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Can We Just Disable Snow Globe On Infested Defense?


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i keep seeing frosts spamming globe on pod despite asking them to not use it, i cant toss bastile into a globe, and have noticed already deployed bastils do not stop enemies outside the snow globe, all it do is just hurt everyone else.

it also hurt people trying to snipe or use long range weapons, "oh your usnig a snipertron? better stay inside the globe on ground level rather then this box 3 feet from the glob *trollface*"

i dont like making threads just cause i need to vent my furstration but snow glove need a rework so atleast we can shoot from the outside and thow stuff like bastile from the outside of it >.>

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Snow globe is very annoying on defense missions especially if they spam them around the map because it acts as a shield for the enemies instead of for you. I do not think disabling it on defense missions is the answer though.

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Why not deploy Bastille on top of a snow globe that is protecting the cryopod? That might do something good, the mechanic for snow globe is to shield whatever is inside from the outside and slows down any hostile that enters it. You should tell that to players who would waste their energy in making random globes, I am using a frost prime and I use that ability when it comes to delaying strong infested that would enter the radius. With matching jump melee to ensure time extension (unless it's toxic, kill on sight) People should use SG when the crowd is that strong, not to spam em. And to disable snow globe, ask the player using it not to use it or take it out of the warframe.

Edited by War_Dancer
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Why not deploy Bastille on top of a snow globe that is protecting the cryopod? That might do something good, the mechanic for snow globe is to shield whatever is inside from the outside and slows down any hostile that enters it. You should tell that to players who would waste their energy in making random globes, I am using a frost prime and I use that ability when it comes to delaying strong infested that would enter the radius. With matching jump melee to ensure time extension (unless it's toxic, kill on sight) People should use SG when the crowd is that strong, not to spam em. And to disable snow globe, ask the player using it not to use it or take it out of the warframe.

snow globe kill bastile if throw from the outside, you literly forced to get into the globe if you want to thow anything into it.

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snow globe kill bastile if throw from the outside, you literly forced to get into the globe if you want to thow anything into it.


if the frost uses his brain, you're supposed to stand inside the globe anyway (because he placed it over the defence objective). I don't see the problem... and snow globe is designed to stop bullets and friggin rockets. so an orb without the tenno IFF system can't enter from the outside on it's own

Edited by Alighierian
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I have had this problem as well.  I have run into instances where I have asked Frosts not to Globe and explained why I would like them not to do it.  While I have had some positive outcomes, most outcomes involve them still doing it and ignoring me.  This is a huge pain when I was leveling my Ogris and a Frost joined my game, bubbled when there were no enemies near the pod, and the rocket exploded in my face killing me.  Another teammate rezzed me while the Frost ran off and did his own thing.  No apology or anything. 


While I am not opposed to Frosts using Globe on Infested Defs, I myself being a Frost and having done it many times, they really need to be aware of the people they are playing with and how people are set up for mission.  If they hung out by the pod to defend it to begin with, they would know when to use the Globe and when to conserve their energy. 

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if the frost uses his brain, you're supposed to stand inside the globe anyway (because he placed it over the defence objective). I don't see the problem... and snow globe is designed to stop bullets and friggin rockets. so an orb without the tenno IFF system can't enter from the outside on it's own

there are no bullets in INFESTED defense

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if I'm there making infested defense easy mode with bastille and you use snow globe you've just gone full blown retard as far as I'm concerned. Using snow globe on infested defense is already stupid, but doing it when there's a vauban present is just adding a drool catcher and my little pony stickers to your helmet. There are no valid arguments for using snow globe on infested defense, any positives are far out weighed by all the negatives.

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If it bothers you that much you can drop your Bastille outside the globe on the ground and it will encompass the globe along with the pod

The problem is that you are aiming it on top of the ice, which will not work, drop it a couple of feet away from the ice and poof... it works.

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Yes, as a Vauban, there are ways to mitigate the total idiocy of a frost, but why should he have to? It's bad enough when a frost is throwing snow globe up on infested defense all by himself, but when a Vauban has the pod on lock down, so that no enemies are ever going to even get close to the snow globe, what's his excuse then? "Derp, I love snow globe, I help good! Derp." And every time someone brings up how bad snow globe is for infested defense, somebody starts defending it, saying the slow is good, as if that mitigated all the downsides that go along with it.


"Oh, well, I thought you were forcing me to use one of the lowest DPS weapons in the game(any melee weapon) and go toe to toe with melee enemies who you have basically just given a free bullet shield to, but now I see that it's totally ok because it slows them down. Only now the toxic ancients DoT doesn't seem to have slowed down at all, and we failed, but your argument has totally changed my opinion of snow globes usefulness on infested defense."


^said nobody, ever.

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It's easy for me. In the unlikely case i'm Frost in infested defense, and Vauban is there too, i'll just spam ultimates, in case vauban's late with his bastille, snowglobe can help slow down the enemies while he gets his act together. I don't think SG is useless in defense, but if you have a Vauban in the squad, take advantage and reap the benefits, avalanche spam ; )

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Max rank Snow Globe is like a 90% slow. If a frost is slinging it around in Infested Defense then grab your melee and rake in easy kills.

Because you want to melee Toxics.

Oh, and a little addition: What's with people who took their unmodded/unranked melees with 'em?

Edited by Chris9428
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As someone who mostly plays as frost, I think the only change they need to make is that on any kind of infested only defense map, snowglobe is replace with another power.


Devs decide what it is obviously, but it could be something cool like spikes of ice raining down in the same radius as snow globe for the same duration. Make it like a deadly blizzard storm instead of one that protects.

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Avalanche doesnt even begin to damage Ancients.


It CAN work on runners and chargers....sometimes?

On xini it worked... I killed abunch of chargers, and runners next to the pod... and it freezes ancients just long enough for your friends to shoot at it.

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