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Weapon for Hunter munition mod


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Something with a good fire rate and good crit chance/damage.

Soma Prime is a good example.  Prisma Grakata is another one, although it has decent status anyway.

If I am correct, for things like shotguns the Vaykor Hek seems to be a good choice for it.

The idea is that you can use it to make crit based weapons proc a slash reliably.  Since it's only a 30% chance, high fire rate and good crit chance helps.  Crit damage also helps, and good base damage is a good idea also.

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I use it on Lenz, myself. I value having high crit chance over fire rate, though they kinda translate to the same thing (Hunter procs per second). You have ot do your own math on it, if you wanna figure out the best setup in a void. But I tend to avoid Soma. It's gonna have very low proc damage, and doesn't even have 100% crit chance (save some bullsh** expensive mods, cough Argon). It's going to rely ENTIRELY on fire rate, and even with a Carrier, you won't be able to really keep the ammo up... And if you're just plowing content easy enough to where the ammo will be fine, then why even run Munitions? Its entire point is to be a pseudo-corrosive mechanic, without needing status chance on the gun it's being used on.

That's why I felt you're working this backwards. You wanna figure out the mods for the gun you wanna use, not figure out the... gun... for the mod you wanna use???


If I'm going to be blunt here, the thread immediately vibed me like, "hey guys, I heard Hunter Munitions is OP, so tell me what gun to slap it on!"

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8 minutes ago, Jim22 said:

amprex is a good one as well to have hunter munitions on.

Yeahhhhhhh, but I disagree. It's rather weak.

Kind of goes in with my Soma complaint, except that I've actually tested out the Amprex. Mine's f***ing 7x Forma'd, and it's a big regret. The math backs up the shortcomings of the in-game results, too.


One moment and I'll show you the compared stats between Amprex and Lenz in an edit...



This is my Amprex setup. Ummmmmm I forget why that 7th Forma is there, because as you can clearly see, it's not required... I think it's for when I might want to try non-Sinister Reach setups though, so that makes sense.

Anyway... As you can see from the config title, this setup reaches 733 bleeding DPS per target the beam hits (multiplied directly by how many targets it hits).

I had my first time REALLY being able to test this thing out today, with the 3rd Sortie of augmented enemy armor. And I have to tell you... ... It was INSANELY weak. Packs of infested, and you'd think that's my playground. But it wasn't. I found myself slowly hacking away at them. I was able to kill them, yes. But not even always in the same clip. If it was a sole, somewhat-beefy infested, it would take maybe 2 clips to down them. While admittedly a lot stronger htan that the larger the groups are, it still... caps off. And it's just not that strong. I found myself out of ammo in no time, and I run Carrier. When I swapped to my Mara Detron with a corrosive setup (and not even any punch through due to lack of Formas), I had a much better time.


Now let's compare that to my Lenz.



I feel like this should say it right there.


12k, that is to say, 12 thousand bleeding DPS... ON TOP of the raw 101k instant DPS. How can an Amprex's 733 - three digits - compare to the 5 digits of Lenz? And this is strictly in regards to the bleeding purposes of Hunter Munitions. Why take an Amprex against heavily-armored units? It's just incredibly weak. I don't even feel like Lenz is the best user of Munitions, either. And at the very least, I feel like this exemplifies the fact that weak hitters are still going to be weak hitters. If you want something like the Amprex or Soma to kill relevant & armored enemies, it CAN be done, but you're going to obliterate your ammo in doing so.

Edited by 4thBro
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11 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

It's okay on Amprex, but nothing amazing. I think it got to do with that status per sec of beam weapons.

Munitions is not a status. It procs on crits, which is exactly your fire rate. Nothing mechanically holds it back like you suggest.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)HANSY79 said:

What er the best weapon for the mod Hunter munition?





also in no particular order



Hema corrosive-heat

Vectis (p) 

Ignis wraith


Paracyst viral/corrosive - heat


Paris prime



That 1 biolab sniper that pops gas clouds 


That 1 shotgun with like 16 lasers coming out of it




Theres more but i forget

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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6 hours ago, 4thBro said:


Electric damage? You shouldn't rely solely on Hunter Munitions to deal damage. At least put one element mod to change the damage type.

