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Good loot locked behind mundane tasks!


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On 02/01/2018 at 10:00 PM, Yagamilight123 said:

So , you want to change a lot of things just because are bored for you (and your friend) ... and all other people are the "subjective" ones . Dont like index? , farm in another place ... credits farm goes back a lot before index . Dont like farm kuva? , buy a rolled mod . Want to be lazy ?  , buy another game .

Abrasive response. You won't lead to any sort of discussion if you don't actually ask any questions? Lazy? I spent 10 hours in a row farming KUVA and to know that it's only around 15-20 rolls for that long of constant farming is stressful and disheartening.

Telling someone to buy another game because you imply that they are lazy is just uneducated and wrong. Did you care to ask me for the effort that I put in??

And of course everything is subjective, but if you don't give your opinion and just trash me for having one then you need a reality check. Please stay on course of the discussion and don't get upset at people for having an opinion.

If you enjoy something, say you enjoy it and why. If you don't then say you don't enjoy it and why!

Don't just be the rude angry guy and tell others to play something else, no one needs to hear that. Comments like this will negatively impact not only just the players that it is said to, but the developers that miss out on retaining their player base, all because people were unable to enter discussion with a cool head and logical/ethical thinking.

Here's a little scenario to put you into the mindset:

Imagine there was a guy who worked 10 years at a job... He had been working very hard and he didn't enjoy his job at all. During his time he knew there were better ways for his work to be more enjoyable and provide the same payoff, if only his employer would listen to his suggestion on how to do this better and without so much stress.

You come along after he complains about it and tell him to go get another job because you assume he's lazy. Did you care to ask how much effort he has put in? Did you find out if he needed to do that work to support his lifestyle? No. You just went straight in without any information or empathy at all and judged him for being unhappy while assuming he was lazy when he actually put in a lot of effort, possibly far more than you.

Correct the attitude and try again. This is not a discussion, this is just a horrible flaming session... The larger percentage of posts in this thread haven't cared at ALL to ask any questions or say what they like or dislike, nor has anyone provided any suggestions on how to make it better... All most of the people have done is just argue and go straight up against what is said with little to no reason as to why.

These sickening attitudes are enough to make people not want to come back here ever.

Look after your community and treat people with more respect rather than dismissing their thoughts. I am valid too and have put in a substantial effort into my Warframe experience. Not only that, but I spend a LOT of time helping others.

Don't you just dismiss me when you know nothing about me or my journey. Quiz me, talk to me in a friendly manner rather than just a nothing. I put in a lot of effort into my posts and thinking and I would expect the same in return.

One more chance before you're put on my ignore list.

Edited by ActionPoohole
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On 02/01/2018 at 3:44 PM, Ada_Wong_SG said:

Kuva is kind of boring at the moment, but it plays like any regular missions.

You can always wait for the Kuva fortress to move to other places, and the mission type changed to see what you like and play.
though that would take longer time, you can farm credits while waiting.

Credits is kind of very diversified, you can choose to run all the dark sector missions 
Akkad, Sechura which will give you 25k - 26k every 5 waves of mission, 
that double as resource and XP farm, seriously I only did index for The Glast Gambit quest and never touched it since.

Since index is a very different play style as you would do with other missions, your equipment might not be adequate to
handle index, if you geared up to play index, you might find other missions unsuitable for your equipment.


Then again, this game can be very grindy, if you are at your limits of your patience then take a break from your regular grinding.

Try to do some "side quest" like fishing in the plains of eidolon or try to explore the void missions for parkour rooms.
Those aren't as rewarding but can help you to break away from the grindy routine and most likely relax a bit.

KUVA is really boring imo and takes up far too much time and repetition. 10 hours of farming and only 50k KUVA. Divide that by 3500... That's around 14 rolls on one of my Rivens. That's just horrific for such a huge amount of time. I can't imagine it for someone without a booster. Now think that there could be 14 bad rolls.

Credits comes from many locations, but the point is more about when Baro Ki Teer comes and you need a few million to get his stuff. Then the INDEX is the only logical way to go for people who aren't read to do Raids due to the ragers that often fill those places. I'd rather do a simple INDEX for the credits because it's available for us. The issue is that we don't enjoy it, but it's the fastest and most readily available form of credits. So I do understand that you can get them in other ways, but that is the fastest and easiest way.

