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Is it possible to unlock The War Within via solo play?



I understand that one of the things you have to do to unlock The War Within is to obtain 3 Lua Challenge Room mods. I think I found a challenge room in a Lua mission (involving pressure plates and pipes), but it looks like you need more than one player to complete it - is this the case for all the Lua Challenge Rooms? If so, then I assume it must be impossible to unlock the War Within solo.

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2 minutes ago, 0verkill said:

If so, then I assume it must be impossible to unlock the War Within solo.

It is possible to unlock it through solo play.


There is only one challenge room that cannot (easily) be done on solo play. It is the Coaction Drift one. You need more than one person to jump on buttons. The others you should be fine on. Or you could just ask some random to go with you.

Edited by krc473
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It sounds like that you can even buy those mods because it says "collect" so I'd assume it doesn't matter how.

Even if not, cunning, endurance, stealth, and power are just super easy to do solo. I never personally bothered with others myself and done collab only a couple of times + no real reason trying to do agility or speed.

Edited by -Temp0-
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OK thanks for the answers.

The one I had did have a pressure plate (which looks like it activated 2 disc platforms and another plate on a pedestal with a pipe above it - there were lots of similar pipes around only sealed) - parked a roller spectre on the plate, but that didn't keep the other plates activated. Will try to find some more of these rooms (and also look for some walkthrough videos).

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Got power and endurance in the end. Found endurance is soloable if you bring a stack of health restores - probably wouldn't have needed them if it didn't lock your powers (was planning on cheesing Defy with Wukong).

However not sure if I want to start War Within right now though. While avoiding spoilers, I understand that it locks you out of normal gameplay until the whole questline is complete (too much other stuff to do in the game atm).

Edited by 0verkill
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