Also, I recommend swapping Metal Auger with Vigilante Armaments. Amprex can hit multiple enemies by default. Punch through is unnecessary.

Edited by yles9056
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13 hours ago, yles9056 said:

Electric damage? You shouldn't rely solely on Hunter Munitions to deal damage. At least put one element mod to change the damage type.

Also, I recommend swapping Metal Auger with Vigilante Armaments. Amprex can hit multiple enemies by default. Punch through is unnecessary.

Amprex not only has zero innate punch through, but even if it did, I'd run Auger. Its DPS literally multiplies per target it hits. Why would you not run the highest punch mod?

As for elemental damage mods, I'll first add (which YOU know, but adding for others) that Hunter Munitions procs won't utilize your elemental damage, as it runs purely off your base damage which can only be improved with Serration and Heavy Caliber. That being said, I don't really care to waste a mod slot on an elemental mod because... the whole reason you'd run Munitions is for heavily-armored enemies. As long as you have mods left over that can further Munitions, you're better off running them to further the very role of the Munitions weapon. In this case, if I ran an ele mod, then what? So I'd be able to clear utterly useless, weak enemies better? But be slower at killing the armored enemies I made the gun to kill in the first place???

The only reason I run ele mods in my Lenz Munitions setup is because Lenz ran out of Munitions-buffing mods pretty early.

I'm sure LOTS of people do "OH SO WELL" with their random Amprex setups. But I'm sure their point of reference is random trash clearing like Hydron, or maybe not even. Take your ele mod Amprex into an armor-augmented Sortie and let me see the damage charts. Because nobody cares about random trash clearing, or I'd show you my chart topping with Atomos and then try to claim it's a godlike weapon.

In fact, I feel like that's most people's point of reference. "Dude this TEARS THINGS APART!" Yeah, great. What, story pushing on Neptune? Nobody cares.

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17 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

Amprex not only has zero innate punch through, but even if it did, I'd run Auger. Its DPS literally multiplies per target it hits. Why would you not run the highest punch mod?

Because its pointless on it. This is this guns mechanic, the bolts hit many targets by default, even through doors. Its the same mechanic as atomos. Besides that the main purpose of it IS to clean trash. You add munitions for something harder like bombards and heavy gunners. Also using correct element makes huge difference in kill times. Relaying only on procs is kinda silly. You are stripping yourself of potential dps.

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8 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Because its pointless on it. This is this guns mechanic, the bolts hit many targets by default, even through doors. Its the same mechanic as atomos. Besides that the main purpose of it IS to clean trash. You add munitions for something harder like bombards and heavy gunners. Also using correct element makes huge difference in kill times. Relaying only on procs is kinda silly. You are stripping yourself of potential dps.

Going halfway on Munition proc damage and actual beam damage is what's silly. What is the gun's role??? You're just doing haphazard, inefficient modding, and thinking it's Ok because you're using it on trash content that your MK guns could clear. To put it simpler, and in a purely mathematical way...

If there is a situation where going ele damage mods performs better than dedicated Munitions, then ditching Munitions altogether and adding even more ele mods would be even better than that. And in reverse, if there's a scenario where ditching some ele mods in favor of Hunter Munitions, then once again... ditching even more ele mods for even more Hunter Munitions buffers would be even better.

Why have a gun that's "kind of Ok" in a variety of scenarios, instead of a gun that's GREAT at a more specific scenario or two? You HAVE multiple gun slots. What are you even using them for??? "In case you run out of ammo"??? Well it's no wonder that happens, because you're using inefficient setups, rofl.


And, again - no. The gun has no innate punch, but punch is VERY useful on it. Sure, you can beam one enemy and send out lightning to the other 5 enemies. But if you punch onto a 2nd enemy, you'll have twice the lightning chains going on. If you punch to a 3rd enemy, same thing, etc etc.