The issue here is that INDEX is tedious and poorly designed. So lets focus on that please :)

As for my gear, I can basically 1 hit everything with my Arca Plasmor Gas/Status build by bypassing shields with the Status effect and effectively killing them if they group up. My Vectis Prime does a very similar job with Toxin or Gas damage.

The task of running index is very easy for me and my friends, it's just a chore when you have to "Win again" after reaching your point limit... Then suicide to the enemy so they bank your points. What is even more frustrating is if you don't have a full group and the Spectre on your team might hinder this by collecting points as the enemy team AI bug out and don't have a clue that you suicided 25 points at their feet. It's stressful and requires a full group for maximum efficiency. Some of my friends just can't be bothered and will deal with not getting enough credits.

So the issue is clearly that Index is poorly designed and one of the most viable/simple methods of credit farming. It's just terribly designed... All this new content comes out, yet INDEX is neglected, boring, easy, tedious, underwhelming, tiring and unrewarding.

Looking at my patience and my mentality is just evading the point. I am speaking on the behalf of all my friends who frequently comment on the index. It's similar to "hydron" being named "boredron" as it is so boring.

Many things could be improved in this game, yet new content comes out and old content is left in tatters.

Fishing won't get me KUVA nor will it help improve index become a more fun place to gain credits... Lets stick to the point, but I do appreciate your input.

My complaint about the game doesn't pertain to my effort, but to my enjoyment. I still put in the effort, complaint or not.. I know what needs to be done and I do it... But if I'm not happy about it.. I will say so. Lets remember that when we reply please :D

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Well first of all, you might need to reword your opening post. I agree that the Index is counterintuitive, and generally not great, but credits are not locked behind anything. People have suggested many times other places where you can earn credits, you have even contradicted yourself and stated this in the same sentence, and whilst they may not be as efficient, you can still earn credits there, ergo, they aren't locked behind the Index. All this does is invalidate your point and doesn't help your argument.

Now to the point at hand. The Index sucks. It's boring, it doesn't make much sense to kill yourself to farm it more efficiently. Honestly, I feel the longer you stay, the more credits you should earn when you win. Either that, or give it a flat time limit and scale the credit reward to that time limit. Either method seems a reasonable solution to me, not every mission has to be endless.

Kuva farming, I find ok. It could definitely be better, sure, but right now as it stands, and with the way I personally use Rivens, I don't mind it. I definitely don't spend 10 hours farming it (I don't think I could spend 10 hours playing video games, let alone one activity in a game constantly), I just farm it every now and then if I want to re-roll a riven.That said, I don't see why making it available in the Kuva fortress, even if it's in lesser amounts, would be a bad thing. They've got to store that stuff somewhere, right? Making it part of missions rewards or endless rotations would be a nice alternative to farming siphons in my opinion.

I think this discussion could've gone a lot smoother if there wasn't so much hostility in this thread. I don't see anything wrong with someone complaining about a mechanic they find boring or tedious, but it would've been a much better "discussion" if you had suggested some improvements or changes to start with. Flat out complaining without any suggestions for improvements (in the OP at least) just creates a negative tone for anyone coming into the thread. Likewise instead of just dismissing OP's views, why not suggest improvements? The OP has a point in that nobody has flat out praised either the Index or Kuva farming, so clearly, they aren't that great.

Edited by (XB1)AyersyBears
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I honestly never farmed for credits in this game. It was never an issue for me, especially since vacuum sucks it all up. When I was a very new at WF, I noticed that Jupiter lockers gave quite a lot of credits. So every time I was on that tileset doing whatever mission, I molested lockers with Master Thief without slowing down. In the long run, I always had enough credits whenever I needed them. From the perspective of a new player, I earned a lot. Only new players who want too much too quickly tend to complain about lack of funds.  Back when I started, there wasn't that much content to chase so there was no need to impatiently blow my top.  And that should stay like this for new players, do not try to get Vauban Prime right away to then complain about nitain/oxium.  Just because it's there dangling in your face doesn't mean you have to get it now-now.  Just focus on getting what is in your means and you won't frustrate yourself.  Do not run missions for the sole purpose of farming credits, get credits when you are doing missions you like.

