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No loot from teralyst


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This joke of a game did it again in yet another way 

this time i fought a teralyst for 30 minutes solo and nothing dropped at the end 


actually i believe loot was dropped i could see a mod falling from him and later i did pick up an invisible shard 

the teralyst was killed on a hillside slope and i believe the loot is hidden under the ground 

i had no drone at that point to suck the loot up either 

so after the entire thing i just walked away with like 4 normal cores and 4 exceptional cores 

this was not a solo invite only game either it was public but none joined 

it was like game who knows what i tried to load i just said F*** it and played although i was alone 

a game before that 2 guys were fishing while i was fighting so i left 

and game before that just failed to host migrations and 100 other reasons 


i already made a post about how unplayable this game mode is without a matchmaking system and the fact you could do 20 different things on the plains if you just walk past the gates in hope you find a team to fight this boss  


add to that you cant fight the boss or be any help whatsoever if you only have the base mote map 

you have to own the most basic 2000 standing 3 piece amp to be any help for your team or you are just leeching otherwise 


that other thread i made mysteriously vanished the next morning when i checked 

it seems like warframe official forums only keep positive feedback visible on display 

i only recently even came to a point i was able to fight the boss all those months since it launched i never touched it due to not being able to craft even the most basic amp and the default one doing 0 damage 

the design is just horrible and the actual reality of what happens when you try to attempt and play this going in solo with public setting results in failure and an unplayable experience


people say i should use chat but i dont want to sit there starting to type things in chat trying to find people to group with that idea alone is a major turnoff 

even if you somehow group up the group will break at points when you load the maps on transitions and 100 other bugs happen that break the attempt of playing

host migrations bugs needing to go in and out past the gates to load the map again going back to city entrance or your ship 

its pretty much more of a struggle to get to a point you can actually play the thing then actually fighting the boss 

and after all that you kill him on a hill side and all his loot is hidden under the ground 


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7 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

i did pick up an invisible shard 

7 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

and 4 exceptional cores

You got what he drops for a normal kill...
I don't see what the issue is.
What exactly where you expecting?

Seems like a big portion of this thread is hyperbole.

Edited by Carnage2K4
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4 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

i already made a post about how unplayable this game mode is without a matchmaking system

DE is working on it.

4 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

people say i should use chat but i dont want to sit there starting to type things in chat trying to find people to group with that idea alone is a major turnoff

I do this, look for squad five minutes before night. Get a squad within two minutes. If you do not like doing this, that is fine, I can understand that.

- Do you have a clan?

5 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

and after all that you kill him on a hill side and all his loot is hidden under the ground 

Have you got Itzal? You can suck up the loot using Itzal.

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11 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

that other thread i made mysteriously vanished the next morning when i checked 

it seems like warframe official forums only keep positive feedback visible on display 

Do you mean this one? 

It was moved to the forum section where it could actually make a difference. 

Or maybe it was merged. 

Most times people think threads are deleted they are moved or merged. 

Edited by Kinetos
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no i dont mean that one i mean another post about how horrible the game quality making is while trying to look like its AAA 

to quote a line from my other post they are making something thats trying to look like a bronze sculpture while in reality is more like a paper mache 


and for the guy saying i got normal loot 

no i didnt the boss dropped nothing all those 4 cores came from normal blue little guys along the 30 minute solo run 

the boss itself dropped nothing or dropped invisible loot that went under the group 

i managed to suck up one shard from that boss somehow and thats it nothing else from the boss although i swear i saw a mod drop from him that vanished probably under the ground 

and i was unable to get it 

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2 minutes ago, ETzvi said:

and for the guy saying i got normal loot 

no i didnt the boss dropped nothing all those 4 cores came from normal blue little guys along the 30 minute solo run 

the boss itself dropped nothing or dropped invisible loot that went under the group 

no, hes right, if all you did was a normal kill, each limb you take out gives  you one exceptional core (which do not drop from the vombalysts fyi) and a normal shard for the last phase.. the mod might have fallen tho, on that point you might be corrent

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18 hours ago, ETzvi said:

no i didnt the boss dropped nothing all those 4 cores came from normal blue little guys along the 30 minute solo run 

The 'little guys' don't drop Exceptional Cores sweetheart. And the shards float high over the ground, they are not susceptible to falling under the ground, also the vacuum does not work on the Shards or Cores... You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
Maybe go workout what it is you will be getting a as a reward, before not getting something you were not suppose to get and then go posting about not getting it while getting what you were suppose to...

Also about your "AAA" game stuff... have you looked at the "AAA" games of late? Bugs, Shambles, ****ed off communities, commentaries slamming poor products, it's a joke, your opinion on WF means nothing, particularly when it's laden with such poor understanding of the mechanics and rewards in the game itself.

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Lets keep the tone low guys, dont need this turning into a S#&$ show. Anyway TC a few things

You got 4 exceptional cores, those ONLY come from the Teralyst and nowhere else. 


Shards float in the air

You killed the Teralyst instead of capturing it so those are the only rewards youll get.

Mod could have indeed fallen througg the map as the hilld are weird at timea.

Even if you hate it Recruit channel is a far superior alternative to pugging Teralysts when the groups you pug are not guaranteed to even care about them, youre playing russian roulette by yourself and losing every time.

Use Recruit channel, use your clan (dear jesus dont be in a 1 man clan), use your friends or hunter discords if you can.

Also your thread either got merged or deleted by heavy criticism without any basis for adding in your own ideas as a platform cab easily become dev bashing no matter how pretty your words are 

Theres a fine line between healthy criticism and "devs sucks games bad" in colourful words.

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