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How about conclave ranked matchmaking system?


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Well, how about conclave ranked matchmaking system?

It doesn't have to be precise, but it will make conclave far more enjoyable, will create incentive, and goals to play and grow in conclave.

Yes, there's conclave conditioning but it doesn't help much. The difference between a great conclave player (post conclave conditioning) and just a good one is enormously huge.

Yes, there is a concern like - "not much people play conclave anyway, separating them by leagues and skill will make the matters worse", but I would argue that the lack of ranking system is the exact reason why there's not too much players in conclave. If it would exist - the experience would be much smoother and fair, and there would be an incentive to grow.

Yes, there's another concern - matchmaking loading times, but that could be fixed by allowing to roam the orbiter while you wait, experiment with mods, fashion frames, decorations, there's a lot to do in the orbiter.

And the system doesn't have to be perfect, for example something like - everyone starts with 1000 points. every win is +10*(how much points the opponent had divided by 1000, (basically adding floating point, for example if the opponent had 1400 points, then times 1,4; hence you get +14 points); every loss is -10*(your rating/1000), and the system would choose players which have similar scores, but if there is not much players at the moment for 2 minutes who fit the bill - only then you would have to play with much stronger or much weaker opponent if they're also currently matchmaking.

Of course there would be a ladder visible to everyone with best 100(50,20, whatever) players with highest scores.

Also this system could work with 2v2,3v3,4v4; and there would be random 2v2,3v3,4v4, where players assigned randomly. And also one separate score for each composition of your squad (basically like in Starcraft 2), heck - it would be cool to even name your squad.

When it comes to free for all, adding such system would not be necessary, but it would be useful, for example - preferring to put players with similar scores (median or average close to the player's) into same FFA matches.

What do you think?

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There just are not enough people playing Conclave for there to be an MMR.


I do agree that the imbalance between players is one of the reasons it is not played, but it is also not really that good of a mode. The way you play in Conclave and PvE is such a massive difference that the chances it will attract a similar crowd, for Warframe to have a successful PvP mode it needs to implement a similar gameplay to the rest of the game. The old Dark Sectors did this a lot better in concept with creeps of waves and objectives to complete (but was mostly held back by a lack of balance, which has since been fixed with PvP specific balancing). 


4 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

Any game with a competitive feature, bring in toxic players, so i would say thanks but no thanks, keep conclave casual.

The Conclave 1.0 community was the nicest subsection of the Warframe community I have had the pleasure of playing with, so I call BS on this. Toxicity comes from not necessarily having to go against other players, but rather having to depend on other players in order to beat other players. 

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12 minutes ago, DrBorris said:


The Conclave 1.0 community was the nicest subsection of the Warframe community I have had the pleasure of playing with, so I call BS on this. Toxicity comes from not necessarily having to go against other players, but rather having to depend on other players in order to beat other players. 

Of course they were nice, they had nothing to lose since competitive doesn't exist on conclave yet.
I'm talking when there is competitive. ^^

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7 minutes ago, ZavarkaGovna said:

What do you think?

I think a change like that would be amazing, however, the amount of people playing pvp should grow in order to make a system like that viable since otherwise all we get is a harder time finding matches. Imo, a server/match browser would be a better start because it would allow people to find out what are the most populated regions and game modes at different times of the day, while also showing if they can't get into any match because all available rooms are full instead of thinking "nobody is playing" as currently happens.

9 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

Any game with a competitive feature, bring in toxic players, so i would say thanks but no thanks, keep conclave casual.

I've seen people get toxic in pve just because my vectis is killing faster than their embers, equinox, whatever; i've also seen toxicity towards players who make a little mistake in pve and get downed for it; I've also seen some toxicity in PvP, but it's usually from players who play it as "another grind" because they want nothing but the rewards asap and take an attitude that ruins the fun for others. Toxic people will spill toxicity anywhere regardless of playing a coop game, a casual pvp or a competitive one, so stop saying that a friendlier match making system would only serve to bring out the worst in people (which can be easily avoided by making player tiers implied instead of public)

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2 minutes ago, Nakrast said:

Of course they were nice, they had nothing to lose since competitive doesn't exist on conclave yet.
I'm talking when there is competitive. ^^

Sort of, but in a way Conclave 1.0 was MUCH more competitive than the current Conclave in how the matches were run. A 2v2 last man standing PvP mode is one of the most competitive game types I can think of. It is part of the reason I think a lot of the Conclave 1.0 community fell off after Conclave 2.0 came out is because Conclave 2.0, despite being balanced, has less... pizzazz. 

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2 hours ago, DrBorris said:

not really that good of a mode.

What exactly "bad" do you see in it? Is it just "cool to hate" situation here? Because I can have Quake live match, Cs:go match, and Conclave match, and honestly, more often than not tell that I've enjoyed conclave more out of these. And I've played a lot of conclave. It's dynamic, it requires a lot of skill, it has a steep skill curve in terms of movement and aiming (which is not a bad thing, though it's one of the reason I'm sure why people don't bother with conclave - they try it, get owned by a really good player and that's it. I'm NOT that great of a player, btw, but I enjoy conclave nonetheless.). And again - how do you know that there's "no one playing"? That's speculation. Not getting a match could mean that they are all full, or just that there's no matches for your desired ping.

When it comes to "it would be even harder to find matches" - matchmaking system could be build so that there would be a timeout, after which matchmaking will just accept whatever, like it currently does, so that it would be a fail-proof system.

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I see where youre coming from, specifically what I think you want is an Elo system where your point rank represents a statistical probability of beating your oponents score. (Spiritofthelaw made a fantastic video explaining how it works in AOE2). Not only would keeping track of it be beneficial to competitive players (some players religiously bring up the amount of kills as the messure of experience), but stilted rewards could be doled out to players on a slow day (such the current state of conclave) to where a 1600pt player doesnt feel robbed of his time when he fails to scratch a 2000pt player and receives his meager earnings. Such a system doesnt have to prevent the groups from interacting, but certainly would help balance 3v2 pub matches and busy days (events). Elo also adjusts quickly and has proven in many games to be a good starting point, a bare minimum, for matchmaking.


Because really, no noob wants to play against someone with 20000 kills and no veteran should feel proud killing someone fresh out of RC.

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I'd like this but sadly there aren't enough players, I wish DE would introduce some training maps for warmup/improving flicks/aim with different weapons. This would bring more players in Conclave as it will allow those willing to learn the opportunity get better. Every Competitive game mode needs a place where players can train imo, Athletes have gyms to workout in and for gamers, the training maps are their gym. 

The population issue needs to be addressed way before thinking about a ranked system. 

On 12/26/2017 at 9:45 PM, Nakrast said:

Any game with a competitive feature, bring in toxic players, so i would say thanks but no thanks, keep conclave casual.

Mainly because things get more serious and people are more attached, losing means more but honestly there's already toxic players in Conclave and those are the ones who come to farm skins. Anything that will bring more players to Conclave will increase the number of toxic players, no doubt but i hope the ratio remains the same.

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On 3/7/2018 at 12:24 AM, .Zel said:

The population issue needs to be addressed way before thinking about a ranked system. 

Mainly because things get more serious and people are more attached, losing means more but honestly there's already toxic players in Conclave and those are the ones who come to farm skins. Anything that will bring more players to Conclave will increase the number of toxic players, no doubt but i hope the ratio remains the same.

To be fair I've seen maybe 5 toxic players in conclave over two months and 3 of them were a team that just do standing farming in a group. 

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