Now that I run raids everyday, I have an absurd amount of credits I can't seem to get rid of. I donated 25+ million to clan research, bought 130 Pedestal Primes and still have 300 million left over. Wat.  I am seriously not even trying here. Also, I get a lot of 30-60 minute credit booster from rare containers in those raid runs as well.

Index who?  I ran that place only when it was freshly released, got its exclusive mods quickly then never went there again, (only once for the Prodman poster), that place bores me.



Best advice I can give here is whenever we get our yearly double resource weekend, don't go anywhere and stay behind your PC all weekend and buy a resource booster. (you'll end up with 4x resource gain). I got 300k Kuva and never had to worry about Kuva for a looooooong time. Totally worth it. In the mean time I only run Kuva missions if there is something else I can do in that mission at the same time, like a Riven challenge or Simaris target scan. If there is a specific resource you need to farm on a specific planet and there happens to be Kuva missions there, do both at the same time.

They key to smart farming in Warframe is to multi-taskYou can often do multiple tasks in a single mission rather than running separate missions for each individual tasks; you have to think ahead. For example:

Hate scanning plants?   Sooner or later you will run a survival or excavation in a tile set that has plants, since you're not leaving for awhile use that opportunity to scan everything on that map. When the time comes when you need the plants, you will notice you will have plenty of them.
Looking for Octavia Neuroptics in Derelict Survival?  Use a Nekros/Pilfering Hydroid so even if you don't get the helmet, you will acquire Mutagen Samples for that Hema research, you won't feel like you wasted your time.
Need Oxium and you have an Ivara doing whatever in a Corpus map?  Stay cloaked with a silent weapon and steal Oxium from the Oxium Ospreys before destroying them for double Oxium drop.

I've been playing WF like this for years, still not burned out and now own an absurd stockpile of everything.

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I'm sorry, I'm just having a hard time taking the opinions of someone who is named ActionPoohole seriously. Go and spend the 20 plat and get a less childish username, then maybe people will start listening to your pointless rants about dissatisfaction. Do you expect the devs to change the relatively new kuva system, just because you're getting bored of it? Yea, that's not selfish (and childish) at all...

Now can we please close this pointless thead

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I personally like Kuva farming. You get to do nearly any mission in the game, and the siphons are slightly more mechanically interesting than most content. Oh and FYI, I've rolled a riven to 120 rolls, and 3 to around 60.

I don't mind the idea of having other ways to farm, but I disagree that the current ways are mundane. Credits start piling up once you reach high level anyway, I throw a few million credits at my clan when I hit 10m. Playing with a friend that just got started, whenever we need credits we hop in dark sector for a few missions and he has what he needs, so it's not like index is necessary. It's not by any means the most tedious thing present in the game. Then again, some of us survived Gradivus. Try farming Brakk and getting unlucky. THAT's tedious.

Changes to index would probably be a good thing overall though. I barely ever play it since it seems silly in the first place, though I don't know how you would tackle it without making it tedious or an unreasonably better option than all other credit grinding, both of which are bad ideas.



As an aside, you don't handle criticism well. You could try not attacking people who are attempting to have a discussion with you, it comes across as particularly rude. I've also read several posts where you say you refuse to completely read them because of the way somebody talks. If you don't want to have a discussion, don't bother posting here.

Edited by Tekky
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On 1/1/2018 at 8:42 PM, ActionPoohole said:


Credit Farming: Clearly there are some chronic problems with the way that loot is obtained... Credits are locked behind one of the most boring places: Index. There are other ways, but for general purpose credit farming, Index: It is horrifically designed and creates this illogical "Get yourself killed now" mechanic to feed points back to the enemy. It is stressful and depressing to wait around for that. This needs to be fixed.

Credits are easily earned by simply playing the game. Far to often people get disappointed with the time and lack of rewards they get for one simple reason, they speed run maps and don't take the time to actually farm. When you run to the objective and then extract you miss everything that the map has to offer. Personally I don't leave missions with out 1k kills, and multiples of resources, 10k+ credits on average and mods. How is it that 5 years into the game people are still complaining about having to play the game in order to earn the resources to play the game? which mundane tasks should the game get rid of precisely? all the parts that are the game?

