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The Roaming Fortress (Semi-Open IC RP)


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4 hours ago, Rakawan said:

You enter the gravity field and are pulled back down.

”Just a bit further.” The General says.

Holden remained silent, contemplating the vastness of space as best he could from this point of view. As he waited, another memory surfaced in his mind.

A now teenage Holden sat in the Derelict's broken observatory, gazing into the stars. There was the tapping of footsteps behind him. He turned, and saw a man with a much longer beard than was considered normal amongst the members of the Red Veil. He walked with a slight limp, leaning his weight on a Scourge staff.
"Grandmaster Xadu," Holden said, getting and bowing before him.
"Holy Rell bless you, my student." the man said. They stood in silence, staring out into the sea of darkness before them.
"Do you ever think about how small we are and how big the universe is?" Holden asked.
"No," Xadu replied, "does it scare you?"

"Of course not, grandmaster. It simply makes me think. Wonder how much influence we actually have."
"In the scope of this world, we are nothing," the old man said admittedly, "not in the way you would think anyways. There are other ways that we influence the existence of things. See, think of the universe as a pool of water, or better yet, a deep, dark ocean. Seemingly bottomless. But only as much as your imagination goes. It DOES have a floor." Xadu spread his arms wide. "But now imagine the width of the ocean. Imagine how wide and long it extends. The ocean is wider than it is deep, yet all we concentrate on when we're in it is how deep it goes." Xadu tapped Holden's forehead, "And that wasn't a bad thing. For, if you focus on how deep the water is, you will know whether to stand or swim. But the Orokin looked to the horizon, trying to see how wide the ocean was."
Xadu sighed as he slowly sat down. Holden knelt next to him. "And in doing so, they discovered something terrible, didn't they, grandmaster?"
"Correct, my student. There is coming a time where those who wield the power of the Void will return. The Tenno, they will awaken. And it is our duty to make sure what is over the horizon does not wake as they cause ripples and waves across the ocean. There will be a time also, where we will cleanse the world. We will bring forth a powerful flame, sweeping across the land to scorch the weeds, those who cause the splashes. But from the ash, new life will rise."
Xadu smiled weakly at Holden. "You will be a great man when you are older," the grandmaster chuckled, "through all the trials I put you through, I knew that you would overcome each one. You have become strong, maybe you will be even stronger than me."
"You honor me, grandmaster," Holden said, bowing again.
"Take this," Xadu said, handing him a jet black metal object. "It is called a Donda. An Orokin creation, it's hum eternal and constant. It will remind you of our true enemy."
Holden and the old man turned back to the stars.

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12 hours ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Holden remained silent, contemplating the vastness of space as best he could from this point of view. As he waited, another memory surfaced in his mind.

A now teenage Holden sat in the Derelict's broken observatory, gazing into the stars. There was the tapping of footsteps behind him. He turned, and saw a man with a much longer beard than was considered normal amongst the members of the Red Veil. He walked with a slight limp, leaning his weight on a Scourge staff.
"Grandmaster Xadu," Holden said, getting and bowing before him.
"Holy Rell bless you, my student." the man said. They stood in silence, staring out into the sea of darkness before them.
"Do you ever think about how small we are and how big the universe is?" Holden asked.
"No," Xadu replied, "does it scare you?"

"Of course not, grandmaster. It simply makes me think. Wonder how much influence we actually have."
"In the scope of this world, we are nothing," the old man said admittedly, "not in the way you would think anyways. There are other ways that we influence the existence of things. See, think of the universe as a pool of water, or better yet, a deep, dark ocean. Seemingly bottomless. But only as much as your imagination goes. It DOES have a floor." Xadu spread his arms wide. "But now imagine the width of the ocean. Imagine how wide and long it extends. The ocean is wider than it is deep, yet all we concentrate on when we're in it is how deep it goes." Xadu tapped Holden's forehead, "And that wasn't a bad thing. For, if you focus on how deep the water is, you will know whether to stand or swim. But the Orokin looked to the horizon, trying to see how wide the ocean was."
Xadu sighed as he slowly sat down. Holden knelt next to him. "And in doing so, they discovered something terrible, didn't they, grandmaster?"
"Correct, my student. There is coming a time where those who wield the power of the Void will return. The Tenno, they will awaken. And it is our duty to make sure what is over the horizon does not wake as they cause ripples and waves across the ocean. There will be a time also, where we will cleanse the world. We will bring forth a powerful flame, sweeping across the land to scorch the weeds, those who cause the splashes. But from the ash, new life will rise."
Xadu smiled weakly at Holden. "You will be a great man when you are older," the grandmaster chuckled, "through all the trials I put you through, I knew that you would overcome each one. You have become strong, maybe you will be even stronger than me."
"You honor me, grandmaster," Holden said, bowing again.
"Take this," Xadu said, handing him a jet black metal object. "It is called a Donda. An Orokin creation, it's hum eternal and constant. It will remind you of our true enemy."
Holden and the old man turned back to the stars.

