have to go with liking his passive that will inflict cold on melee attackers over the possibility of a simple passive cold resistance. It's simply much more interesting to me. And... passive immunity is both boring and powerful. Frost is already really strong in his field of expertise.

Frost in general is really quite strong in a few different ways too. Especially when you round out your collection of mods and augments. There are three ways I build him that are all different and extremely strong based on three different augments.

Chilling globe can freeze any enemy that steps in the bubble. So it transitions from preventing ranged attacks to neutralizing melee attackers. Point Defense.

Ice Wave Impedence turns his ice wave into a field that slows down everything in its range to a crawl, and you can mod the range to be huge. Large area soft CC.

Icy Avalanche boosts his #4 to apply an iron skin like effect to allies based on how many enemies are hit giving everyone bonus temporary hp that prevents procs while it lasts. On top of avalanche stripping nearly all the armor off enemies at the same time? Great. Support and Damage.

Edited by Caelward
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17 minutes ago, IllumiMahdi said:

Well if you are saying Frost and Ember should have these resistances, then Chroma would literally be king. He would have all the elements under his belt depending on energy colour. 

This makes the game unbalanced, DE realises giving certain frames immunities makes people want to gravitate towards that frame. We don't want a cold map where only Frosts or Ice Chromas play, it ruins the diversity.

I had the same idea as you when I was early in the game, then I realised that this would upset the balance of the game. 

Ofc we won't. I see literally no balance issues since the dot damage is so small. Would Frost having cold resistance make you play only him on Europa?

If yes, that's pretty sad.

If no, your point is irrelevant.

On topic: I don't see why Frost couldn't have both passives tbh, Valkyr has knock down recovery and no landing animation. Mesa has a bonus to secondary weapons and more health if you unequip your melee.

Edited by DeMonkey
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