KUVA Farming: Running standard missions of types that we do not enjoy doing. Spy missions? Easy, no challenge... No reward for bypassing if the challenge was greater... Go invisible, hack terminal with a cipher and repeat. (Please don't suggest to NOT use cipher and not use stealth frame as that would make the duration of mundane KUVA task far greater) THEN you have to WAIT around for a KUVA siphon to finally decide to start sucking up KUVA... It takes so much time, patience and effort.. It is literally work and leaves you with a frown on your face after a few hours...(Compare this to an enjoyable survival or what not when it's all about testing weapons, looting and killing)

To a certain point I agree, Kuva farming could be better. There are many elements of it that make solo play a problematic exercise. As to the mission types, they aren't really a problem. the amount of difficulty involved in kuva farming does not balance well with the rewards received in my opinion. 

These 2 things are required for non fashion frame based end game and they are depressing. I am now thinking about taking a break because this is not fun at all. This is just depressing. If you agree with me, please post...

I am sick of fun things being locked behind the most mundane tasks. This game needs a huge overhaul in so many aspects because it doesn't feel enjoyable anymore, it feels like a pure addiction... and I'm about ready to kick the habit.

This really blows.


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6 hours ago, ActionPoohole said:

I rushed through your points because I can see that you have very limited thinking. End game is what people enjoy at the end. Subjective... So don't tell me what end game is or what isn't. KUVA is a part of my end game because it pertains to Riven mods and what I enjoy. I like to tinker with weapons and how they react in long survivals 2hours+

I know what KUVA is but have you even thought about how to improve INDEX rather than telling your life long story? Do you think Index is enjoyable or not... Do you think KUVA farming is enjoyable or not... Or are you just going to lecture me on how I should be enjoying the game and what direction I should take.

Get down off your high chair.

I'm not going to get up from my kneeling mat for you, thank you very much. It is clear that despite having already provided suggestions to change Kuva farming, as well as offering alternatives to credit farming none of it matters. I could have suggested changes to Index, but all I am doing is wasting words on a matter that will disappear over time. 

If you genuinely want to know what I think, which probably won't matter as you deemed me to sit too high on a throne, scale the rewards the longer you stay in the Index. Like interceptions or defenses, have the option to extract after a round is up, or continue into the next. Gives you a thrill of the fight, you gain more and more credits the longer you stay but lose one round and you lose everything. Apply this to high risk, because high risk high reward. What about low risk and medium risk then? Adjust accordingly. Lower the added amount of time when you drop off a load of points and end the round when you've hit the mark.


That suggestion enough?

Probably not. You'll just rush through my points again. 

Edited by Bao
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On 1/1/2018 at 10:42 PM, ActionPoohole said:


Credit Farming: Clearly there are some chronic problems with the way that loot is obtained... Credits are locked behind one of the most boring places: Index. There are other ways, but for general purpose credit farming, Index: It is horrifically designed and creates this illogical "Get yourself killed now" mechanic to feed points back to the enemy. It is stressful and depressing to wait around for that. This needs to be fixed.

KUVA Farming: Running standard missions of types that we do not enjoy doing. Spy missions? Easy, no challenge... No reward for bypassing if the challenge was greater... Go invisible, hack terminal with a cipher and repeat. (Please don't suggest to NOT use cipher and not use stealth frame as that would make the duration of mundane KUVA task far greater) THEN you have to WAIT around for a KUVA siphon to finally decide to start sucking up KUVA... It takes so much time, patience and effort.. It is literally work and leaves you with a frown on your face after a few hours...(Compare this to an enjoyable survival or what not when it's all about testing weapons, looting and killing)

These 2 things are required for non fashion frame based end game and they are depressing. I am now thinking about taking a break because this is not fun at all. This is just depressing. If you agree with me, please post...

I am sick of fun things being locked behind the most mundane tasks. This game needs a huge overhaul in so many aspects because it doesn't feel enjoyable anymore, it feels like a pure addiction... and I'm about ready to kick the habit.

This really blows.

So. . . uh. . . how would you consider fixing it? I keep reading this over and over again and it seems like your searching for people to commiserate with rather then discuss anything. Echo chambers can be quite poisonous places given the ego, sycophancy, and opinion calicification that goes on in them, so. . . what do you propose?


A platinum pay-in credit "counterfeiting device"?


A blanket boost in credit rewards overall?


Some manner of new credit-gathering mission with strictly monetary rewards, such as cracking some manner of Corpusian vault for executives?


