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Will players have their platinum refunded if they bought Gara for her wall ability?


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5 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

The flavor of the month is very effective for inexperienced people and DE always like to keep repeating it. 

Can you really blame them though? Even if this is indeed on purpose and has repeatedly happened then this means the player base that goes running with their wallet to purposefully buy blatantly overpowered items in the game for the sole purpose of abusing its mechanics are literal idiots for falling for it.

If its THAT OP that EVERYONE is using it and abusing it chances are theyre going to nerf it. 

Then you complain when its nerfed despite the bloody writing on the wall.

Even if its not that bad theyll still nerf it.

I dont even think its on purpose considering they let Limbo get away with that 100% hp scaling catabomb (which was then tested by the community in a fallacious manner) then applied 2 nerfs on it instead of just removing the damage.

Their 2 man, god mode, cell testing is just very flawed imo.


Edit: not you you but generalized "you"

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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1 hour ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

Can you really blame them though? Even if this is indeed on purpose and has repeatedly happened then this means the player base that goes running with their wallet to purposefully buy blatantly overpowered items in the game for the sole purpose of abusing its mechanics are literal idiots for falling for it.

If its THAT OP that EVERYONE is using it and abusing it chances are theyre going to nerf it. 

Then you complain when its nerfed despite the bloody writing on the wall.

Even if its not that bad theyll still nerf it.

I dont even think its on purpose considering they let Limbo get away with that 100% hp scaling catabomb (which was then tested by the community in a fallacious manner) then applied 2 nerfs on it instead of just removing the damage.

Their 2 man, god mode, cell testing is just very flawed imo.


Edit: not you you but generalized "you"

Those "idiots" are profitable, the larger portion of them in playerbase the easier predatory practices can be pulled off by DE. It's a positive feedback cycle, more unbalanced and idiotic the Warframe becomes more idiots accumulate in the game and since Warframe has very steep and subtle sunk cost building they wouldn't leave easily even after few nerfs. 

Edited by Volinus7
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The next time I see someone say the Warframe player base is not toxic, I'm going to hurl chunks at my screen.

Almost every thread is full of bandwidth gobbling useless wannabe edgy non-relevant  replies. It's like you're waiting at your keyboards for a chance to defecate on any post where you know you'll get a few high fives. It's cringe-worthy and embarrassing.  If I was a new person considering this game and reading this forum...

Now on topic, I agree with the sentiment of the OP. I had saved up for the day when Valkyr's Prime Access would come out, but by the time it did, she was nerfed. I'm holding on to it for Chroma or Inaros Prime, but I'm getting a little anxious. All it takes is one vocal group of trying hard to prove they're Chuck Norris (I can do Mot Void with Zephyr and a spork for 5 hours without energy and dying) types to complain about a frame and next thing you know, in comes nerf, but Nooooooo way are the two correlated says the peanut gallery.

I don't expect a refund, but rather don't release the frame until you are sure the frame's ability won't mess with your vision for the game, DE. I say this, because when a new frame comes out and it's useful, I may level it up and forma it for that special circumstance for which I can see the frame is going to be useful. So I develop this sense of security and preparedness. If a nerf happens, I've wasted plat, forma, affinity booster(s) and time on a frame that may not be worth it anymore. Granted, I won't die because of any of this, it's just messing with my hitwoman/ninja/Bond vixen fantasy. BTW, I should've gotten Valkyr Prime Access, she wasn't so badly nerfed.

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Garas 4 Ability wasnt the thing that was good about her. Its her shield that makes her strong and powerful .The trick here is to cast her second ability and then cast your 4th (Mass Vitrify) and then break while your outside its radius. Once done properly, your Splinter Storm will gain additional damage which can be stack indefinitely. Always remember adapt overcome improvise ;)

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