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Who Is Alad V?


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"The betrayers did our work for us."

Who? The Tenno?


"I just dangled some Mod technology in front of their noses and let their homicidal nature do the rest."

Who is Alad referring to and which kind of mods did he get? The ones that the Lotus handed out?


Who is Alad V?

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Alad V is someone who is going to be very, VERY unhappy fairly soon in the future I imagine. When he has to explain to his bosses WHY the Tenno just slaughtered every single Corpus employee in the Pluto area.


Yes, we got the mods. No, we do NOT like being called names by some corporate weenie whose sole claim to fame is that he is a bean counter.


Take credit for OUR work, will he?

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Who do you think that Corpus little F_ _ k face is talking about? Us! The little sack of Sh_ t was to scared to do his work and isn't man enough to admit he didn't have the balls to face the Gnineer. So I am taking my time this week and killing twice the amount of Corpus then I killed Gnineer in their Fomorian ships during the weekend event. And I hope that little boxheaded thunder c _ nt learns what a "Real Homicidal maniac" can accomplish when that homicidal maniac uses the Corpus' own tech against them, weapons and mods. 


Gotta love the Dera with Ammo conversion mods!

Edited by Canyew
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Alad V is most likely a Corpus operative, and undoubtedly a high ranking one as the Victory letter is addressed directly to the "Honorable Board", which is probably the Corpus' equivalent of a government.


It's just "The Board". As in board of directors. 

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Alad V is most likely a Corpus operative, and undoubtedly a high ranking one as the Victory letter is addressed directly to the "Honorable Board", which is probably the Corpus' equivalent of a government.

Corpus Ambassador to the Grineer. Very highly ranked as the corpus functions as a dystopian Government/Corporation hybrid. The honorable board would be a government equivalent of the U.S. Senate and the President, the corporation equivalent would be the board of directors and the CEO.


Considering the fact that other than the Tenno and the Corpus, which are at war and are likely not having any diplomatic relations with each other. When you factor in the reclusive nature of the corpus you would see that being one of the only links of communication to other societies would be a quite prestigious position as he would be able to manipulate the views of an entire civilization on the Grineer. That means the Honorable Board (Hereafter referred to as the "Board")  must place a large amount of trust in him. After the Fomorian event, I would expect that he would be remanded by the Board.


How do I know this........ I AM THE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Alad V is some spineless corporate bean counter, nuff said.


And I am sure as a Tenno you can all agree. And that he would look good pegged to a wall by a boltor...



(I fixed my typos.... I was getting called while posting this so I speed typed it to finish it...)

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Alad V is some spineless corporate bean counter, nuff said.


And I am sure as a Tenno you can all agree. And that his he would looked good pegged to a wall with a boltor

I would love to say that, but my logic ruins that.

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He has a point though, we did blindly destroy each and every ship because we had rare mods dangled in front of our faces.  


 Well - for the Tenno it is more or less - "Are we really gonna stand by and let the Corpus get steamrolled? I mean do we really wanna deal with the Grineer using Corpus tech?"


 It was either defend the Corpus to keep the cold war going or end up fighting Vor riding a Jackal.



 For the Corpus it is like having the one thing that scares you most show up to defend you from something you didn't even know you needed to be scared of. Like having a fire start in camp and a bear wanders in and puts it out. They are probably relieved the Tenno didn't turn and slaughter them in their weakened position.

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He has a point though, we did blindly destroy each and every ship because we had rare mods dangled in front of our faces.  

We destroyed each and every ship because we didn't want resource drop rates slashed in half in each of the respective systems. The rare mods were a nice plus. Something about preventing the Grineer from gaining too much power all at once and avoiding crippling our own war effort. However, I am perfectly content to let the Corpus ignore those specific aspects of our strategic intervention and continue their self-contented arrogance. After all it is when people feel the safest that they are the most vulnerable.

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He has a point though, we did blindly destroy each and every ship because we had rare mods dangled in front of our faces.

It's all in how you spin it. Lotus says we did it to maintain the balance of power in the system and not let the Grineer get to far ahead. Corpus says we did it for mods.

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It's all in how you spin it. Lotus says we did it to maintain the balance of power in the system and not let the Grineer get to far ahead. Corpus says we did it for mods.


 From their perspective that may very well seem true. Slaughtering, bloodthirsty monsters that make them all sleep uneasy in deep space that just randomly showed up and this time didn't slaughter them in droves when they handed over some gadgets.

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Alad V is soon to be a stain under my boot.


 How do you know? Have you ever met the guy? I sure haven't.


 I've heard things - you know - one of the very few perks from being in the GIA (Grineer Intelligence Agency)


 I've heard he is almost ten foot tall and could honestly BENCH Lech Kril - temper and all. The only reason he is the Corpus Ambassador in Grineer dealings is because even one of our guys would have to be stark raving mad to pick a fight.


  Technology? Betcha he has access to it. I've heard his bodyguards are given tech that would qualify as Science-fiction material even in this day and age. That is saying a lot what with the bloodthirsty Warframe wearing madmen emptying ships.


 I mean c'mon man. This is the Corpus we are talking about. They don't put you on a job unless you are going to make that deal sing for the Board and this guy is who they picked to remind the Grineer Empire of the stalemate they are stuck in.


 I'd honestly be surprised if he didn't end up hoisting an Ash frame by the ankles and using him to bludgeon a Rhino or two to death.

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 How do you know? Have you ever met the guy? I sure haven't.


 I've heard things - you know - one of the very few perks from being in the GIA (Grineer Intelligence Agency)


 I've heard he is almost ten foot tall and could honestly BENCH Lech Kril - temper and all. The only reason he is the Corpus Ambassador in Grineer dealings is because even one of our guys would have to be stark raving mad to pick a fight.


  Technology? Betcha he has access to it. I've heard his bodyguards are given tech that would qualify as Science-fiction material even in this day and age. That is saying a lot what with the bloodthirsty Warframe wearing madmen emptying ships.


 I mean c'mon man. This is the Corpus we are talking about. They don't put you on a job unless you are going to make that deal sing for the Board and this guy is who they picked to remind the Grineer Empire of the stalemate they are stuck in.


 I'd honestly be surprised if he didn't end up hoisting an Ash frame by the ankles and using him to bludgeon a Rhino or two to death.


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