Similarly, how do you propose to improve the Index? I myself can't even think of anything, considering it's the one mission that's blocking my mission progress


Finally, what do you propose would be a viable fix for the "Kuva Crisis" for you?


Blanket Kuva Increase?


A new form of even more lucrative Kuva Operation?


A vote-on "timer accelerator" to cut missions a bit shorter?


Complaints and concerns are always important, but, complaints and concerns accompanied by possible fixes, viable or otherwise? Taken much more seriously.

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On 04/01/2018 at 12:33 AM, (Xbox One)AyersyBears said:

Well first of all, you might need to reword your opening post. I agree that the Index is counterintuitive, and generally not great, but credits are not locked behind anything. People have suggested many times other places where you can earn credits, you have even contradicted yourself and stated this in the same sentence, and whilst they may not be as efficient, you can still earn credits there, ergo, they aren't locked behind the Index. All this does is invalidate your point and doesn't help your argument.

Now to the point at hand. The Index sucks. It's boring, it doesn't make much sense to kill yourself to farm it more efficiently. Honestly, I feel the longer you stay, the more credits you should earn when you win. Either that, or give it a flat time limit and scale the credit reward to that time limit. Either method seems a reasonable solution to me, not every mission has to be endless.

Kuva farming, I find ok. It could definitely be better, sure, but right now as it stands, and with the way I personally use Rivens, I don't mind it. I definitely don't spend 10 hours farming it (I don't think I could spend 10 hours playing video games, let alone one activity in a game constantly), I just farm it every now and then if I want to re-roll a riven.That said, I don't see why making it available in the Kuva fortress, even if it's in lesser amounts, would be a bad thing. They've got to store that stuff somewhere, right? Making it part of missions rewards or endless rotations would be a nice alternative to farming siphons in my opinion.

I think this discussion could've gone a lot smoother if there wasn't so much hostility in this thread. I don't see anything wrong with someone complaining about a mechanic they find boring or tedious, but it would've been a much better "discussion" if you had suggested some improvements or changes to start with. Flat out complaining without any suggestions for improvements (in the OP at least) just creates a negative tone for anyone coming into the thread. Likewise instead of just dismissing OP's views, why not suggest improvements? The OP has a point in that nobody has flat out praised either the Index or Kuva farming, so clearly, they aren't that great.

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it.

I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

I was the one that had my effort undermined without any evidence.

I am the one that was given a warning and being unable to post until I accept it...

This treatment was absolutely disgusting and just collapsed down on me like a tonne of bricks for not all out praising the game for even its mistakes.

No game is perfect, and Warframe definitely has its fair share of issues. My friend that I play with made a joke about needing to go to therapy for KUVA depression after spending 10 hours farming for KUVA only to have around 14 rolls of his Riven which yielded nothing, but trash rolls. 10 hours in a row for zero pay off. Meanwhile the journey to earn that was NOT fun. It was tedious and stressful. It went far too long and we even had a booster so it wasn't 20 hours for 14 rolls.

This was after the Acolytes came during Xmas period which should have been left clear for the holiday period. My enjoyment of grindy games was put under attack various times within this thread and none of them cared to ask about it. I earned myself 5 ARGON SCOPES and 6 MAIMING STRIKES, one of which I gave to my friend because he never received his due to a bug. That was extreme endless farming that would have put many to shame. The drop rate was horrifically low and there was some thing about self reviving after a death to an Acolyte that would not reward you with loot. This was not noted anywhere to us within the game dialogue and you can imagine how upset some people would have been when they put in such extreme effort. Then Baro Ki Teer comes and there is yet even more endless grinding of non fun aspects of the game. It has been an endless ENDLESS barrage of required grind that I have put great effort into... And it becomes a huge stress when INDEX and KUVA farming on top of that are so extremely tedious. No one here should put my effort into the game under scrutiny and suggest that I don't like grindy games. I love this aspect of gaming and it gives you the feeling of much reward. But the journey there does NOT have to be so horribly boring. I love other aspects like Survivals, Defense and other aspects... But I have YET to hear a SINGLE person apart from any "freshies" state they enjoy KUVA or INDEX farming.

So I really am upset about the way that the whole thread and conversation has turned out. Some people in here should feel ashamed of the way they have spoken to me in such a presumptuous, rude and personal manner. Posting GIF/Meme's etc is unacceptable and I will be unlikely to return.

