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Tennobaum gifting center


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Merry Christmas to all Tenno.

Another year passed by,bringing all the happines and sadness with it. I hope next year will be filled with much more happiness than before. And may God bless us all.


My tiny wishlist for this Tennobaum are :

- Slot for warframe / weapon.

- Orokin Reactor /  Catalyst.

- Forma(s).

- Boosters.

- Or anything below 100p are good.


Thank you :)

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What would i put on my wishlist? Well, obviously Clem and Mesa Noggles, aka the bestest two characters in the whole game. Also I'd put resource boosters, cuz rerolling a single Riven tens of times without it is truly a pain in the neck. 

'Anything else?' one might ask. I'd really love to make a christmas salad, but sadly im out of blue taters. :/

Happy Tennobaum and Merry Christmas!

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Happy Tennobaum everyone! Good luck with opening relics and grinding bounties! (Which should be more bountiful)
I would like anything, mostly cosmetics, maybe some noggles, and a ridiculous amount of forma. :)

Ty @Dradonhunter11 For that orokin cell decoration! It's funny because i just saw your post about your gifting and I thought "Hm, there are alot of people here, so my chances are slim." And then I got the selection xD Thanks again!

Edited by Scryllarus
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I'm a poor guy playing on PC without any friends so I guess I'll just ask nicely for something. :)

I'd be insanely happy about the Irkalla Deluxe Skin set or just the skin, same goes for Volt Proto Skin. Also Ivara would be nice because I just don't get the BP for the neuroptics.

If you are feeling generous but think my wishlist is too expensive, which I can understand, I'll be happy with anything - decorations, slots, skins, colour palettes, landing crafts, syandanas, armour sets

Thanks for any gifts in advance! <3

Edited by Br0kenshard
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@derZonk Thank you man! You`re only one, who answered me (Lotus noggle is funny :) )

@Anthraxicus Thank you for colors! Its really suit my Mesa :P

@CephalonShy Oh, it was really great, thank you for 30days buster! Its really helpful! 

@Dumbmaster Wow... Hunhows gift... I added this to my wishlist just for fun, but, it was REALLY shocking. Thank you, it was very expensive!

@Viperine Thank you for Mesa noggle! She will stay with Lotus now :3

Thanks to all tenno, who supported me this tennobaum. I spent almost 300 platinum, but received much more! Happy holidays guys, i wish you all be happy :)

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Second round of the day where I choose again 2 victim. Just finished to farm for the kogake prime and now I need once again weapon slot (wich piss me off), but that's not the important part. As I'll choose the happy victim, pray hard for it to be you :D Merry tennobaum !


Otherwhise, the last 2 victim of the day gonna be chosen at the end of the day, so cya in 12 hour, sitting in front of my table watching!



For possible gift list and info about this giveaway, read my post at page 1



I saw that victim @Bengern opened his gift, hope you enjoy :D (that was a rare gift reward actually lol)

Edited by Dradonhunter11
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vor 15 Minuten schrieb Longeres:

@derZonk Thank you man! You`re only one, who answered me (Lotus noggle is funny :) )

@Anthraxicus Thank you for colors! Its really suit my Mesa :P

@CephalonShy Oh, it was really great, thank you for 30days buster! Its really helpful! 

@Dumbmaster Wow... Hunhows gift... I added this to my wishlist just for fun, but, it was REALLY shocking. Thank you, it was very expensive!

@Viperine Thank you for Mesa noggle! She will stay with Lotus now :3

Thanks to all tenno, who supported me this tennobaum. I spent almost 300 platinum, but received much more! Happy holidays guys, i wish you all be happy :)

Glad you gave and received gifts :) happy Tennobaum 

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Dear Tenno,

This year, I'd like to ask for the Syrinx armor set.  It would truthfully make my day.

If you're an absolute madman and decide you want to be some stranger's sugar daddy, I would also immensely appreciate the Ember or Volt deluxe bundles.  But those cost a lot more money than the Syrinx, and at the end of the year I don't think I'll be able to scrape up the cash to pay that kindness forward.  So even though I just asked for them, please don't give them to me.  This is not reverse psychology.

A greedy little Tenno

PS, thank you to all the Tenno who bought me gifts last year, it helped make my Tennobaum memorable

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Here is my tennobaum wishlist       

Orokin reactors(a couple)

Orokin catalyst (lots of them)

Warfarme and weapon slots

Forma bundles

Color palettes (Classic saturated,storm, and orokin) 

Excalibur Caduto skin+Repala syandana

Equinox or hunhows gift





Edited by (XB1)FlyingCreeper42
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Hellow fellow tennos!
Les deseo felices fiestas  (Merry xmas)
TsubasaHeiLan here, from Pc
Here is my whishlist
1 Slots people, Slots! for pets, for frames, for weapons SLOTS!  <3 :D 
2 Noggles.. maybe wukong, or lotus, or... ¿Saryn?
3 Maybe some deluxe skin collection? Knaive or that one for Mag <3
4 Even if its not in my whislist any gifts will be appreciated
5 Hmm... i know! Give something coug.. slots warfrums coug..HARKA Frost or my knaive to that lil buddy, GOLDENFENCER (pc) or a bunch of slots  for warframes and mag deluxe to lo8956230 (PS4) ill be happier if they get gifts before me even if i dont get anything
6 And of course! happy tennobaum for everyone!

Edited by TsubasaHeiLan
Excait was his pc nickname and he moved to ps4 long time ago, but w that other generic name xD
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Hi Tenno, wish you a happy Tennobaum :D 


If anywone feeling generous my wishlist is simple :

-Forma bundle

-Riven Slot


And if uou are really really generous 


-Nikana deluxe of Ash bundle

-Heavy blade skin of Chroma bundle


Thank you tenno and wish you all the best <3

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