So, as I said. Punch through MULTIPLIES the gun's DPS. You won't see it on your precious tooltip sheet, but it WILL perform far better than ANY Amprex without punch.

Edited by 4thBro
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2 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

Going halfway on Munition proc damage and actual beam damage is what's silly. What is the gun's role??? You're just doing haphazard, inefficient modding, and thinking it's Ok because you're using it on trash content that your MK guns could clear.


And, again - no. The gun has no innate punch, but punch is VERY useful on it. Sure, you can beam one enemy and send out lightning to the other 5 enemies. But if you punch onto a 2nd enemy, you'll have twice the lightning chains going on. If you punch to a 3rd enemy, same thing, etc etc.

So, as I said. Punch through MULTIPLIES the gun's DPS. You won't see it on your precious tooltip sheet, but it WILL perform far better than ANY Amprex without punch.

MK guns can even clear sorties. This game is not hard, never was and never will be, deal with it. Again This is not a weapon for so called "endgame" , there are tons of better choices  for that. The procs are meant to be a bonus not main dmg tool, than it works the best for what this gun is meant for, CLEARING TRASH. Nobody cares if it cant kill lvl 5 bagilion bombards. We have way better tools to deal with them.

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6 minutes ago, kuciol said:

MK guns can even clear sorties. This game is not hard, never was and never will be, deal with it. Again This is not a weapon for so called "endgame" , there are tons of better choices  for that. The procs are meant to be a bonus not main dmg tool, than it works the best for what this gun is meant for, CLEARING TRASH. Nobody cares if it cant kill lvl 5 bagilion bombards. We have way better tools to deal with them.

Do you really not realize that your post COMPLETELY supports me???


And if you're using Amprex to clear trash, then Munitions should NEVER be used. Ele mods will ALWAYS clear trash faster than proccing some bleed effect with low base damage.

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2 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

Do you really not realize that your post COMPLETELY supports me???


And if you're using Amprex to clear trash, then Munitions should NEVER be used. Ele mods will ALWAYS clear trash faster than proccing some bleed effect with low base damage.

I clearly said it help kiling big dudes like bombards and heavy gunners, didnt i? It doesnt help with small fries but its handy alternative for those big guys. Switch metal auger for infected clip and boom you have both. Crazy isnt it?

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2 minutes ago, kuciol said:

I clearly said it help kiling big dudes like bombards and heavy gunners, didnt i? It doesnt help with small fries but its handy alternative for those big guys. Switch metal auger for infected clip and boom you have both. Crazy isnt it?

I don't think you're understanding Amprex's mechanic with punch through. And I don't feel like opening up MSPaint.


Even outside of that, you have a fundamental gap.

1) If a setup can kill the big guys, then it can kill the small guys even better. (The only exception to this GENERAL rule is punch mods, which FUNNY ENOUGH is the exact contrary in the case of Amprex.)

2) If you can maximize a gun's ability to kill the big guys, then you're once again handling the small guys that much more.

Something about this you're not grasping. I'm trying to lay it out as simply as I can.

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1 minute ago, 4thBro said:

I don't think you're understanding Amprex's mechanic with punch through. And I don't feel like opening up MSPaint.


Even outside of that, you have a fundamental gap.

1) If a setup can kill the big guys, then it can kill the small guys even better. (The only exception to this GENERAL rule is punch mods, which FUNNY ENOUGH is the exact contrary in the case of Amprex.)

2) If you can maximize a gun's ability to kill the big guys, then you're once again handling the small guys that much more.

Something about this you're not grasping. I'm trying to lay it out as simply as I can.

You are the one not grasping something here. You will have problems killing lets say lvl 60 eximus bombard but the trash will still die easily. Thats where munitions help. I know what you meant about the punch through mechanic with amprex but i still think its a waste. Fodder units will die in seconds anyway and but it wont help with 1 big guy.

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