This sort of attitude towards people, upset or not.. Someone who was NOT here to insult people and then had a comment suggest that it was my intention?? It was never EVER my intention to throw insults at people and I never did.

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it and I literally got treated like utter garbage for it.

So I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

Now please everyone else, take a read back and see the attitude that was thrown towards me... Without being hostile about it.. And ask yourselves if many of these were warranted.

Ask yourself if someone should be suggesting that I go out into the sunshine. Now I may be repeating myself because this thread has become extremely stressful to deal with and was purposed as a vent and discussion. Yet it turned into a flog fest of rudeness and ousting.

Comments like yours have unfortunately taken a back foot and you are very well mannered and deserve some praise, along with some of the other later comments. But the absolutely unnecessarily hostile and rude treatment towards me from many chatters in here has flooded the thread and has derailed from the point at hand. Yet I was the one warned for trying to maintain some sort of reality here.

This isn't a good environment for me and I don't think I'll be back any time soon. I have saved copies of all the interactions within here. I have even been personally messaged by another chatter which stated that the same thing happened to them. They had legitimate discussions of points which was overwhelmed by extremely negative and derailing comments which made assumptions and personal attacks.

I'm not interested in having my effort and personality under attack and being provided with a warning for it.

This is absolutely disgusting and I am extremely upset that I am feeling quite shaky now. Everyone who pointed out negative assumptions about me and suggested I go do something else or made personal comments about me at all should be ashamed of yourself... You have collectively destroyed my enthusiasm for discussion about bettering this game and will miss out on a great deal of experience and knowledge from me.

Absolutely appalling.

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Dang, I don't feel you deserved to be reported. I feel that the negative replies to your original post kept you from realizing that my comment and a couple of others weren't meant to be taken as attacks. That's not how I roll, I don't do personal attacks unless majorly pushed, but I love a good debate and a lengthy wrestle with logic.

Anyway, I feel you had quite a few good points and even some decent suggestions, but you allowed the "meanies" to control your emotions and ultimately your actions. It's just another battle scar in life.

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13 hours ago, ActionPoohole said:

This is absolutely disgusting and I am extremely upset that I am feeling quite shaky now. Everyone who pointed out negative assumptions about me and suggested I go do something else or made personal comments about me at all should be ashamed of yourself... You have collectively destroyed my enthusiasm for discussion about bettering this game and will miss out on a great deal of experience and knowledge from me.

Absolutely appalling.

Here is a serious suggestion.  Take a break from the game and gain some perspective.  You mentioned that just doing things in this game made you feel stressed and depressed.  Now you're feeling shaken?  Look, if it were me doing this, I would consider myself being oversensitive and not having some priorities in order.   If you find yourself collapsing because of this, then credits are not the thing to focus on.

There are improvements that can be made to modes in the game.  Be positive and consistent and we'll get that kuva and index changed.  

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14 hours ago, ActionPoohole said:

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it.

I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

I was the one that had my effort undermined without any evidence.

I am the one that was given a warning and being unable to post until I accept it...

This treatment was absolutely disgusting and just collapsed down on me like a tonne of bricks for not all out praising the game for even its mistakes.

No game is perfect, and Warframe definitely has its fair share of issues. My friend that I play with made a joke about needing to go to therapy for KUVA depression after spending 10 hours farming for KUVA only to have around 14 rolls of his Riven which yielded nothing, but trash rolls. 10 hours in a row for zero pay off. Meanwhile the journey to earn that was NOT fun. It was tedious and stressful. It went far too long and we even had a booster so it wasn't 20 hours for 14 rolls.

This was after the Acolytes came during Xmas period which should have been left clear for the holiday period. My enjoyment of grindy games was put under attack various times within this thread and none of them cared to ask about it. I earned myself 5 ARGON SCOPES and 6 MAIMING STRIKES, one of which I gave to my friend because he never received his due to a bug. That was extreme endless farming that would have put many to shame. The drop rate was horrifically low and there was some thing about self reviving after a death to an Acolyte that would not reward you with loot. This was not noted anywhere to us within the game dialogue and you can imagine how upset some people would have been when they put in such extreme effort. Then Baro Ki Teer comes and there is yet even more endless grinding of non fun aspects of the game. It has been an endless ENDLESS barrage of required grind that I have put great effort into... And it becomes a huge stress when INDEX and KUVA farming on top of that are so extremely tedious. No one here should put my effort into the game under scrutiny and suggest that I don't like grindy games. I love this aspect of gaming and it gives you the feeling of much reward. But the journey there does NOT have to be so horribly boring. I love other aspects like Survivals, Defense and other aspects... But I have YET to hear a SINGLE person apart from any "freshies" state they enjoy KUVA or INDEX farming.