Luc stares put along the stars as well.

“What is your greatest wish?” Darrin had asked him, once.

”To see the Kweens fall.” He had replied.

”And beyond that?” Darrin had asked.

“To take a ship and fly as far as I can.” Luc had said. “To see what else is out there.”

”You may not like what you find.” Darrin had said.

Luc had shrugged.

”I may not find anything.” He said. “But I will be the first of my kind to see the wonders and terrors that lie beyond our system.”

The gondola hit the receiver and the General snaps back.

“We have arrived.” He says.

Two Prosecutors stand guard wearing red and black, and holding Kesheg polearms.

Edited by Rakawan
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13 hours ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk nodded and waited patiently, watching each tube closely

HL11 walks up to the next tube, driving his fist into the glass. He reaches inside, pulling his comrade free. HL12 opens his eyes. 

“Welcome to the fight, brother.” HL11 says. “Your armor is on the wall. Suit up and help me with the others.”

“Hmmm.” Nak says. “Independent thought, instinct for leadership and comradrie. We will have to mark this batch for future use.”

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16 hours ago, WolfmanX9 said:

"I wonder why Brutus want's the skull of all things" he thought to himself as he kept on cleaning the room, leaving the creepy wall for last.


"Do you need any help?" he asked the lancer as he could see that he didn't seem to know how to assemble it. Maybe leaving the lancer to repair the weapons wasn't such a good idea as he thought it was.

Brutus walks back in and grabs another. As you clean he closely removes the trophies, for some unknown purpose.

The room is already quite neat, with only a bit of dust from lack of use.


“Made it better.” The Lancer says. “Added a barrel.”

He doesn’t seem to understand how shotguns, or guns in general, work.

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16 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

HL11 walks up to the next tube, driving his fist into the glass. He reaches inside, pulling his comrade free. HL12 opens his eyes. 

“Welcome to the fight, brother.” HL11 says. “Your armor is on the wall. Suit up and help me with the others.”

“Hmmm.” Nak says. “Independent thought, instinct for leadership and comradrie. We will have to mark this batch for future use.”

Ha'ruk watched the heavy lancers speak. He turned to the Colonel "I hope your right about these lancers. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what the Grustrag Three did without bolts...."

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7 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk watched the heavy lancers speak. He turned to the Colonel "I hope your right about these lancers. I'm sure I don't need to remind you what the Grustrag Three did without bolts...."

Another voice chimes in, the one that guided you to the Hangar.

”Neural maps do not match Gustrag patterns.” It says. “Genetic sequences do not indicate a preference for unrestrained violence.”

”Ahh General Darrin.” Nak says. “Thank you for the assessment. How goes the battle over Ceres.”

”All events have proceeded according to plan.” Darrin says. “Mission parameters will soon be met with acceptable losses.”

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Luv stares put along the stars as well.

“What is your greatest wish?” Darrin had asked him, once.

”To see the Kweens fall.” He had replied.

”And beyond that?” Darrin had asked.

“To take a ship and fly as far as I can.” Kuva had said. “To see what else is out there.”

”You May not like what you find.” Darrin had said.

Luc had shrugged.

”I may not find anything.” He said. “But I will be the first of my kind to see the wonders and terrors that lie beyond our system.”

The gondola hit the receiver and the General snaps back.

“We have arrived.” He says.

Two Prosecutors stand guard wearing red and black, and holding Kesheg polearms.

As they walked by the Prosecutors, Holden said, “Hmmm, red and black. A wonderful set of colours.”

It almost seems as if Holden made some kind of attempt at humour, although the flatness and coldness of his voice tell otherwise. “I do wonder, were these not the royal Grineer colours?”

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11 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

As they walked by the Prosecutors, Holden said, “Hmmm, red and black. A wonderful set of colours.”

It almost seems as if Holden made some kind of attempt at humour, although the flatness and coldness of his voice tell otherwise. “I do wonder, were these not the royal Grineer colours?”

“We have not had time to fabricate our own sets of armor yet.” The General says. “For now we use what we can find. Notice he white Meridian sigil on each pauldron. A small gesture, but for now it will suffice.”

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13 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

“We have not had time to fabricate our own sets of armor yet.” The General says. “For now we use what we can find. Notice he white Meridian sigil on each pauldron. A small gesture, but for now it will suffice.”

