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Riven Cap feedback/critique


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I still don't know if it's a feedback or if it's a critique most likely 50 50. So I will start from the start. 

I basically reached riven cap that's 90. 2 duplicate in those 90 slots. All different all wanted. Therefore I created my second account just for holding rivens. But then remembered there might be some rules and was thinking is it bad or is it not. I don't know what DE was is thinking when making cap on riven mods. Yea I reached cap by purchasing space, now what. Have to make alt account to buy more places right? Plat transfer restricted, mods, parts restricted. Ok so I'm dedicated to go from the start and farm everything else to exchange for plat. Because probably "no one" gonna pay for riven slots in real cash on alt account. You paying only on one account in cash, this is how game world works, there is how you holding one P2W and another F2P accounts. Can't see more than 1/100k man who have P2W on two accounts. So okay I decided to grind plat on alt account and buy riven slots, but then I remembered that you can't trade "mods" from main to alt and other way then what? If you have reached max cap on main and on alt but you can't trade between them this is a problem, when you don't wanna let go not even one non duplicated riven. I can't see clearly what's the point they thought. Okay you buy plat for real cash just to buy rivens from trade chat, but you don't have space for them, btw you can't trade with your alt, then what to do? Oh you say sell it for credit/endo for place and then again pay cash to buy plat then buy same mod you sold and so on. Nope, No THANKS.

I'm veteran and also love to get hold of stuff that I don't have, I can call me self as collector. Never had an alt account never needed, but still created like 3 days ago just for specific reason "RIVENS" slots.

DE basically says you can't be collector you can't have everything and there is where my game fun dies, no collecting no fun. Grind for plat to get some slots, to buy some rivens, oh wait you can't because there is no space increasement.

I was thinking about breaking that one rule: no mods transfer to alt account. But how do you describe rivens and how to get hold of all the weapons in game? Don't bring this "rebuy" stuff in here, not needed, not gonna happen. It's basically says buy, then sell and rebuy again if needed.

Okay so I decided to break that rule and reached cap on my alt account so 90 and 90, got 180. So I need to make two more accounts to get hold of 300+ different weapons. Now imagine how much time I'm gonna take, aham like 2 years. And also with a chance of getting ban on those for trading between them. BTW forgot to add that you can get around ban hammer by having 3rd party man as trader between accounts. Do I really need to do this just to trade between my main and alt...

Don't know where DE is going for, is it for money or is it for player base. Like 20% for Player and other for we all know what. 

I just could pay my cash for plat on main account and keep buying that riven slot forever or you just wanna wait like 2-3 years till I will be able maxed it out on 3 other accounts, then get banned for trading rivens. After that create new account for the same reason to break that rule, also it takes 0,5 year.

So do I need to break that rule or do you wanna increase that cap as many as weapons are? There is no point for you not to increase it, because I'm not spending any cash on any other accounts, just my main. Or do you prefer to wait years? 

You wanna fast gain in $ or slow, you decide DE.

With kind regards,

Moted, main player 4Life

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7 minutes ago, MotedLTU said:

I still don't know if it's a feedback or if it's a critique most likely 50 50. 

Isn't that the same thing though?

And yes, I really don't understand the caps on paid for slots, either. Not just for Rivens, also for loadouts.

They had this argument about database space, which was always bogus due to unlimited weapon slots and now fully went out of the window after quadrupling orbiter decoration space for everybody, for free.

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If 90 is possible so is 450. And we have about 450 weapons. 20p per slot is decent income for DE, whatever technological iasue might exist is solvable. (Speaking as a server developer myself).

They raised limit recently and they should continue to do so in the future.


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Well ,the server space thing has always been a bogus excuse to charge us for slots in the first place... It's not like storing four lines of text per riven is a big deal in today's data world.

As for the limit, I think it was done to force player to discard or trade away their rivens as they reach the cap. De probably don't want a handful of vets collecting hundreds of rivens, so the limitation makes them more special and forces player to keep those that "count" so to speak.

If there were no limit, people would never destroy their meh rivens , meaning the meh rivens would be worth even less than they are now. As for godly and good rivens, with the current system, vets will often end up selling some of them for a decent amount of plat to make room for other rivens for weapons you care more about. I'm guessing DE would rather have vets sell their 91th riven for 45-600 plat or something than having a sustainable 20 plat for the slot after that.

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On 16-1-2018 at 2:19 AM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

Well ,the server space thing has always been a bogus excuse to charge us for slots in the first place... It's not like storing four lines of text per riven is a big deal in today's data world.

As for the limit, I think it was done to force player to discard or trade away their rivens as they reach the cap. De probably don't want a handful of vets collecting hundreds of rivens, so the limitation makes them more special and forces player to keep those that "count" so to speak.

If there were no limit, people would never destroy their meh rivens , meaning the meh rivens would be worth even less than they are now. As for godly and good rivens, with the current system, vets will often end up selling some of them for a decent amount of plat to make room for other rivens for weapons you care more about. I'm guessing DE would rather have vets sell their 91th riven for 45-600 plat or something than having a sustainable 20 plat for the slot after that.

I think that by forcing vets to sell their good rivens, there are more good rivens being sold, meaning prices of rivens will drop because more rivens are being traded in total

if vets were to be able to keep their rivens, they might actually end up holding 2-3 duplicate rivens, meaning less rivens are in circulation and the prices would go up

I would be inclined to buy more rivens as well(im on 90/90 too and at the moment dont want to get myself duplicate rivens because of the space), the more people buy the more scarse the product becomes, the higher the prices

I think DE should realize that by having this cap, the prices of rivens go down and less plats are needed to buy the better rivens

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