So I really am upset about the way that the whole thread and conversation has turned out. Some people in here should feel ashamed of the way they have spoken to me in such a presumptuous, rude and personal manner. Posting GIF/Meme's etc is unacceptable and I will be unlikely to return.

This sort of attitude towards people, upset or not.. Someone who was NOT here to insult people and then had a comment suggest that it was my intention?? It was never EVER my intention to throw insults at people and I never did.

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it and I literally got treated like utter garbage for it.

So I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

Now please everyone else, take a read back and see the attitude that was thrown towards me... Without being hostile about it.. And ask yourselves if many of these were warranted.

Ask yourself if someone should be suggesting that I go out into the sunshine. Now I may be repeating myself because this thread has become extremely stressful to deal with and was purposed as a vent and discussion. Yet it turned into a flog fest of rudeness and ousting.

Comments like yours have unfortunately taken a back foot and you are very well mannered and deserve some praise, along with some of the other later comments. But the absolutely unnecessarily hostile and rude treatment towards me from many chatters in here has flooded the thread and has derailed from the point at hand. Yet I was the one warned for trying to maintain some sort of reality here.

This isn't a good environment for me and I don't think I'll be back any time soon. I have saved copies of all the interactions within here. I have even been personally messaged by another chatter which stated that the same thing happened to them. They had legitimate discussions of points which was overwhelmed by extremely negative and derailing comments which made assumptions and personal attacks.

I'm not interested in having my effort and personality under attack and being provided with a warning for it.

This is absolutely disgusting and I am extremely upset that I am feeling quite shaky now. Everyone who pointed out negative assumptions about me and suggested I go do something else or made personal comments about me at all should be ashamed of yourself... You have collectively destroyed my enthusiasm for discussion about bettering this game and will miss out on a great deal of experience and knowledge from me.

Absolutely appalling.

Please dont come back . You are too intelligent for this forum . You act like a child pal ... when people dont like your argument you just play "victim" .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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18 hours ago, ActionPoohole said:

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it.

I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

I was the one that had my effort undermined without any evidence.

I am the one that was given a warning and being unable to post until I accept it...

This treatment was absolutely disgusting and just collapsed down on me like a tonne of bricks for not all out praising the game for even its mistakes.

No game is perfect, and Warframe definitely has its fair share of issues. My friend that I play with made a joke about needing to go to therapy for KUVA depression after spending 10 hours farming for KUVA only to have around 14 rolls of his Riven which yielded nothing, but trash rolls. 10 hours in a row for zero pay off. Meanwhile the journey to earn that was NOT fun. It was tedious and stressful. It went far too long and we even had a booster so it wasn't 20 hours for 14 rolls.

This was after the Acolytes came during Xmas period which should have been left clear for the holiday period. My enjoyment of grindy games was put under attack various times within this thread and none of them cared to ask about it. I earned myself 5 ARGON SCOPES and 6 MAIMING STRIKES, one of which I gave to my friend because he never received his due to a bug. That was extreme endless farming that would have put many to shame. The drop rate was horrifically low and there was some thing about self reviving after a death to an Acolyte that would not reward you with loot. This was not noted anywhere to us within the game dialogue and you can imagine how upset some people would have been when they put in such extreme effort. Then Baro Ki Teer comes and there is yet even more endless grinding of non fun aspects of the game. It has been an endless ENDLESS barrage of required grind that I have put great effort into... And it becomes a huge stress when INDEX and KUVA farming on top of that are so extremely tedious. No one here should put my effort into the game under scrutiny and suggest that I don't like grindy games. I love this aspect of gaming and it gives you the feeling of much reward. But the journey there does NOT have to be so horribly boring. I love other aspects like Survivals, Defense and other aspects... But I have YET to hear a SINGLE person apart from any "freshies" state they enjoy KUVA or INDEX farming.