“Mmm... I see, General. You know, I personally would be suspicious of all the so-called defectors that you have taken aboard. What about spies? Sleeper agents?”

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3 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

“Mmm... I see, General. You know, I personally would be suspicious of all the so-called defectors that you have taken aboard. What about spies? Sleeper agents?”

“All communications in or a out are monitored.” Luc says. “We have a careful system of vetting to weed out potential spies. Those who pass at kept under close supervision. General Molv handles the integration. He was one of the first defectors alongside Cressa Tal. He knows what to look for. There are other methods we have but they are classified. To shorten a long story we are aware of the danger and are taking steps to prevent it.”

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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Brutus walks back in and grabs another. As you clean he closely removes the trophies, for some unknown purpose.

The room is already quite neat, with only a bit of dust from lack of use.


“Made it better.” The Lancer says. “Added a barrel.”

He doesn’t seem to understand how shotguns, or guns in general, work.

He petted Silver as he took a last look around the room. With the exception of a few dust bunnies here and there, it looked much better than before.

"We should thank Brutus for helping us clear out that creepy looking wall" he said as he just realised what he was meant to give Brutus after his shift.

"Oh right, the gift, the gift for Brutus, the gift that will be made just for Brutus, Brutus' gift...."

"Uh...that gift?" he asked Silver, which replied with a bark and a lick on his hand.


"While I admire your idea on improving the gun, that is not how you assemble it. Watch" he said as he showed the Lancer how to actually assemble the Hek. He then undid his repair on the gun to the way it was before the lancer tried to fix it with his idea.

"Do you think that you can do it the right way or do you want something easier to assemble?"

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2 minutes ago, WolfmanX9 said:

He petted Silver as he took a last look around the room. With the exception of a few dust bunnies here and there, it looked much better than before.

"We should thank Brutus for helping us clear out that creepy looking wall" he said as he just realised what he was meant to give Brutus after his shift.

"Oh right, the gift, the gift for Brutus, the gift that will be made just for Brutus, Brutus' gift...."

"Uh...that gift?" he asked Silver, which replied with a bark and a lick on his hand.


"While I admire your idea on improving the gun, that is not how you assemble it. Watch" he said as he showed the Lancer how to actually assemble the Hek. He then undid his repair on the gun to the way it was before the lancer tried to fix it with his idea.

"Do you think that you can do it the right way or do you want something easier to assemble?"

Outside Brutus relaxes on a carefully constructed bed of skulls and other trophies. The massive drank looks quite imposing on such a monument.


The soldier tries again, this time ending up with a barrel where he magazine should attach and the stock located on top of the gun.

”This is not right.” He says.

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Outside Brutus relaxes on a carefully constructed bed of skulls and other trophies. The massive drank looks quite imposing on such a monument.


The soldier tries again, this time ending up with a barrel where he magazine should attach and the stock located on top of the gun.

”This is not right.” He says.

Krunk and Silver left the room for now, spotting Brutus on his "throne" of trophies. He found it a bit strange and silly at the same time, but on the other hand, it was a better use of them than just throwing them away. Regardless, Krunk and Silver walked back to the kitchen to prepare Brutus' gift as their way of saying thanks


"Sigh...Maybe you should do something else instead. Like..." he look around the room to see if he could assign the lancer with another job that wouldn't be that hard to do. 

"I know, how about you collect the rubble from the shooting range? The only thing you need to do is to put everything into a crate that I will provide for you and once you are done with that, report to me and I will check how well you did. Do you think you can do that?"

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

Another voice chimes in, the one that guided you to the Hangar.

”Neural maps do not match Gustrag patterns.” It says. “Genetic sequences do not indicate a preference for unrestrained violence.”

”Ahh General Darrin.” Nak says. “Thank you for the assessment. How goes the battle over Ceres.”

”All events have proceeded according to plan.” Darrin says. “Mission parameters will soon be met with acceptable losses.”

Ha'ruk heard the voice and quickly looked around, not realizing the owner wasn't in the room. He listened the battle report, thinking how the general sounded a lot like other Grinner by talking of "acceptable" losses

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13 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk heard the voice and quickly looked around, not realizing the owner wasn't in the room. He listened the battle report, thinking how the general sounded a lot like other Grinner by talking of "acceptable" losses

“For our new friend here would you mind putting a quantity behind acceptable.” Nak asks.

“Estimated casualties necessary to achieve victory are two thousand.” Darrin says. “Currently there are eight hundred KIA, two hundred MIA, and three hundred on critical condition. Assuming the standard mortality rate amongst the last two conditions that places estimate casualties nine hundred and forty-seven units below acceptable parameters as calculated by high command. Obsetvstions show casualties match my preliminary estimates by ninety-seven percent.”