So I really am upset about the way that the whole thread and conversation has turned out. Some people in here should feel ashamed of the way they have spoken to me in such a presumptuous, rude and personal manner. Posting GIF/Meme's etc is unacceptable and I will be unlikely to return.

This sort of attitude towards people, upset or not.. Someone who was NOT here to insult people and then had a comment suggest that it was my intention?? It was never EVER my intention to throw insults at people and I never did.

I came in and complained because I was obviously unhappy with it and I literally got treated like utter garbage for it.

So I didn't throw any insults except making a comment about someone telling me what end game is and what end game isn't not even caring to realise that everyone has a subjective view on what they see as end game. You don't come into a place and claim your opinion as fact on a subjective matter. It was not his call to make about what end game is for me. Then suggesting for me to go out into the sunshine... I don't think it's acceptable to suggest any actions for me in my personal life so I will not read what I think is patronising, personal and rude.

No one asked me till later on in the thread what my suggestions are. I have been gaming since I was only 14... I'm 32 years old now. I have more experience about this than the majority and plenty of good ideas on how to fix these issues.

I am a very intelligent person and I can clearly understand that there was a lot of unwarranted hostility and unwarranted comments about my effort which was put into the game. If you read back you will clearly see various people assuming my effort... CLEARLY assuming my effort. Assuming that I don't like grindy games because I claim about a few aspects. I have spent a lot of time doing other grindy tasks, yet complaining about a small portion of what is problematic automatically paints an entire perception of my opinion and my preferences?

Rude and unsubstantiated comments which were thrown in my direction about not liking grindy games etc... When that is just completely false. I have put in an extreme amount of effort and hours yet no one cared to ask me about this information, they just assumed and threw hostile comments in my direction. After a myriad of these comments which are clearly shown if they are read by anyone with logical or ethical thinking, obviously I was extremely upset by the way I was treated in this regards.

I do NOT appreciate people assuming my effort into the game. Simply CHECK my profile and my effort into the game and NO one here would be able to substantiate their assumptions of me. Furthermore, I have assisted many new players into the game and have advised many of these new players about various aspects. I have assisted some with issues such as con artists trying to palm off random things like Paris Prime Strings as being vaulted and rare... I have sat with people and provided much information. I have been very nice to people in game and I have done nothing wrong in here except for be upset.

Yet I come here and even one of the comments states I'm reported... Reported for what exactly? For people telling me to go play something else and that I probably don't like grinding and then players thinking it's acceptable and nice to place animated GIFs to further add insult to injury.

Now please everyone else, take a read back and see the attitude that was thrown towards me... Without being hostile about it.. And ask yourselves if many of these were warranted.

Ask yourself if someone should be suggesting that I go out into the sunshine. Now I may be repeating myself because this thread has become extremely stressful to deal with and was purposed as a vent and discussion. Yet it turned into a flog fest of rudeness and ousting.

Comments like yours have unfortunately taken a back foot and you are very well mannered and deserve some praise, along with some of the other later comments. But the absolutely unnecessarily hostile and rude treatment towards me from many chatters in here has flooded the thread and has derailed from the point at hand. Yet I was the one warned for trying to maintain some sort of reality here.

This isn't a good environment for me and I don't think I'll be back any time soon. I have saved copies of all the interactions within here. I have even been personally messaged by another chatter which stated that the same thing happened to them. They had legitimate discussions of points which was overwhelmed by extremely negative and derailing comments which made assumptions and personal attacks.

I'm not interested in having my effort and personality under attack and being provided with a warning for it.

This is absolutely disgusting and I am extremely upset that I am feeling quite shaky now. Everyone who pointed out negative assumptions about me and suggested I go do something else or made personal comments about me at all should be ashamed of yourself... You have collectively destroyed my enthusiasm for discussion about bettering this game and will miss out on a great deal of experience and knowledge from me.

Absolutely appalling.

So... does that mean you should be ashamed of yourself as well for belittling/ trashing others as well?


Cause if not then, this is just sad.

People have stated their take in the situations, hell there's some who even agreed with you to an extent and all you did was somehow focus on the bits that they disagree with while taking it on an oddly VERY defensive manner as if they're attacking you without any intention of discussing with you.


  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
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