His voice is smoother and more refined than any Grineer you have heard. There is an emotionless and clinical edge to it. 

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

“For our new friend here would you mind putting a quantity behind acceptable.” Nak asks.

“Estimated casualties necessary to achieve victory are two thousand.” Darrin says. “Currently there are eight hundred KIA, two hundred MIA, and three hundred on critical condition. Assuming the standard mortality rate amongst the last two conditions that places estimate casualties nine hundred and forty-seven units below acceptable parameters as calculated by high command. Obsetvstions show casualties match my preliminary estimates by ninety-seven percent.”

His voice is smoother and more refined than any Grineer you have heard. There is an emotionless and clinical edge to it. 

Ha'ruk listened carefully to the casualties being listed in the battle. He turned to the colonel. "Is he a grineer? No offense but he sounds too.......nice. Nice as in his voice."

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38 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk listened carefully to the casualties being listed in the battle. He turned to the colonel. "Is he a grineer? No offense but he sounds too.......nice. Nice as in his voice."

“I suspect we will meet in due time, and that question will be answered fully.” Darrin says. “For now let it suffice to say that I am Meridian by choice, not by birth or defect. Now there are other matters that require my attention.”

The channel closes.

”I made that observation as well.” Nak says. “Very few have actually met the General. He prefers to give commands via comms, and only appears in person when a matter requires it.”

He leans in.

”Some say he’s a colonist who helped design the Manticore power armor. Others say he’s ex-Corpus, a merchant who cleared out a Grineer outpost in revenge and caught the Commander’s eye.”

Nak lowers his voice.

”There are even some that say he’s a Tenno.” He says. “The only one to hold an actual rank within Meridian.”

By now four of the Heavy lancers are out of their pods, and each is moving to help their brethren.

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26 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

“I suspect we will meet in due time, and that question will be answered fully.” Darrin says. “For now let it suffice to say that I am Meridian by choice, not by birth or defect. Now there are other matters that require my attention.”

The channel closes.

”I made that observation as well.” Nak says. “Very few have actually met the General. He prefers to give commands via comms, and only appears in person when a matter requires it.”

He leans in.

”Some say he’s a colonist who helped design the Manticore power armor. Others say he’s ex-Corpus, a merchant who cleared out a Grineer outpost in revenge and caught the Commander’s eye.”

Nak lowers his voice.

”There are even some that say he’s a Tenno.” He says. “The only one to hold an actual rank within Meridian.”

By now four of the Heavy lancers are out of their pods, and each is moving to help their brethren.

Ha'ruk thought for a moment. "Even Tengus and Tyl Regor, two of the most intelligent Grineer in the empire, had that hint of the roughness when they spoke. This General had none of that. Anyone of those theories could be true but one thing is certain, he certainly is not Grineer."

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23 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk thought for a moment. "Even Tengus and Tyl Regor, two of the most intelligent Grineer in the empire, had that hint of the roughness when they spoke. This General had none of that. Anyone of those theories could be true but one thing is certain, he certainly is not Grineer."

“Agreed.”  Nak says. “Well, let’s greet the new troops shall we.”

The forcefield deactivates and Nak steps forward.


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2 hours ago, Rakawan said:

“All communications in or a out are monitored.” Luc says. “We have a careful system of vetting to weed out potential spies. Those who pass at kept under close supervision. General Molv handles the integration. He was one of the first defectors alongside Cressa Tal. He knows what to look for. There are other methods we have but they are classified. To shorten a long story we are aware of the danger and are taking steps to prevent it.”

Holden thought of the Grineer prisoner that he had tortured to get information from not 24 hours ago. Surely the Steel Meridian wasn't as... effective as that.

Holden followed the General past the guards.

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21 minutes ago, DeathInDesguise456 said:

Ha'ruk stood closely being Nak, but kept his distance in case things got ugly

The Heavy Lancers stand at attention, now fully outfitted.

”Sir!” They day at once, saluting you and Nak.”

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27 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Holden thought of the Grineer prisoner that he had tortured to get information from not 24 hours ago. Surely the Steel Meridian wasn't as... effective as that.

Holden followed the General past the guards.

The door beyond leads to a lift.

”What would you like to see first?” Luc asks.

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5 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Heavy Lancers stand at attention, now fully outfitted.

”Sir!” They day at once, saluting you and Nak.”

Ha'ruk loooked at Nak and then to the soliders, not knowing if he should say something. "Um, at ease men."

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